Just joined

Hi, I just joined today. I've been reading some of the post. They are very helpful! I was very happy to find a site like this to help with counting calories and finding out how to measure my exercise. I've already told a friend and she has invited 2 more friends!! I can't wait to do my weigh in Monday and see how well I am progressing!!


  • debbecake
    debbecake Posts: 20 Member
    I've noticed a huge difference since using this site (if I do it regularly). It really helps to see the calorie totals. I am much more aware of what I eat when I have to account for it. It also motivates me to work out. I've been doing taebo which burns around 600 calories so even if I don't feel like doing it, I will becasue I want to enter it and see I burned that many calories. Stick with it and good luck!
  • shannon717717
    Hello,i just joined this site and started to count my calories today.I like this site,i never knew about this site or else i would have done this some time ago.I look forward to chating with others and learning new things.
  • Suzieqgirl
    Suzieqgirl Posts: 39 Member
    Hello everyone, I joined yesterday! So far I really like this place. The first day was real easy. I just have to remember to check food out before I eat it ,so I know if I am within my limits.
  • BrendaW1
    BrendaW1 Posts: 12
    Hi. I just joined to day. Good luck with your weight loss