stuck on weight

Hello all, I am new to myfitness pal, I really like the program, it is very easy to use. Any ideas on weight loss for someone that has tried everything but can't seem to budge the scale. This is what I have tried, personal trainer 2X week for 1 hour sessions, and off days I walk, do bike or eliptical machine 2X week. I have done Kettlebells 2X week for about 4 months. I have done detox, I thought maybe it was my colon or liver not working correctly. I eat about 1200 calories a day, I usually eat good 5 days a week with vegetables, fruit, salads, 2 servings of protein, no fried foods ever. On the weekends I may splurge and have potatoe with sour cream, 6oz of steak and a glass of wine etc but I make sure i get my excercise in. I can't move the scale at all, not even 1 lb, I have also had my thyroid checked and everything is working fine. I am 150 lbs and would really like to get to 130 lbs, any suggestions on moving this darn scale.


  • CoachNancy
    CoachNancy Posts: 5 Member
    Have you tried added some more calories? Raise your daily intake up to 1400-1500 a day. Try that for a week. Just make sure the calories are from lean protein and good carbs.
  • hamiltonba
    hamiltonba Posts: 474 Member
    I was in the same situation as you and had to cut out all "cheat" days. I also had to actually measure my food. It took about 2 weeks of doing this plus the exercise and then the pounds came off. I did this during "lent" to force me to do it and it worked. I lost 10 lbs. I didn't eat bad at all during the week, but the weekends, you would be surprised how the calories add up. I hate to say it but I think you are in denial about how much you actually eat.
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    You don't mention how tall you are, but 150 may be close to your healthy weight. Are you at a healthy BMI?
    Also, have you measured? Are your clothes fitting differently? You may be toning up and losing inches without the scale moving.
  • turtle080808
    Got the same problem!! You seem very active is that correct?? if you are then the problem may be that you are not eating enough! Starvation mode is a real thing!
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    you may not be eating enough. Sounds, dumb, but you need to keep your body steadily fueled on good things. Try eating 5 or 6 small meals a day with good carbs, fat and protein. I eat roughly 1200 calories and I'm fairly small. I have a feeling its not enough for someone of 150lbs. If you keep yourself from getting too hungry during the day, your metabolism will keep up with you. And smaller high quality meals will keep you full and happy where larger poor quality meals will have you hungry again later. Good luck!
  • SimonLondon
    SimonLondon Posts: 350
    I was stuck in a plateau for 5 weeks and for me it was eating MORE that kicked started the weight loss again. My body seems very good at adapting to routines so when I went home for Easter and threw out the routine for a few days it all started happening again.

    The closer you get to the goal the harder is becomes and plateaus are very common. Just stick with it!
  • sunshine525
    sunshine525 Posts: 18 Member
    What about water? Are you drinking enough?

  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Definitely check your goals again... if you're not sedentary, you probably shouldn't be on 1200. Do you move around a lot normally? Are you active? (Like someone else said, you may need to change your goals to increase your allowed calories for the day) Also, try adding some strength training. It may sound ridiculous but muscle burns fat so if you build some muscle, it helps you lose weight. Also, if you do strength training right before cardio, it maximizes what the cardio is doing.

    How do you figure out how much you're burning? Do you count all your exercise? Because you could be burning off way more than you're eating. Try getting as accurate of a calculation as you can...get a HRM monitor or use something that determines the calories based on weight AND height, possibly even age and sex. ( has one like this for some exercises you could look into - it's under Health & Fitness, then Calorie Count something or other)

    Definitely cut out cheat days. If you cheat on the weekends, that is not going to help you. I had to do that.
  • seveld
    seveld Posts: 2
    I so hear you girl! I am also in that scale-not-budging boat with you, and it's so not fun! I have actually been here for quiet a while. To further frustrate me, I upped my cardio thinking that would shock my fat cells into moving off....oh, but no! I went from working out four days, sometimes five for at least 1 1/2 hours per session, to still doing that, but walking for 30 min or more a day, and running 3 or 4 times per week for 30 minutes. I have just this week decided to cut out all sugar and artificail sweetners...whereas before I was mainly concerned with calories. That's what everyone says...burn more than you eat...but like you, I do...and a big fat nothing happened! I have just finished reading Eating Clean Diet Recharged, and am giving that a go. My husband thinks I do not eat enough...but after traking my intake today...It looks fine to me. My sugars are over, but only from fruit consuption. I had a banana in my protein shake, 1/4 C craisins in my salad at lunch--in place of dressing, and a few grapes for an afternoon snack. There is so much conflicting information out there...

    I just keep thinking, it will have to eventually come off. I don't think I can further reduce my caloric intake with my activity level without compromising my health...and I'm not willing to do that. Hope we can get there. :) Hang tough.