motivational friends

Im back and determined to do it this year im looking for lots of friends for encouragement and I can give in return i have almost 100lbs to lose x


  • xxCelestexx
    xxCelestexx Posts: 57 Member
    I have over 100 to lose and while I have been on this site for a while I always lose focus and leave. I looked at the last time I was on here and I was doing so great and was 34lbs down. I can't believe I gave up on that progress and I am back over 300. One of my last posts on here in march 2012 was that i did not want to see 280 ever again. Time to get going and get back down.

    I really want some motivational friends on here to connect with. I will send you a request!
  • gembirch
    gembirch Posts: 25 Member
    Add me I'm happy to support people because it motivates me too!! X