Is anyone else not following the calorie needs?

I lost about 6 pounds right away now im seeing nothing!!! I did some research and it says to lose wieght i need to eat 20% less then my TDEE calculation wich is about 1650 calories a day (Ill burn 800 in exercise a day at the gym) Anyone think this will work or should I still stick to the seems-ike-starving 1200 calorie diet MFP has calculated for me =/


  • Km0714
    Km0714 Posts: 62 Member
    well eat some of your exercise calories so if you burn 800 calories that's 2000 a day so i'd say eat about 1600 a day and you will still lose weight. I know the 1200 calories a day is super hard sometimes! i feel so hungry!
  • lboj164
    lboj164 Posts: 1 Member
    i follow up it every other day except sundays. i am a huge fan of chris powell but dont always have time or ability to follow his strictness. however i can say that the only way ive been able to lose weight and keep it or get past plateus is calorie shifting like he suggests. your body needs calories to fuel metabolism. rotating every other day keeps metabolism fueled but helps burn enough calories for weightloss. try rotating first. if ya still feel it aint enough up to 1600 but pay attn to your calories burned closely so extra calories dont cause any gain
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    Are you eating your exercise calories? If you're burning 800 cal-you should be eating those in addition to the 1200. 2000 cal is very doable-1200 is not if you're regularly burning 800 through exercise. You're essentially asking your body to function and fuel an 800 calorie workout on a "net" intake of 400 calories-no wonder it "seems like starving"-cause it is. Eat your exercise calories-that's the mfp plan-see if that helps.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    How many lbs of fat do you wish to lose? Do you know your body fat percentage? Although it's loosely stated that acceptable weight loss is 1 to 2 lbs per week, everyone is different since the amount of fat mass we can oxidize in a 24-hour period is based on total fat mass.

    I have approximately 25 lbs of total fat mass and 5 lbs of fat mass I want reduced, so I eat 2650 calories, compared to my actual TDEE of 2900. If I eat anything lower, I will lose excessive amounts of lean body mass (which I want to try and preserve).
  • zazu22
    zazu22 Posts: 29
    I want to lose about 50.....and yes I am eating my exercise calories also otherwise I would starve....eating anything lower then your bmr is considered starving...
  • Ailorn
    Ailorn Posts: 79 Member
    Is your TDEE calculation accurate? Maybe you are more active than you think you are even when not exercising. The BMR for MFP seems low compaired to other ones I've tried so maybe you arent getting enough calories in. If you feel like you're starving and you eat healthy, maybe you are.
  • I find it difficult to eat 1200 a day. I'm trying to get in an extra 2-300 by having a metabolism boost snack first thing in the morning. We'll see if that helps my weight loss...
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    I'm still working on those pesky exercise calories.