So ready to get my life together!


I just joined up (again) this week. I've used MFP before but never really gave it my all and didn't stick with it. But I'm truly ready and so motivated this time to get healthy and stay that way for good! I have a lot motivating me...I have 3 young boys who I would love to be more active for, a husband that fully supports me in every way and I'm ready to get back to working shape again!

I've been plus size most of my life and it only got worse when I stopped working to stay home with my littlest and because I had developed herniated discs in my back as well as bursitis in my hips. He is 6 now and I ready to get this weight off of me and hopefully start working again in the fall when he will be in school full time.

Looking forward to meeting more people whether it be for friendship, help, advice, support or encouragement. :)


  • 1KiwiChick
    1KiwiChick Posts: 479 Member
    Hi,welcome! good luck on your journey you will find life and exercise so much easier with every pound you loss! feel free to add me . Suzi
  • Ty suzi73. I've been so good all week and have been active everyday, so I'm really looking forward to my weigh in tomorrow morning to hopefully motivate me some more! lol :)
  • 1KiwiChick
    1KiwiChick Posts: 479 Member
    Well done great start! remember to also take your measurements once a month as sometimes you wont loss, even gain a little but you may have lost inches!
  • Hi, Please feel free to add me for support!
  • Oh great advice thanks! Almost forgot to do my measurements...will get to that tonight! :)
  • thanks for the request cheryl, I just added u too.
  • AnneHT
    AnneHT Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone, just thought I would introduce myself, Anne. I am new to this as of yesterday. I felt the need to really do something about my weight. On my own I have lost 13 kilograms and need to loose another 15. I found this app for my phone and it is making life so easy already. I turned 50 last year and decided it was time to really live life for myself not only my family. My children are nearly 17 and 22 so they do not really need me anymore. Totally supportive husband. It would be good to talk to other loike myself that have good days and bad days, and days where it is all just too hard to do. So here goes, time for my life to really start.
  • RoseDarrett
    RoseDarrett Posts: 355 Member
    I have 3 kids too.Two boys and a girl.You will find some great motivating and encouraging people on here.Good luck on your journey.Add me if you like :)

    It's a long road,but it's doable.You can do it!!
  • Please feel free to add me. I've only been on here just over a week and could also do with some encouragement
  • Thanks everyone. I lost 3lbs with my weigh in today and I was grinning from ear to I know I have a really really long way to go...but every little bit helps to keep me motivated! :)
  • Oh and I've added everyone here :)
  • AnneHT
    AnneHT Posts: 4 Member
    3lbs is great, hope I keep up with you. Could you please tell me how to add people!!!
  • 3lbs is great, hope I keep up with you. Could you please tell me how to add people!!!

    Not sure if you figured it out yet, but you can click on the persons name, when on their profile page click add friend. Welcome to MFP, this is my 11th day so far and still motivated! :)
  • gerrielips
    gerrielips Posts: 180 Member
    Welcome again to MFP. I'm taking the slow and steady route this time and find that MFP helps me have better control over portion sizes which has always been my downfall. I don't have your back and hip problems, but exercise is another thing that is very hard for me to fit in to my schedule...but your having 3 boys to care for is likely to make this NOT your problem! All the best to you in your quest. Be strong but go easy on yourself. Don't make this an all or nothing project.