Help...stuck in a Running Rut!

Help! I'm stuck in a workout rut.

I know I need to mix up my workouts to meet my fitness goals of lifting my butt, flattening my abs, building strength in my arms, etc., but I'm having a hard time "letting go" of what seems to be the best way to burn the most calories in the least amount of time. According to my treadmill (I know it's not totally accurate, but it's all I've got), I burn about 500-600 calories running my interval/incline program for an hour.

I need to stick to 40-60 minutes on weekdays and maybe 75 minutes on weekends.

I have treadmill, home weight machine, hand weights,Wii Fit, lots of DVDs: Brazil Butt lift, Tae Bo, Jillian's 30 Day Shred & Ripped in 30, and many more, and am even willing to purchase other programs if needed.

Any ideas for how to mix it up, work toward my goals, stick to my time limits, and still get a comparable calorie burn?


  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    any ideas?
  • junaidajacobsen
    Hi! I love running too and find it the most relaxing and easiest to do as i get to enjoy the outdoors / watch my TV programs while on the treadmill or jsut listen to my playlist. lately, I've been doing pilates and yoga to build some ''definition" to my body - its fun and it actually helps me run better - i am a full time mom (with kids in full time school - lucky me!) so i d get to go to yoga/pilates classes but if you are strapped for time, download some good pilates apps that does help you burn calories!

    another suggestion - i got a NikeFuelband for xmas and it helped me stay active and keep me on track with my calorie count, steps taken etc - check that out too!

    good luck!:smile:
  • Kempossible
    Kempossible Posts: 158 Member
    I am currently doing INSANITY! The first month you burn approx 300-500 calories in 45 minutes. The Second Month you burn approx. 700-800 calories in an hour. When I do run, I can tell that I can run longer without getting out of breath or getting tired. Tonight I did a quick mile run and I noticed that I was singing out loud the entire while running. That says alot about how INSANITY can increase your endurance. Ive also done 30 Day Shred in the past. I think it's good for your body and your metabolism to switch things up a bit. Good Luck to You !
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I think you need to stop looking at the workouts in terms of highest calorie burn. The lifting, flattening, building of your butt, abs & muscles you're looking for will come from the strength training, and while it doesn't burn as many calories during a workout as an hour long run will, the results will still be worth it.

    I run 3 days a week, and do about 30 minutes of weights (Nike training Club app workouts with my 8-120lb dumbbells is what I've got at the moment), followed by a quick 20 minutes of kickboxing the other 3 days, and I take one rest day. My average run is 3-5 miles and gives me a 375-500 calorie burn according to my HRM. On my strength days, I burn about 350.

    But the strength days are what's giving me the look I want, and while the burn may not be as high as a long run, most of what I've read talks about the prolonged calorie burn you get from strength training long after the HRM is turned off and put away. I eat well, with a goal to hit 1800 calories a day, which is my TDEE minus 15% (I'm nearly at goal weight and more focused on lowering body fat percentage). So I aim for 1800 daily, with good protein, especially on strength days. Today I've got a bigger deficit because of an unusually long run (felt good and went for 7 miles for the first time!), so I will eat more to make sure I at least net my BMR.

    This topic is super helpful for setting up your calorie goals this way:

    Anyway - sounds like you've got lots of choices for whatever strength training you want to do - mix it up, but go for it! Do the run 3 days a week, but give the other 3 to strength. :bigsmile:
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    And just wanted to add - I did not get these arms from just running! :bigsmile:
  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    Thanks for the input.

    I have to admit that I am addicted to the Insanity & Tapout infomercials; however, I'm not sure whether I'm brave/fit/"insane" enough to actually try them. I would love to combine cardio and strength for a most efficient use of my limited workout time.

    I do like the idea of alternating days, so maybe I can do an 8 minute TaeBo or something to warm up on strength days and skip the run altoghether.

    Over the weekend, I mixed it up a little by shortening my run and adding some strength training, abs, and a little TaeBo. Today, I did one of the Brazil Butt Lift DVDs and just a 2 mile run for a total of 55 minutes. Didn't burn as many calories, but I eat lighter during the workweek, so it should work out.

    Any additional thoughts on how to get the perfect balance in only 1 hour per day would be most appreciated.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    My strength days and most run days are under an hour. 30 minutes of strength, followed by the 20 minutes of kickboxing (or fast walking with my dogs, depends on the day), OR a 3-5 mile run, an hour tops either way.
  • workout_junkee
    workout_junkee Posts: 473 Member
    I would suggest more strength training. Insanity, Jillian Michaels Body Revolution, Chalean Extreme and New Rules of Lifting flr Women are all great.
  • drgndancer
    drgndancer Posts: 426 Member
    For most people (unless you plan on body building) 3-4 days a week of strength training is enough. You can also combine strength training and running on the same day. So for instance you could strength train Mon-Weds-Sat and since you've got a bit more time on Saturday run also. Then run on Tues, Thurs, Sun and take Friday off completely. You're only "double dipping" once. This is basically what I do, except I run Weds too, and double dip twice a week. I have time for that though, no reason to starve yourself of time when you can strength train 3 days and run 4 with only one overlap day.
  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    I would suggest more strength training. Insanity, Jillian Michaels Body Revolution, Chalean Extreme and New Rules of Lifting flr Women are all great.

    Thanks...have you tried Insanity? I keep thinking it would be the perfect Strength Training/Cardio mix, but honestly, I am intimidated.
  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    For most people (unless you plan on body building) 3-4 days a week of strength training is enough. You can also combine strength training and running on the same day. So for instance you could strength train Mon-Weds-Sat and since you've got a bit more time on Saturday run also. Then run on Tues, Thurs, Sun and take Friday off completely. You're only "double dipping" once. This is basically what I do, except I run Weds too, and double dip twice a week. I have time for that though, no reason to starve yourself of time when you can strength train 3 days and run 4 with only one overlap day.

    Thank you! I am definitely not planning to body build...just tighten and lift. Funny how losing weight at 40 something did NOT bring back the 20 something body I expected! :sad: So, now, I have to work for it. I really like the idea of alternating 3 & 3 with a day off. If I happen to take 2 days off, then I can definitely double dip on the weekend.
  • workout_junkee
    workout_junkee Posts: 473 Member
    I have done it. I love the abity to get strength and cardio done at the same time. It is toug butt doable. I fijished a yeat ago and still kix in a workout here and there.
  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    I am a runner and all out cardio person. I am going to shake things up by lifting heavy, with 'New Rules of Lifting for Women'. I am hoping to see some major changes! Anything different is good for your body. It gets used to things so quickly.
  • crobl
    crobl Posts: 380
    I would suggest more strength training. Insanity, Jillian Michaels Body Revolution, Chalean Extreme and New Rules of Lifting flr Women are all great.

    Thanks...have you tried Insanity? I keep thinking it would be the perfect Strength Training/Cardio mix, but honestly, I am intimidated.

    Don't be intimidated by it! Yes, some of the people on the video's are in crazy good shape, but the best part about the Insanity videos is that they are only as difficult as you push yourself! For example, one of the videos has you doing power squats for about 30 second interval - I could to 8 of these in 30 seconds and never break a sweat. OR I can do as many as I can and kick my own butt. Clearly... I choose to be insane and kick my own butt!
  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    I would suggest more strength training. Insanity, Jillian Michaels Body Revolution, Chalean Extreme and New Rules of Lifting flr Women are all great.

    Thanks...have you tried Insanity? I keep thinking it would be the perfect Strength Training/Cardio mix, but honestly, I am intimidated.

    Don't be intimidated by it! Yes, some of the people on the video's are in crazy good shape, but the best part about the Insanity videos is that they are only as difficult as you push yourself! For example, one of the videos has you doing power squats for about 30 second interval - I could to 8 of these in 30 seconds and never break a sweat. OR I can do as many as I can and kick my own butt. Clearly... I choose to be insane and kick my own butt!

    That's great! I like that you can set your own intensity without getting lost. I certainly set the treadmill program to kick mine, and then amp it up from there most days. But, there are those days when for whatever reason, my energy is low, so I'll go for lower intensity vs. skipping my workout. Any issues with knees? I tend to modify anything with jumping lunges to ensure proper form rather than risk injury, but I'm good with burpees, mountain climbers, leap frogs, etc. I just don't want to spend the $'s only to find I'm trying to modify too much to get a good workout, but I guess that's what the guarantee is for! :)
  • crobl
    crobl Posts: 380
    I would suggest more strength training. Insanity, Jillian Michaels Body Revolution, Chalean Extreme and New Rules of Lifting flr Women are all great.

    Thanks...have you tried Insanity? I keep thinking it would be the perfect Strength Training/Cardio mix, but honestly, I am intimidated.

    Don't be intimidated by it! Yes, some of the people on the video's are in crazy good shape, but the best part about the Insanity videos is that they are only as difficult as you push yourself! For example, one of the videos has you doing power squats for about 30 second interval - I could to 8 of these in 30 seconds and never break a sweat. OR I can do as many as I can and kick my own butt. Clearly... I choose to be insane and kick my own butt!

    That's great! I like that you can set your own intensity without getting lost. I certainly set the treadmill program to kick mine, and then amp it up from there most days. But, there are those days when for whatever reason, my energy is low, so I'll go for lower intensity vs. skipping my workout. Any issues with knees? I tend to modify anything with jumping lunges to ensure proper form rather than risk injury, but I'm good with burpees, mountain climbers, leap frogs, etc. I just don't want to spend the $'s only to find I'm trying to modify too much to get a good workout, but I guess that's what the guarantee is for! :)

    Without knowing exactly what you would need - I honestly don't think too much would need to be modified. As far as jumping - probably the worst things are the power jumps. You can probably poke around on youtube to get a pretty good idea of what type of exercises there are, but even on the videos he emphasizes not letting speed compromise form!
  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    Thanks...I've seen the power jumps on the infomercial, and even tried them out. They are tough, but they're fine. You've convinced me to try Insanity. I'm even going to try a You Tube video version for tomorrow's workout (since today was a run) while I wait for mine to arrive.

    Thanks again for all of the feedback. I'm re-energized and more motivated knowing I have new workouts to look forward to each day.
  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    Thanks to all who provided input! I mixed it up today with Insanity 20 minute fat burn, and Jillian Michaels 6 pack in 6 weeks, plus some arm exercises on the weight machine mixed in with just a one mile run (.25 mi run/1 set arms/.5 mi run/1 set arms/.25 run) to keep the burn going, and I feel great. It was fun, very challenging (I know I'll be feeling it tomorrow), and energizing. Tomorrow, I can "recover" with a more familiar run, then kick it up with a full 45 minute Insanity video or Jillian's Blast Fat/Boost Metabolism on Friday.

    Again..thanks for the support. I am digging out of my rut!! :happy:
  • crobl
    crobl Posts: 380
    Thanks to all who provided input! I mixed it up today with Insanity 20 minute fat burn, and Jillian Michaels 6 pack in 6 weeks, plus some arm exercises on the weight machine mixed in with just a one mile run (.25 mi run/1 set arms/.5 mi run/1 set arms/.25 run) to keep the burn going, and I feel great. It was fun, very challenging (I know I'll be feeling it tomorrow), and energizing. Tomorrow, I can "recover" with a more familiar run, then kick it up with a full 45 minute Insanity video or Jillian's Blast Fat/Boost Metabolism on Friday.

    Again..thanks for the support. I am digging out of my rut!! :happy:

    Way to go!!!
  • librarygirlontherun
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