Depressed. Having a pity party... :(

I've lost 54 lbs in 9 1/2 months, but when I look at the charts I'm still overweight. Some days I feel like I've done so good then, I see my pics. I'm not as fat as I once was. I haven't weighed 144 lbs since I was 18 yrs old, but it's not enough by todays standards. At 5'2 and a half I should weigh a lot less. People say I've done so well, but I feel like this journey is taking so long. Still hitting the gym at least 3 times a week & eating health as much as possible. I'm guilty of stress eating at the office or if the kids have been bad that day. I've recently stopped drinking alcohol and any dark sodas due to kidney problems so, that has seemed to speed up the process. I just need some motivation. I wonder if this mom of 2 kids gut will ever go away....Thoughts?


  • Davy_RockHit214
    Davy_RockHit214 Posts: 60 Member
    bummer. my thoughts... since you asked. Pity party's are only helpful for a very short amount of time until they turn into self-sabatoge. Maybe look for some short term goals and see where that gets ya
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    This is how I feel. EF THE CHARTS! Look in the mirror, are you happy? Do you feel healthy? Are you confident about your body? My own personal answers are "no" in regards to my own body and that is why I am here. I needed a lifestyle change, not a diet. If you are in the same boat and wanted to change your lifestyle, you have to be ok with the fact the healthy eating is the new you. You cant ever go back to junk food dinners if you want to keep your life clean and healthy. It is a bummer sometimes but in the end, when you are not all sick and tierd and unhealthy for your one day grandkinds, you will appreciate the effort you put into your health. You CAN do this. So far yo uhave done really amazing! Stick with it, dont get down. You are making a downpayment on your future :) Best wishes.
  • lisadiane41
    As a mother of two it does get better. I always say take one day at a time. If you are stressed do something at least one day a week for yourself without the kids. Do not feel guilty and stress eat. I look for something you enjoy and do it just for you. Kids will always stress you out so when they do. Take a deep breathe and than deal with it. And about the weight it will come. I wish you the best of luck.
  • AimeeBaumgartner
    AimeeBaumgartner Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks to you all. I just need to get over it, but I'm having a moment. I appreciate the words of wisdom! :smile: :smile:
  • Fat_Bottomed_Girl
    Fat_Bottomed_Girl Posts: 354 Member
    I'm not a mom, but have gotten overwhelmed by the long journey ahead of me. I decided to just take it 10 lbs at a time and then enjoy my victory (eat at maintenance) until the next month starts. Looking back, you can see how far you have come. Focus on that and give yourself a little break when you need it the most. And remember, you are loved by the people that truly love you, no matter WHAT you weigh.
  • Hazel2005
    Hazel2005 Posts: 175 Member
    Pity Party? You should be celebrating! You have lost more than a pound a week - do you know how many people here would love to be able to say they only lost that much?!!!! Give your head a shake and a big pat on the back! Kudos!:flowerforyou:
  • sophieclarev
    You have done so well. It's up to you if you want to continue to lose or just maintain. You don't have to make that decision now, ride out the negative and DON'T SLIDE BACK!!!

    You have worked to get where you are and should be proud of it.
  • thescrumisfun
    54 pounds in 9 1/2 months?! Holy shabonga :drinker: That's awesome. Keep up the great work!! Don't necessarily measure yourself by a chart, either. You're worth so much more than that!
  • mumof5
    mumof5 Posts: 328 Member
    i had a pity party yesterday, wish i'd have known you were throwing one we could have joined and saved!!!

    get up. move on. you had a bad day, week, so think of tomorrow not yesterday. You can do this, but you have to want it. you have to want it more then the cookie, or ice cream or what ever it is that is the devil to you. so the kids are having a bad day. You will too if you put that chocolate in your mouth. it will make you feel better for what..5 minutes?? then tomorrow when the kids are back on track you will be having a pity party in the pantry because of the chocolate that apparently made you feel better yesterday. stick positive chants all around the house, the spots you hide in when the going gets tough. before you put that cookie in your mouth do a plank. make sure its at least 10 seconds longer then the last one. how many times in a day can you do that?

    time and persistence, patience and hard work, clean eating and positive thoughts will conquer all.

    best of luck on your journey :)
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Keep going! You've already shown you can do it. Yes, it will take time. And there will be bad days. You have my sympathies as you go through a hard time.

    But you have basically three choices... accept where you are and stay there, take a deep breath or two and keep improving (which may also reduce the load on your kidneys), or give up and gain the weight back as well as risking many health problems.

    Do something nice for yourself -- put on some of your favorite music, take a bubble bath, read something you enjoy, treat yourself to a massage, manicure, etc. If you haven't already, sit down and write why you're doing this (it can be on paper, your diary, your profile here or wherever you like). Then write all the good things you've experienced so far -- looking better already, probably more energy? complements from? able to do more with your children? able to fit into older or more stylish clothes?

    Then set a small goal, one you can reach quickly and move on!
  • jeffsweightloss
    jeffsweightloss Posts: 314 Member
    hello everyone. 54 lbs is awesome. you should be very proud of yourself. you've done a wonderful job so far and at 9 1/2've made a big lifestyle change. don't be so hard on yourself. you deserve praise for your accomplishments. feel proud! it'll just takes time. keep up the great've came this far. your finish line is around the corner. you may not see it yet...but it's there. you must be happy with yourself at all times. even on the bad days b/c we all have them. your success so far speaks volumes about how far you've came. don't lose sight of your wishes and goals.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Thanks to you all. I just need to get over it, but I'm having a moment. I appreciate the words of wisdom! :smile: :smile:

    Yes, it is a process. It did not get on us overnight... It does not leave overnight either. Just keep plugging away and keep working at achieving what you want to achieve. If you are doing any lifting, don't depend on the scale... it will lie to you. Appreciate the journey and you will make it.
  • sofiawantstolose
    sofiawantstolose Posts: 46 Member
    Rememeber this is a long journey, and the destination is not weightloss, It's a healthier way of life to help you keep up with the body that will come in the way.
    If you feel you're having a breakdown, It's normal. Everyone has moments in which you feel it's not worth it. But you have to remember that it takes time and effort, and the hard work pays off. You just need to keep motivated!! Other people can do it, otrer people have done ir, and definetly, YOU CAN DO IT.
    Set some short term goals, look at your progress and don't forget those magic four words: YOU CAN DO IT. We all can do it, we just need to have the courage to try it.
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    First, Congratulations. You have done a great job! Second, when any of us have a large amount of weight to lose and are doing it slowly we are going to go through times like this. I expect I'll have a major meltdown by summertime because I just had a minor one this past week and I've only changed my lifestyle in the last 2month. It's normal and I think sometimes needed. And lastly, you need to stop worrying about a number on a scale and look in the mirror. I too am 5'2" and my first goal is where you are at now. I'm not concerned about what the scale says but how I feel when I look in the mirror. I too haven't been that size since my late teens so if I feel good at that size then I'll stop even though "technically" we are still overweight at that weight. If you feel good at your current weight don't worry about all the charts, if not then just have your moment right now and get back into the swing of things when it passes. Friend me if you'd like a friend with the same stats and goals.
  • hannahcall2
    hannahcall2 Posts: 175 Member
    This journey is your life. You're in it for the long haul. You will get ther eventually