Joined last night and need more friends!

I am looking for motivation to lose my last twenty lbs...unfortunately, I have TONS of toning to do as well because I have had four kids and lets face it, gravity SUCKS! My diet will not always be perfect but I will log in my food to hold myself accountable for what I have eaten...I need SUPPORT not people tearing me down...I do that enough on my own..I will help ya'll as well stay focused and motivated! WE GOT THIS!! :)


  • Ansie13
    Ansie13 Posts: 86
    You can do it (:, add me if you want
  • sgtrowley
    sgtrowley Posts: 246 Member
    You can do it, Im trying to lose 20 as well + getting toned. Feel free to add me if you want! I log on regularly.
  • I just joined last night too!! We can do this!!!
  • tvl0308
    tvl0308 Posts: 96 Member
    You can added me if you like. On here every day and logging!! Whooo!!!
  • I like your attitude! I've been on here almost a week now. Support is everything! Add me!
  • Ms_Ash_Bash
    Ms_Ash_Bash Posts: 7 Member
    Just joined as well! I'm just going around adding people for extra motivation :) I hope you guys don't mind..
  • Feel free to add me Trying to get back to logging regularly. Helps SO much!
  • kuntry_navy
    kuntry_navy Posts: 677 Member
    you're welcome to add me, i log every calorie everyday
  • AleJ33
    AleJ33 Posts: 10
    y'all are AWESOME!!! Thanks!!!
  • mandyneedtolose
    mandyneedtolose Posts: 398 Member
    Hey there!! Welcome. You can do this. Hard work, dedication and motivation all combined will produce success!! I too am always looking for motivational and supportive friends. I try to be there for my pals on here as much as I can offering advice, or a kind word ! If you'd like feel free to add me !! :)
  • irapino65
    irapino65 Posts: 71 Member
    Welcome aboard!! You can add me. I struggle w/ this from time to time but I haven't given up.
  • bkratt4
    bkratt4 Posts: 3 Member
    I also am in your boat. 4 kids but with an age gap. My last two did a number on my body and I have lost some weight but am trying to lose the final 25 lbs and tone up. I would love to add you and anyone else please feel free to friend me.
  • Km0714
    Km0714 Posts: 62 Member
    add me if you'd like!! also looking to lose about twenty more pounds and get toned :)
  • ryang99
    ryang99 Posts: 42 Member
    Friend request sent.... In fact anybody can add me, I love to help and inspire people in achieveing their goals!!!
  • Easnic44
    Easnic44 Posts: 41 Member
    feel free to add me,,, any body looking for support motivation feel free to add me
  • elgray26
    elgray26 Posts: 212 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • SaraBrown12
    SaraBrown12 Posts: 277 Member
    I am almost half way to my goal. Had a total blow out day today but did loads of exercise to hopefully not gain come WI. All adds welcome. We can do this!!!
  • Add me. Also need supportive friends :)
  • mhk0719
    mhk0719 Posts: 255
    Welcome! Please feel free in adding me! :smile:
  • 1KiwiChick
    1KiwiChick Posts: 479 Member
    Those bloody wobbly bits!!!! my kids are really lucky i love them so much!!!! my trainer (had him for the last 4 weeks as after 97 pound loss toning is desparatley needed!!!) says POSTURE is the key and i think he might be right! standing straight bust out, shoulders back, bum and tummy tucked in tight (yes u feel a bit silly for a while) burns calories every second and believe me your muscles are sore by the end of the day without even working out!!! add exercise and your fast on your way to a sexy new you haha!!