Fitness Schedule tips & help please!

I have checked into joining a gym and the only options I have where I live are too expensive! (currently unemployed so anything over $30/month I can not afford. I've asked both gym managers in my area for a discount and neither will go below $40/month)
My hope was to be able to have a personal trainer to help steer me in the right direction, but until I find a job, this isn't going to happen.

So, I was hoping for some advice on here. I am significantly overweight. I have been eating clean and for exercise I have been walking 20mins 2x/day for 2 1/2 months. I also climb the stairs at my apt complex for 25mins 3X/week. I have free weights and do light strength training 3X/week.

I'd like to step it up... work on toning and strength training and add in more cardio but am unsure of how much or what I should be doing. Luckily my brother is moving & giving me his elliptical machine at the weekend!

In your experience, what is a good way to plan workouts? do you focus on legs, arms, etc on different days? Thanks in advance for any tips!


  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,638 Member
    I try to workout 6x a week. I do c25k (an app on my phone that trains you for a 5k, its really good you should look it up!) and I do exercise dvds like Jillian Michael's Extreme Shed and Shred (I've also done 30 day shred and ripped in 30 and I want to do Insanity and P90X). I also take a Zumba class that is $5 for a 1 hour class once a week. Sometimes instead of the dvds I do calisthenics (just my own routine of things like push ups, sit ups etc). Here is what my week looks like:

    Monday DVD
    Tuesday c25k
    Wednesday DVD
    Thursday rest
    Friday c25k
    Saturday Zumba
    Sunday c25k

    The Jillian Michaels dvds are cheap (around $10) and the app was only like $1.25. I don't have $ to join a gym either especially when its much more convenient to work out at home.
  • AliceRabbit13
    AliceRabbit13 Posts: 138 Member
    I understand the YMCA is a great, low cost gym. For work out ideas, Pinterest has several great links to workouts, might want to check those out. Also, switcing it up is a great way to lose weight - don't let your body get used to a routine, as it becomes more 'efficient' the more you do something.

    Hope that helps!
  • roadtripper23
    Pinterest does have good idea's. I've lost 60 lbs and I don't go to the gym. I get up every morning at 4:30am and walk to the other side of my bedroom (free) I have a pilate ball, a pilate band bar and some DVD's and some hand weights. That's it, about $40 worth of stuff. I workout for about 40 minutes each morning. I also do some major walking during the week, usually about 4 days, 2-6 miles at a time (also free). You do not need to spend money to get into shape. I also got my DVD's off of ebay. Yes I am a bit cheap. I know you can do it, even with a limited amount of money.
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    Agreed. If you have Comcast there are some free workouts on demand that aren't too bad. Using your own body weight works for strength, walking/jogging/jumping rope for Cardio.

    I do own a bunch of different equipment but, you don't need all of it. The elliptical will be great for you. :)
  • c_mac2009
    c_mac2009 Posts: 14 Member
    I know Jillian Michael's 30 day shred is on Youtube and so are some other videos
  • eileenchristine
    eileenchristine Posts: 228 Member
    YOUTUBE! Has a zillion hours of exercise video. I am using Leslie Sansome and Tiffany Roth ones. Not in shape enough for Jillian Michaels, Did 10 min of her and then she went into these explosive jumps.... Yeah right. I have purchased some dumbbells and a mat. Got the zumba dvd set from Amazon for $60 but haven't used it much... yet. Have only started working out about a month now so still new. But my weight loss seems more steady since I have been working out.

    You do have to push yourself more when its just the tv and you. No one on the next treadmill over to compete against. But at least I have no excuses, just go down to the TV room and do it. Don't have to change out of my jammies even! Every 2 or 3 days I do ab work and yoga or pilates. Been a good arrangement for me.