
Hi guys i need help. im not dumb but im trying to work out how many calories i need to eat to loss weight and how much excise i need to do to loss weight MFP says i need to eat 1200 but that seem too high for me too loss weight.

im 20yr old
5foot 5inches
weight 165lbs (fatty)
my TDEE is 2170
my BMR is 1584

these are just all numbers to me can someone help me work out what i need to do to loss weight.
i have been eating 800-1000cal a day and doing 20mins 3times a week on with a exercise dvd as i get stronger i will increase my exercise please can someone help me here. :sad:


  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    If you want to lose weight and consistently keep it off and maintain you should eat around 20% less than TDEE - there are many forums/links on this site explaining why. I know It seems like a lot especially since you are only eating 800-1000 a day. That is too low and while you may lose weight initially it is not sustainable long term.
  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    800-1000 is not enough food hon. 1200 is the bare minimum that someone should eat and if the numbers you gave are correct then you could eat above 1200 and still lose. Your body needs the fuel. Usually a 20% cut from TDEE is recommended to lose. Try to make smart food choices and the weight will come off.
  • loneworg
    loneworg Posts: 342 Member
    You need eat above your bmr. 20% of your tdee is around 1650 (I'm not the best with math) so you can eat that and still lose weight.
  • nicolealbutt20
    nicolealbutt20 Posts: 18 Member
    20% of my tdee is 1736 is that what i should set my calorie intake too or shell i keep it at 1200. before i started dieting i never eat more than 2000 and gained over 3stone so i dont know if by eating 1736 will help me loss weight or gain it. why is lossing weight so confusing its so much easier to gain weight:sad:
  • loneworg
    loneworg Posts: 342 Member
    Told ya I was bad with math lol but yes eat the 1736. If you scared slowly up your cals. Most of all give it time.
  • nicolealbutt20
    nicolealbutt20 Posts: 18 Member
    this is my problem im too impatent! i have left it at 1200 a day but im eating less due to the fact i feel 1200 is too much for me to achive weight loss.
    Thank you for all your help mfp has been the biggest help so fair and the people that are on here are sooo helpful
  • Hello,
    You need to eat a minumum of 1200 calories/day or your body can eventually go into what is refered to as "starvation response". What can happen then is your body will hold on to any excess fat or "caloric storage" that you currently have. After a while, your body could start keeping the fat and "eating" your lean muscle first. I apologize if this is kind of gross, but it's true. That's why the this minimum for women is set, so you don't get sick.
    Please don't risk that, be conservative with your caloric defecit and keep to at least 1200/day. Since you are very young, you could probably even eat 1500 and loose weight. You are young and probably also very healthy. If you don't have any kind of thyroid issue, you should start to lose weight quickly, with just eating healthily and exercizing. More veggies, fruit & nuts, in place of fried & sugary processed snack foods, is what I'm trying to aim for, anyway. :)
    When I was your age, I went swing dancing about 3 times/week at night and danced for like 2 hours/night. I ate probably about 2000 cals/day, and was a nice and curvy size 8 and 140 lbs! Exercize can really boost your metabolism, girl! Dancing is a really fun "whole body" workout, too. :D
    So, I say go out there & get your groove on!
    Good luck & be healthy!
  • Flowers4Julia
    Flowers4Julia Posts: 521 Member
    Hi! when you get time read this post, it talks about what to expect when upping calories, very reassuring! You don't need to worry, it will happen!
  • loneworg
    loneworg Posts: 342 Member
    I under stand about being impatient (take it from a guy trying to lose well one of you ~170#~) but I'm eating at 2800-3000 cals and it working!
  • tanisha88
    tanisha88 Posts: 20 Member
    I know the feeling, eating 800-1200 calories a day and I'm not losing any weight. I understand the numbers but they don't seem to work for me
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    if those were my numbers I would set my diary at 1600, at a 40/30/30 macro split.
  • Danni1585
    Danni1585 Posts: 250 Member
    Trust the advice here, eat more and it will happen
  • Black_Widow1976
    Black_Widow1976 Posts: 43 Member
    please, please don't go below 1200 calories a day or your body will think there is a famine and HOLD onto everything you eat! if you are getting in a intense workout and eating the 1200 calories a day,and the weight is not budging try a new workout routine. do the same workout 6x a week is not always a good idea. your body gets use to it.

    one option is go to the doctor to see if you have any underlying food allergies or sensitivities. I was having the hardest time losing weight turned out that i am gluten sensitive and lactose intolerant. also stay away from high-fructose corn syrup i.e.soda pop or yogourt with fruit added. HFCS makes you put on weight.
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    Start by logging all your foods for a week to see what you are consuming on an average day without calorie restriction. Take a look at your caloreis but also yo protein intake as well as how much fruit and veggie you are currently eating. Once you have that information then you can slowly cahnge your intake 100 calories a week until you reach your 1700 calorie goal. With the TDEE -20% your exercise and your deficit is built in so you do not have to worry about chasing after your exercise calories.

    Just make small changes at first to improve your diet - set you macros manually so you are getting 40% protein, 30% carbs and 30% fats.
    You will find that you will feel better and be able to workout better if you give your body adequate nutrition. You can slowly decrease your processed/takeout/fast food choices and increase your fresh cooked foods and produce.

    With the extremely low calories you are eating you are losing muscle mass not just fat - its part of what makes you weaker when you diet that way.

    Up your cals and protein and then add in strength training so you retain the muscles you have.

    Baby steps -you don't have to do this all at once - it will happen.
  • bearwith
    bearwith Posts: 525 Member
    you need to try it for a few weeks and then see - you need help which is why you are here with the rest of u!

    Good luck - you will get there
  • nicolealbutt20
    nicolealbutt20 Posts: 18 Member
    WHY HAS IT TOO ME SO LONG TO FIND PEOPLE THAT UNDERSTAND WHAT THIS IS LIKE! thank you guys to have helped me understand what my body needs i think i will start at 1200 then slowly work it up to 1600 im so scared of gaining more weight its unreal but as least i have MFP to help me through if i do gain THANKS GUYS you have stopped me from starving myself lol
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    my TDEE is 2170
    my BMR is 1584

    Ok? You've crunched the numbers, what more do you want? Eat somewhere between BMR and TDEE to lose weight. We can't pick the fork up for you; You will have to do that on your own. :wink:
  • nicolealbutt20
    nicolealbutt20 Posts: 18 Member
    im just looking for advice not a personal feeder lol
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Starting at 1200 sounds like a really good plan, but be sure to eat back calories that you burn doing exercise. Make it the best quality food you can get (for example, an apple instead of a cookie) and you will succeed!
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    WHY HAS IT TOO ME SO LONG TO FIND PEOPLE THAT UNDERSTAND WHAT THIS IS LIKE! thank you guys to have helped me understand what my body needs i think i will start at 1200 then slowly work it up to 1600 im so scared of gaining more weight its unreal but as least i have MFP to help me through if i do gain THANKS GUYS you have stopped me from starving myself lol

    How refreshing to see someone willing to take great advice :flowerforyou: I predict great things will happen for you on here!