Coffee junkies? :)



  • WTF7
    WTF7 Posts: 140 Member
    I am a junkie too! I started adding a half scoop of my chocolate flavored protein shake and a little spend .... So YuMmY :)
  • WTF7
    WTF7 Posts: 140 Member
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    I am sorry to say that the only way I will drink my coffee is black. And it has to be so strong that a spoon will stand up in it! Yummy!
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    As long as it has caffeine in it I'll drink it! I've recently gone to macchiatos because they are cheaper as I'm lacking in money. I'm also not fussy about sugar/sweetener either. It all depends on how I feel at the time. I do tend to go for sugar when I'm out and sweetener when I get home. Not sure why :ohwell:
  • mapnerd2005
    Diet hot chocolate!!! It tastes just like a mocha, and you don't have to use very much. I drink two cups of coffee daily (ok, so really that's 2 giant mugs, but I make my coffee half-ledded by using half decaf/half regular) and only use one measured serving of hot chocolate. I suggest Swiss Miss sensible sweets (the 25 calories per serving one). I definitely love the benefits - it's warm, something to sip on that keeps me from being hungry, and is definitely a comfort beverage for me. And I also love that I don't spend $4.50 and 300 calories for a bought coffee every day!
  • TriciaAllen7251
    TriciaAllen7251 Posts: 283 Member
    Coffee, Coffee, Coffee. Love me some coffee. Coffee, Protein Shakes. Try Click Protein. I am drinking the Vanilla Latte right now. It's awesome! Gave up a lot but won't give up coffee or dark chocolate. Just drink/eat it in moderation.
  • Jackieallen4190
    I love coffee but now I only do 1 cup (nice size cup:laugh: ) and I add just a little creamer and splenda,
    And it has not affected my weightloss.
  • mapnerd2005
    By the way ... does anyone know why there is sugar in Lattes made with skimmed milk? Skimmed milk officially has zero sugar, coffee has zero sugar, and I'm pretty sure they don't add sugar to the drink when they make it ....

    How do you figure skim milk has ZERO sugar? It's fat free, not sugar free. One cup has 12 g. sugar, which is why on the low-carb diets you are supposed to use full-fat milk for cream instead.
  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
    I was a coffee freak. And then I read the "Skinny B!itch" book series, and tried chai-tea just how I would make my coffee, and I'll never go back.
  • bonnieellison96
    bonnieellison96 Posts: 50 Member
    I LOVE my coffee! I've cut WAY down, I was drinking 100 calories a cup and having 5-6 cups a day!!! :noway: Like you, I can't do black, so I use organic unprocessed sugar and almond milk and it's yummy! Now I'm down to about 75 calories a cup and one cup a day if that :happy:
  • SGT_Reg
    SGT_Reg Posts: 186 Member
    I take my caffeine in powder form, just add it to my BCAA's pre workout or in a glass of V8.

    500g of caffeine anhydrous for approx $15. that is 2500-200mg doses. 6 years worth?

    check them out-

    Although I do drink coffee (BLACK) when I eat breakfast at a restaraunt

    *no, this is not an advertisement
  • mwbulechek
    mwbulechek Posts: 162 Member
    I love the Skinny Lattes from Starbucks and the Northern lights Lattes at Caribou coffee! I could drink them daily but try not to!
  • devontie
    My wife started drinking her coffee black and I thought she was crazy. After I while I forced myself to just do it, now that is the only way I drink it. Black no sugar.
  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
    If you're looking for a stronger caffeine buzz with a hot drink, look no further then Yerba mate. It has like 8x more caffeine then coffee ever will, and it's a tea. So it won't kill you.

    I personally just don't drink it from a gourd like the traditional method. I do however, recommend this one at a fairly good price for a high qauility organic tea-

    And yes, you can sugar/cream it like a coffee and it tastes FANTASTIC. My roommate would add lemon to hers, and give it a whole new flavor twist on it. A lovely diverse little tea to appeal to your need for sweet, or zesty.

    I was cramming at least 16 oz on finals week with this **** to keep me going.
  • malcontent
    malcontent Posts: 13 Member
    Another coffee junkie here :D I must have my coffee in the morning, and what I do to spice it up is to use flavored coffee beans - hazelnut, vanilla, or such. You can also get them in grounded form. Then I add some whole milk, or some coconut milk - not a lot, just a teaspoon or so, to make it creamier. I never use sugar though, stoped using it a couple of years ago and I now can't stand sweet coffee anymore.
  • alexab1981
    alexab1981 Posts: 7 Member
    I can't do any artificial sweeteners, they give me the worst migraines I've ever had and I wish I could like black coffee but I can't bring myself to drink it without a half cup of sugar in there. I can't really say I'm a coffee junkie but I am a Starbucks junkie (I know there is a difference ;-)) Anyways what I've been doing is using their Via Packets (The Blonde ones) and adding 2 tablespoons 1% milk and one tablespoon of Hershey chocolate syrup. I've cut down my mocha calorie intake from 220 (tall non fat no whip) to about 75 calories and if I ever thought about how much money I'm saving I'm sure I'd be proud. I'm sure it doesn't help you but maybe someone else out there will like it. :-)
  • mathlete99
    mathlete99 Posts: 133 Member
    Coffee junkie here! I am drinking my evening cup while reading this thread, haha :) I use half and half or powdered Creamora. It makes me happy.
  • RobinC37
    RobinC37 Posts: 242 Member
    I love my coffee too, and my boyfriend got me a Keurig for Christmas!!! I normally drink mine with 1Tbsp. of half and half, and have one cup a day. But when I'm craving something more coffee-shop I make this:

    "You need either white peppermint bark or about 5 white chocolate chips and half of a small candy cane crushed up some. Simply break the candy up, distribute evenly around bottom of mug, and add one restaurant single serve cup of half and half (1 tbsp.) Pour coffee over mixture and stir well until the candy is melted!" (Just one of the many fun recipes on my blog!)

    This is about 75 calories and really smashes the occasional craving. Much much better than the too-sweet Starbucks version, and about a fifth of the calories!
  • ewalker160
    ewalker160 Posts: 24 Member
    I am having a hard time giving up my coffee and sweet and low. I've tried stevia but hate the taste. I've tried it black... Don't like! I think I am going to just have to try to limit to one cup a day... I usually drink two or three.
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    I work for Nespresso coffee and we have a bunch of recipes online: (scroll down and click all recipes)

    Just note that where it gives a list of ingredients as such as "2 capsules of xyz" this means 2 shots of espresso.

    i use nespresso. 2 capsules of whatever im having that day. milk up to the max line of my aerocino and 1.5 sugars.

    love it.