is eating red meat bad when your trying to lose weight

my sister and i are trying to lose weight. and she says she does not want to include any red meat at all in her diet. her dinner tonight was pasta and sauce with no meat. we are both exercising a lot. hour plus a day. i just want to see what people think of her choice and how i can encourage her to eat a little better.


  • shlevon
    shlevon Posts: 30 Member
    You certainly don't have to eat red meat. Leaner cuts are preferable from a protein-to-calories perspective, i.e. for a given amount of protein, leaner cuts of meat = fewer calories.

    That said, there is nothing inherently wrong with (lean) red meat, so its inclusion is also fine. Either way, having enough protein as you attempt to lose weight can be fairly important, both in terms of retaining muscle (so you're losing fat, not fat and muscle) and feeling full/satiated (as protein is the most important of the macros in this regard).
  • tndejong
    tndejong Posts: 463
    she would eat red meat on a regular basis before. and ever since she started her "diet" she has said she has had a craving for a burger. im just trying to explain to her how red meat isnt just the problem. its learning how to eat the way we do in a more healthier way.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    my sister and i are trying to lose weight. and she says she does not want to include any red meat at all in her diet. her dinner tonight was pasta and sauce with no meat. we are both exercising a lot. hour plus a day. i just want to see what people think of her choice and how i can encourage her to eat a little better.

    That's too bad for her. :ohwell: I eat red meat several times a week because it's my favorite. :bigsmile:
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    I've lost weight and I'm a carnivore ........ just saying ...... :drinker:
  • shlevon
    shlevon Posts: 30 Member
    she would eat red meat on a regular basis before. and ever since she started her "diet" she has said she has had a craving for a burger. im just trying to explain to her how red meat isnt just the problem. its learning how to eat the way we do in a more healthier way.

    I would tend to agree, but she could always eat stuff like chicken, turkey, and fish.
  • theologynerd
    theologynerd Posts: 264 Member
    I eat red meat all the time. I certainly can't fit carb heavy pastas with fattening sauces in my macros. I plenty of carbs and good fats, but pasta is a killer for my macros. You can get protein in places other than red meat, but unless she's putting chicken or fish in her pasta, she's missing out on the protein, which is necessary.
  • coffee_rocks
    coffee_rocks Posts: 275 Member
    Nothing wrong with red meat, and it packs a lot of nutrients, iron and can be a lean protein. For a woman, the iron is certainly important, and you can fit it into your diet.

    I'd encourage your sister to maintain a balanced diet, which can easily include red meat (and even a burger!).
  • victoriannsays
    victoriannsays Posts: 568 Member
    You don't have to eliminate red meat in order to lose weight.

    Reducing your intake and replacing red meat with lean cuts of meat is a better choice to make.

    I still eat steak every now and then because I love it :)
  • I am an avid hunter and my choice of lean red meat is venison. It only has 18% of calories from fat. I have it at least three times a week. I feel weak without it.
  • ShunkyDave
    ShunkyDave Posts: 190 Member
    she would eat red meat on a regular basis before. and ever since she started her "diet" she has said she has had a craving for a burger. im just trying to explain to her how red meat isnt just the problem. its learning how to eat the way we do in a more healthier way.

    You're on the right idea. No, the burger isn't bad. The burger, all the fries, the large soda is heading that way. The burger, fries, soda every other day is bad. Every day is worse.

    Cut the fries, cut the soda. Your burger isn't that bad at all now.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I'd be more worried about the pasta and sauce for dinner if anything.
  • Tell her to read through the health info in the 17 Day Diet (easy read). He eliminates beef and pork on the first phase (first 17 days) only just to make the body start to burn fat. Then the second 17 days he brings it back in.

    The key to anything is moderation. Your body actually NEEDS healthy fats & proteins.

    The only foodstuffs you really want to avoid are transfats, artificial flavors and colors, artificial sweeteners, hormones and antibiotics, GMOs, enriched & bleached flours, excess added sugars (white sugar), & MSG.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    There's nothing wrong if your sister wants to cut out red meat from her diet, but she's definitely misguided if she believes that's the only way for her to lose weight.

    You've pretty much got it covered that you need to eat healthier in general.
  • SondraJervis
    SondraJervis Posts: 10 Member
    As of right now the only thing I have done is cut out soda and replaced it with water....other than that I am eating the same stuff, just watching my portions!
  • naticksdonna
    naticksdonna Posts: 192 Member
    I'm thinking any lean protein would do - even a hamburger (broil it or cook it on a grill pan). But if she's decided she doesn't want red meat she can get plenty of protein elsewhere -- but not in pasta..
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    I have been eating all kind of meat without regard for fat content. Red, white, in between. Beef, pork, chicken, lamb, fish. I love Neese's sausage for breakfast.
    Still losing weight. Down almost 70 pounds from July of 2011.
    All my blood markers are down too. In just 8 month cholesterol and triglycerides down 30%, well inside to normal range.
  • tndejong
    tndejong Posts: 463
    after reading these posts i feel better about this. she has also complained about having low iron and isnt taking anything for it. i thought red meats helped with that. and you dont have to have red meat in your pasta. but pasta in itself just as your main dish is not healthy.
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    I would never in like 8.7 kapillion years give up red meat... om nom nom nom nom.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    my sister and i are trying to lose weight. and she says she does not want to include any red meat at all in her diet. her dinner tonight was pasta and sauce with no meat. we are both exercising a lot. hour plus a day. i just want to see what people think of her choice and how i can encourage her to eat a little better.

    It's fine to cut out red meat as long as she increases other foods in her diet to compensate for the lost nutrients, just as any responsible new vegetarian would do. Buy her some canned oily fish, shellfish like oysters and maybe some organ meats for the protein, haem (best absorbed form of) iron and vitamin B12, perhaps she will change her mind when she realises what she should be eating!

    Lean ground beef is more nutritious than chicken breast

    But neither are the best sources of haem iron by a mile
  • chipmunck76
    chipmunck76 Posts: 73 Member
    Leam red meat is not bad, but not everyday