30 Day Shred?

I've seen alot of success stories on Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. I found the three levels on youtube and decided to give it a try before buying the dvds. I'm planning on doing it tonight.
If you've tried this, did you lose weight or inches? Also, can I combine the 30 minute workout everyday with 30 minutes jogging on the treadmill, or is that too much?


  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    First off, I am 52 years old so you may not have the same results. For the first 3-4 days of level 1, it was hard for me to go up and down stairs due to muscle soreness, the good kind. I couldn't have added anything if I wanted. It got much better after that. I made it through to the middle of level 2, decided I was strong enough to start a very rigorous stepping exercise and then injured my IT band so now I am sitting out until I get healed. I am planning to restart Feb. 1st. Be cautious and pay attention to what your body is telling you. Definitely do the warm ups, a physical therapist told me that I probably didn't warm up enough and then did the violent jumps in the video which is what probably led to my injury.

    I did notice more definition in my abs, legs and arms. I could also feel the difference. Jillian knows her stuff, you will get fantastic results. You're going to look great!
  • HarleyJean2012
    HarleyJean2012 Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you. :) I'll do it tonight after my dinner settles, and then tomorrow morning if I'm too sore, I'll skip the treadmill.
  • luckyclover78
    luckyclover78 Posts: 115 Member
    I'm on Level 2. Just listen to your body and take breaks where you need to. It's an awesome workout for less than 30 minutes. I'm going to recommend a rest day every now and then and not try to do the 30 days straight. My knees got sore in level one and I did it straight through. I am taking rest days in level 2 and I feel better. I've done 30 min or so of cardio after it on a bike so I'm not sure about jogging. Should be fine if you are already jogging.
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    I am almost done with level 3. I have really liked it. The first 2-3 days of each level are pretty challenging but then you settle in. I have been doing some of Leslie Sansones walk videos along with the 30 day shred. I think you would be fine doing some jogging along with it. Just remember to eat.
    Rest days are good. I hurt my knees doing level 2, took a few days break after level 2 and was fine for level 3 when I started back.
  • susybon
    susybon Posts: 36 Member
    I am 56 and lost pounds and inches. I did this at almost my goal weight so only lost two pounds and 1/2 inch on waist and hips. After the first day I was really sore, but by day three not so bad. Level three made me really sore again. I felt much stronger after completing all three levels. It was hard on my knees, but I accomplished it. I could not have managed much else the first few days. I recommend it and wish I had done more strength training much earlier in my journey.
  • I am on day 3. I was ok the first day. Extremely sore the second, and moderately sore so far. I finished working out about 15 min ago. After it, I can only manage about 5 minutes on my stationary bike. 30 min may be too much, unless you do the 30 in the morning and not after. That could be my problem too. lol. Also, I was a cough potato prior to starting. I am 25 and had a baby 4 months ago with 45+lbs to lose. It is only $7.32 on Amazon right now, free shipping if you have prime. btw if you are a student or have a student email you can get a 6month free trial of prime shipping. =P Haha probably went on a little too much. Buddy me if you want. :)
  • 3RachaelFaith3
    3RachaelFaith3 Posts: 283 Member
    inches mostly. But keep your diet correct and you will lose weight. I've got a 7 days left of level 3, and have lost 1/2" from neck, 2" from waist, and 1" from hips and 5 pounds. That's just thus far. Don't stop, keep pushing through. Good luck
  • SummerNights32
    SummerNights32 Posts: 86 Member
    I've seen alot of success stories on Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. I found the three levels on youtube and decided to give it a try before buying the dvds. I'm planning on doing it tonight.
    If you've tried this, did you lose weight or inches? Also, can I combine the 30 minute workout everyday with 30 minutes jogging on the treadmill, or is that too much?

    I did the 30 day shred last summer to get ready for a beach vacation. I work out a lot...so I wasn't new to exercise, and it still changed my body. I dont have exact measurements, but my entire body changed. People thought I lost serious weight, when instead I just toned. And even better...it wasn't that I just got smaller, but I could actually see muscle definition.

    I am doing it again, but not until it is closer to summer time. Right now I am strenght training and running. I want to lose another 20 pounds or so and then do the 30 day shred again (with heavier weights). I definitely recommend it. Don't quit though! It is torture, but well worth it haha. And...it does get easier :).
  • khadijak17
    khadijak17 Posts: 393 Member
    I was looking into this last night and its something I'd really like to do I wanted to know if you do level 1 for ten days straight and then level 2 for ten days and so on? Do you also have to do it 30 days straight? What happens if you take a rest day? Sorry so many questions but I'm interested to hear what people did and how hey completed it :) x
  • _cheryl_
    _cheryl_ Posts: 31 Member
    I've done it a few times, once for 30days, sometimes I had a break after 6, sometimes I doubled up, and I've done odd levels with other workouts too
    I lost weight and inches and started to look more defined

    I'm doing body revolution atm, but still shred now & then too

  • jenbenefit
    jenbenefit Posts: 75 Member
    Cannot reccomend the 30DS enough... started in nov/dec but then Christmas got in the way (my bad.)

    Started again and just 7 days into it, along with drinking loads more water and eating right (and quitting smoking not sure if that helps weight loss?), I've lost an inch from my hips waist and neck and down nearly 4lbs!

    I also do a youtube video called 8min abs after as thats the area I want to tone up. I do this 5 days out of 7 with a rest on the days I work longer shifts at work.

    Not all down to 30DS I'm sure but doubt i could have lost as much in a week without it! So excited to get to the end now! The first few days were tough and no day is "easy" but that's the point of it, you can't have a 20-30 minute workout that gives you these results unless you work for it!

    best of luck on your journey :flowerforyou:
  • randysbombshellgirl
    randysbombshellgirl Posts: 338 Member
    I'm 20 days in but but staying on level 2 a bit longer because I want to get better before I attempt level 3. It is kicking my *kitten* big time. I was really disappointed that I'm only down 2 pounds until I went shopping last night and was able to fit into a 6 pants and small top. I was about a loose 10 before. My suggestion is take a day off and modify when you need to. Best of luck!!!
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    I've seen alot of success stories on Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. I found the three levels on youtube and decided to give it a try before buying the dvds. I'm planning on doing it tonight.
    If you've tried this, did you lose weight or inches? Also, can I combine the 30 minute workout everyday with 30 minutes jogging on the treadmill, or is that too much?

    If you can do another thirty minutes high impact on top of what is supposed to be a challenging high impact workout that is completely new to you you are not working hard enough. It's not simply about DOMS (muscle soreness) it is your ligaments and tendons that take the most time to adapt and are at most risk of injury, this thread shows that. Be sure you are wearing shoes that have been fitted to you following a gait analysis.
  • delyn356
    delyn356 Posts: 145 Member
    I love 30DS! I've finished level 1 so far, and lost a little over 1lb & 4.5" inches overall (mostly in my waist & hips).

    In order to see the most amount of changes though, you need to make sure you're eating well. I've also been doing an extra 30 min of cardio along with it 3x/week.
  • iluvco3
    iluvco3 Posts: 98 Member
    I am just starting Level 3. I started the program quite a while ago, but I do it only on M-W-F. I do at least 5 Jazzercise classes each week, so I get 15-20 min. of strength training with each of those. I missed a couple of weeks over the holidays, but am back to it now. I have lost inches and weight, but I am tracking and eating to lose weight along with the 30 DS. It is a GREAT program!

    BTW... Jilllian recommends following this pattern - 2 days of 30 DS, followed by 1 day of cardio, followed by 2 days of 30 DS, followed by 1 day of cardio, followed by 1 rest day.

    I have never had a problem with my knees, but I did with adding the 30 DS with Jazzercise (which I do mostly high impact). I now do NONE of the jumping with the cardio, just do low impact moves, but do the arms very vigorously as that keeps your heart rate up. Also I have started alternating high impact with low impact at Jazzercise. My knees are fine now.
  • AllyLouB
    AllyLouB Posts: 40 Member
    I've just started level 2..although am doing level 3 also with leg weights as I need more burn. Am also doing 3xweekly half hour runs, and daily pilates. It's good to mix.

    I've not lost any weight yet...however my profile pic is of me after 10 days....my starting piccy is in my profile...massive difference.

    Good luck everyone on the 30 day journey..it's amazing x
  • HarleyJean2012
    HarleyJean2012 Posts: 17 Member
  • HarleyJean2012
    HarleyJean2012 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the help. :) I did 30 Day Shred last night for the first time, and it wasn't as bad as everyone said. Except my shoulders and arms! Whenever there was weight lifting my arms hurt so bad but I sucked it up, and this morning, I was 2 pounds lighter. Probably just water weight, but it's still encouraging. :)
  • How do you log this workout into your exercise? I can't find it in the choices. Thanks!
  • HarleyJean2012
    HarleyJean2012 Posts: 17 Member
    How do you log this workout into your exercise? I can't find it in the choices. Thanks!

    I do it as circuit training for 28 minutes. It shows that I burned 280 calories or something. I don't know if this is the right entry, but I saw somebody say that this kind of a workout was circuit training.