What do you think of my plan?

My Stats: I'm 22 years old, 5'5, 157 pounds, 28.8% bodyfat, about 112lbs LBM

My plan: Eat a low calorie diet of 800 calories per day, well balanced focusing on fruits, vegetables, lean protein. With eating clean and eating lots of vegetables I know I could eat this number and not be hungry all the time. Keeping protein at 100g per day. Workouts would be Strength training 4 days per week with 2 days of 20 minutes of HIIT cardio. Once a reached my goal weight, I would increase calories by 100 calories every 2 weeks until I found my maintenance level. Maintain my goal weight for a couple of months, and continue with the same workout plan. Once I'm confident in my ability to maintain I'd start eating at a surplus and continue the weight lifting to build muslce, and then continue on the standard bulk/cut cycle until I reach my ideal body and body fat %.

I had read a study (http://www.jacn.org/content/18/2/115.abstract) that compared two groups of people. Both were on low calorie diets, one group did primarily weight lifting workouts and the other group did primarily cardio workouts. The study showed that the weight lifting group lost no muscle while on the low calorie diet while the cardio only group did lose muscle.

If my math with my TDEE is correct I should lose 3.5 pounds per week which would get me at my goal weight in roughly 10 weeks, so the 800 calories isn't a long term plan.


  • LupitaWins12
    NOOOO....800 calories per day is very bad for you..!! You will gain the weight back...instead aim for 1-2 pounds a week. Make it a lifestyle change!
  • outclimb
    NOOOO....800 calories per day is very bad for you..!! You will gain the weight back...instead aim for 1-2 pounds a week. Make it a lifestyle change!

    Did you read the study? Why do you say it's bad for you? If I am not eating a huge surplus I wont gain the weight back.
  • msjessielynn
    msjessielynn Posts: 42 Member
    NOOOO....800 calories per day is very bad for you..!! You will gain the weight back...instead aim for 1-2 pounds a week. Make it a lifestyle change!

    this...1200 is like the barest minimum
  • RobKarmic
    RobKarmic Posts: 108 Member
    You're an INTJ aren't you?
  • IowaJen1979
    IowaJen1979 Posts: 406 Member
    The study says it lowers your metabolism, which is bad. Read carefully!
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    NOOOO....800 calories per day is very bad for you..!! You will gain the weight back...instead aim for 1-2 pounds a week. Make it a lifestyle change!

    this...1200 is like the barest minimum

  • outclimb
    The study says it lowers your metabolism, which is bad. Read carefully!

    No it doesn't, "Conclusion: The addition of an intensive, high volume resistance training program resulted in preservation of LBW and RMR during weight loss with a VLCD."

    Right in the conclusion it said the resistance group preserved lean body weight (muscle, bone, organs etc) and preserved resting metabolic rate.

    RMR - resting metabolic rate.
  • Arwaxx
    Arwaxx Posts: 113 Member
    give it a try.. test ur theory.. i am currently trying out eat more - lose fat. good luck lol
  • outclimb
    If you already like your plan and will argue anything said against it then why do you ask or even care what we think? Go try it and report back in 12 months

    I was looking for real reasons or experiences on why it may not work or why it may not be healthy. Not just No it's bad with no reasoning or research behind it. I actually didn't argue against any thing that was said. I just asked why and corrected a statement about the article.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Since you've already made up your mind why did you bother asking for opinions? Its a bad idea...but carry on...its your health to ruin if you want to.
  • blu_meanie_ca
    blu_meanie_ca Posts: 352 Member
    Outside of a clinical setting, surrounded by doctors and nurses, 800 cal a day with intenstive workouts is a) way less food than you think it is... Protein is great, but, surprisingly hi cal, and b) pass out and hit the floor level of low cal.
    If you look hard enough you can find 1 study that comes to any conclusion you wish to find. One study does not make fact. Find 3, then make a theory off of that.
  • outclimb
    Since you've already made up your mind why did you bother asking for opinions? Its a bad idea...but carry on...its your health to ruin if you want to.

    Because silly me, I thought someone might actually give me some useful information and put more than 10 seconds of thought into their reply.
  • zoeyjane138
    If you already like your plan and will argue anything said against it then why do you ask or even care what we think? Go try it and report back in 12 months

    I was looking for real reasons or experiences on why it may not work or why it may not be healthy. Not just No it's bad with no reasoning or research behind it. I actually didn't argue against any thing that was said. I just asked why and corrected a statement about the article.
    unles you plan on eating 800 cal for the rest of your life, you will gain weight back, if you go over 800 to many days in a row...
  • outclimb
    Outside of a clinical setting, surrounded by doctors and nurses, 800 cal a day with intenstive workouts is a) way less food than you think it is... Protein is great, but, surprisingly hi cal, and b) pass out and hit the floor level of low cal.
    If you look hard enough you can find 1 study that comes to any conclusion you wish to find. One study does not make fact. Find 3, then make a theory off of that.

    Thank you :) I will keep researching to find if there are any similar studies.
  • jmadams111
    jmadams111 Posts: 145 Member
    If you read thru a number of the posts on here you will find hundreds if not thousands from people eating less than 1200 calories....and not losing.
  • outclimb
    If you already like your plan and will argue anything said against it then why do you ask or even care what we think? Go try it and report back in 12 months

    I was looking for real reasons or experiences on why it may not work or why it may not be healthy. Not just No it's bad with no reasoning or research behind it. I actually didn't argue against any thing that was said. I just asked why and corrected a statement about the article.
    unles you plan on eating 800 cal for the rest of your life, you will gain weight back, if you go over 800 to many days in a row...

    In this theory what is the difference between 800 and 1200 calories? If you don't plan to eat 1200 calories for the rest of your life will you just gain the weight back?

    Not arguing just curious :)
  • djames92
    djames92 Posts: 990 Member
    oh youll lose 3.5 pounds per week alot of it being muscle not to mention since youll lose weight really fast youll have alot of gross loose skin that will never go away so yeah go ahead and take a quick (and in my opinion) unhealthy way to do it
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    This sort of thing seems dangerously close to the sort of thing my sister was doing as she developed anorexia. She died less than a year after that from cerebral hemorrhage due to malnutrition.

    I really think your plan will do you more harm than good.

    Where's the fire? Is there some reason you have to be at goal weight in 10 weeks? It would be MUCH healthier to eat at your BMR and enjoy some good, nutritious food on a slower path to your goal. It would also be a lot less miserable.