Can I still lose weight.........

SeminoleFan30 Posts: 64
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
even if I can't exercise? Not that I don't want to exercise, I can't right now due to Arthritis in my knees. I am in so much pain that I can't hardly even walk down my front steps. I have an appointment with an orthopedic doctor on May 12th. I love to walk and I went walking last Saturday and over did it, then I couldn't even go to church on Sunday. Does anyone know some low impact exercises that won't hurt my knees? Any advice anyone can give will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!!!!!!


  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    It's set up to help you lose weight even without exercise. You might get some small weights and work your arms though. You could even do the arm motions in a work out dvd. Can you swim at all? Swimming in a heated pool might actually help your arthritis.
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    Losing weight is primarily about watching your calorie intake, not exercise. I am not knocking the benefits of exercise at all, but it's a lot easier to watch what we eat than to burn off excess calories. So yes, you can lose weight without exercising, but I like kwardklinck's suggestion to try swimming.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I have arthritis in my knees as weel. The doctor suggested swimming, aquafit classes, exercise bike or elliptical.

    These are all low impact. If worse comes to worse, try a hand bike. You can still lift weights with your upper body and work your abs too.
  • fearlessfatty
    fearlessfatty Posts: 206 Member
    what kind of arthritis? osteo (bone on bone) or rheumatoid (an autoimmune disease)? for most joint disorders aquatic exercise is best, as it eliminates the stress on bones from hard surfaces. i am 28 and have really enjoyed the aquafit program at my loval ymca. it has quite a few people in their 60's but we all need to stay fit or improve our health without the pain caused by "regular" exercises.

    good luck (and we women lose calcium like crazy and have a hard time holding onto it to begin with, especially after 30, so Vitamin D and calcium supplements can't hurt but doublecheck with your doctor just to make sure it won't contraindicate something else you may be taking or have going on with your body)
  • It's set up to help you lose weight even without exercise. You might get some small weights and work your arms though. You could even do the arm motions in a work out dvd. Can you swim at all? Swimming in a heated pool might actually help your arthritis.

    can't swim but I have some hand weights.
  • mrjay40
    mrjay40 Posts: 1
    The Physical Therapists recommend finding an Aquacise program. Very low impact on the joints.

    I had knee problems early on. The Orthopedist said my knee joints were fine, but the muscles had shortened forcing the joint together causing the arthritis. 6 weeks with a PT and my knees feel better than they have in twenty years.

    Hope yours is as simple.
  • what kind of arthritis? osteo (bone on bone) or rheumatoid (an autoimmune disease)? for most joint disorders aquatic exercise is best, as it eliminates the stress on bones from hard surfaces. i am 28 and have really enjoyed the aquafit program at my loval ymca. it has quite a few people in their 60's but we all need to stay fit or improve our health without the pain caused by "regular" exercises.

    good luck (and we women lose calcium like crazy and have a hard time holding onto it to begin with, especially after 30, so Vitamin D and calcium supplements can't hurt but doublecheck with your doctor just to make sure it won't contraindicate something else you may be taking or have going on with your body)

    not sure what kind of arthritis yet, I just had a MRI on my knee a couple of weeks ago and they said that I have arthritis but didn't say which one. I guess I will find out when I go on may 12th. I love in a very small town so we don't have a ymca here. I wish we did.
  • The Physical Therapists recommend finding an Aquacise program. Very low impact on the joints.

    I had knee problems early on. The Orthopedist said my knee joints were fine, but the muscles had shortened forcing the joint together causing the arthritis. 6 weeks with a PT and my knees feel better than they have in twenty years.

    Hope yours is as simple.

    me too.
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    I was also thinking that swimming or a water walking/aerobics class would be a fantastic idea.

    But yes, it is possible to lose weight without exercising - you just have to REALLY watch your calories and make sure you get all the nutrition you need with the lesser amount of calories.
  • I was also thinking that swimming or a water walking/aerobics class would be a fantastic idea.

    But yes, it is possible to lose weight without exercising - you just have to REALLY watch your calories and make sure you get all the nutrition you need with the lesser amount of calories.

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    There are also workouts that can be done from a seated position. Here are a few:

    Do a search on seated or chair exercises--there are a lot of resources out there! Good luck!
  • There are also workouts that can be done from a seated position. Here are a few:

    Do a search on seated or chair exercises--there are a lot of resources out there! Good luck!

    thanks so much for the links. I will defintley check them out!!!!
  • I have a very over weight woman in my chair and it is very hard for her to workout because of it, she will sit in a chair and do arm weights or elliptical because it is easier on the joints then walking or jogging and the elliptical can really burn calories, but it is all about the calories and portions. So just watch what you eat and do what you can, mowing the lawn with a push mower rather than a slef perpelled can burn almost 500 calories in an hour:) Good luck
  • I have a very over weight woman in my chair and it is very hard for her to workout because of it, she will sit in a chair and do arm weights or elliptical because it is easier on the joints then walking or jogging and the elliptical can really burn calories, but it is all about the calories and portions. So just watch what you eat and do what you can, mowing the lawn with a push mower rather than a slef perpelled can burn almost 500 calories in an hour:) Good luck

    thank you so much!!
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