Hi! 30 yo mom of 3, only loosing 10 lbs, but need friends!

I'm new to MFP, as of last monday. I've lost a ton of water weight in that short time, and finally this morning noticed that a pair of my jeans actually are more comfortable!! A pair that I really do care to wear again!

LOL, anyhow, I'm also realizing that I'd love to have MFP friends to share in the journey with to encourage and inspire me! I love this FB format and can already see how much it is keeping me interested in logging on regularly.

I'm just lookign to correct my weight, loose those 7-10 lbs of leftover weight accumulated after three pregnancies (mom to kids ages 5, 3, 1). I've never ever had good eating habits and really should have weighed probably 50 lbs more given what I did eat. Two weekends ago after having too much pizza and wine I couldn't sleep and it just hit me how I absolutely was going to change my ways (unlike previous attempts at shedding these pesky few pounds). WOW! I really have. I'm actually eating raw fruits and veggies now and reaching for those when I'm hungry instead of the quick processed food fix (or cheese, love me some cold cheese!).

Anyhow, I'd just love some friends, those who identify with me, and those who may not but would still love another friend for encouragement and support, please add me!


  • sunshinestate
    sunshinestate Posts: 110 Member
    I'll join you! I will be 30 next month and am looking to lose about 8 - 10 pounds. I am generally a very healthy eater, but I have been known to indulge in my kid's foods. It doesn't help that I'm a teacher in an elementary school, and nearly every week there is a reason to have either pizza or cupcakes!

    Count me in!
  • Welcome! 35-year old mother of 2 here. Down to my last 10 pounds or so. Would love to have you as a friend.
  • Mother of 3 also (12, 4, 2) looking to lose A LOT of weight and would like all the encouragement I can get. Would love to add you as a friend and I can encourage you also. Good luck and congrats on the pants fitting :)
  • jillcwhite
    jillcwhite Posts: 181 Member
    Mom of three (19,15 & 3), need to lose about 15 pounds as of today - you can Add me to your friend list, I also can use the support. I feel great when the clothes start fitting better, but am stuck on wanting to see a smaller number on the scale more.
  • Hey! Congrat on making the decision of creating a healthier you!!!

    I love this FB format as well. Your right, it does have me logging on more and that makes me accountable. I think this i great. I would love to add you as a friend. I have alot of weight to loose but even more that that, I am changing my mindset so that the cycle can end and I jut live this lifestyle all of the time.

    I look forward to being on this journey with other that can make that same committment!!!

  • lappyd425
    lappyd425 Posts: 112 Member
    Hi all! Mom to 2 kids ( 8 and 5 ), I've lost 15lbs in 9 weeks here! Now trying to maintain my weight! I also need all the friends I can get to help keep me motivated!!! ~ Jenni
  • I'm a father of two that's about to be 30... does that count? :-)
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Welcome! I will support you!:bigsmile:
  • AgeTaylor
    AgeTaylor Posts: 14 Member
    You guys are awesome, thanks!!!!!!! I'm looking forward to getting to know you all!
  • marquesj
    marquesj Posts: 47
    Count me in as your friend! I'm Sarah I am a single Mom and could use some encouragment too. I just joined on Monday and would love some new friends! Best of Luck! ttys!
  • AmiKayser
    AmiKayser Posts: 32 Member
    Hi to you! I just found this site by accident really...funny how the right thing can come along at the right time! Being that I have ZERO MFP friends I suppose I should be asking you to be my fitness pal :o) I'm a mom of 2 and would like to say I'm trying to lose a bit of left over baby weight...except my baby is 10! Some how these lbs. crept up on me over the past few years and it's time I get serious about getting in shape because I cannot afford to buy all new suits...they must fit again!!!
  • bebbjeb
    bebbjeb Posts: 134
    hi, I'm a 33 yr old mom of 2. Looking for support and motivation!
  • Hi there, I'm also a mum of 3 !! i have boys aged 19yrs,7yrs and 5yrs
    feel free to add me as a friend...I could do with all the help i can get !!!
  • Hi, I'm going to lose 15lbs so would love to join you. I'm new to this site and have not posted on the forum pages before. I have made a good start in my first week and lost 2lb, I intend to lose between 1lb-2lb per week, my goal is to lose 15lb before my birthday in July. Keep up the good work everyone x.
  • starkiss100
    starkiss100 Posts: 235 Member
    I will join you as well. I don't have any kids, but 2 crazy dogs. I will be 30 this year as well. I have already lost about 25-28 lbs before finding this website, since Nov and I am trying to lose the last 10-20 to get to where I'd like. I love this website and how easy it is to use.
  • Hi I am also new to MFP and would love to join you. I am 31 and a mother of two. 3 years ago I started trying to lose weight and I have managed to lose 50 lbs I only have about 15 left to lose but they seem to be the hardest 15 EVER!!! LOL.