Success! which exercise? Is Insanity too much?


I've lost 20 kg (45 pounds / 3 stone) since September last year, thanks to watching what I eat with MFP and daily cardio on my cross trainer.

I'd now like to get going with some more exercise to develop more tone, particularly around the stomach and arms.
I'm thinking I need to start on more 'strength' training (as opposed to just cardio).

I'm tempted to go for something like Insanity, but I'm concerned that I may need to work my way up to that.

Can anyone share any experience to help?


  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    I started insanity and was only able to run 2 miles and do about 7 consecutive push ups. I made it through all 63 days with no problems and felt like I could run for years and actually have some muscle definition in my abs arms and legs. I say go for it!!! You won't regret it. Just make it past the initial "what the hell is going on???" Shock and you're golden!!

    Good luck!!
  • Gmansmommie
    Gmansmommie Posts: 11 Member
    My husband and I used insanity for our workout instead of the gym. The convenience of home was great too. We decided to change it up and go back to the gym. We both agreed you get a better workout with insanity because Shaun T pushes harder than you will push yourself at the gym. We now just mix it in with our workouts a couple times a week.
    When you first start Insanity, just know its hard, you will be sore but the longer you do it, the stronger you become and it is less difficult. I've never thought it was a breeze even after doing it for months.
    Enjoy and best of luck:smile:smile:
  • SempiternalAmor
    SempiternalAmor Posts: 1 Member
    I've been horrible when it comes to working out lately (especially since I no longer have a gym membership or a horse to keep fit). So I've decided to dust off my Insanity DVDs and start that back up.

    It's kicking my butt right now, just like the first time I did it, but after a while you'll notice that you will be able to go longer and start being able to up your intensity. Just pace yourself based on your current fitness level and don't feel bad if you have to take more breaks than the people in the DVDs.
  • CALake
    CALake Posts: 269 Member
    Insanity is great for cardio, but if you want to focus on strength you're better using your gym or something like P90X. You've made great progress with diet and cardio, but you'll love what serious strength training will do for you.