
CinthiaF Posts: 324 Member
I am always hungry between meal and even right after i eat a snack. Does anyone have the problem?? Do you think it could be our minds telling use we are hungry or are we really hungry. My tummy does not growled at me but i still feel hungry. :grumble:


  • allykat8
    allykat8 Posts: 237
    could be many reasons.

    not getting enough calories or calories from the right foods

    not enough protein

    waiting too long between meals.

    what is your current eating habit/is your food diary public?
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    How are your eating? What is your daily schedule like? This is how I eat every day:

    7:30 - 8 Breakfast
    9:30 - 10 Snack
    11:30 - 12 Lunch
    2:30 - 3 Snack this is the worst part of my day and I snack on a 3 cups of popcorn because i can pick at it plus I have another snack
    5:50 - 6 Dinner
    8 - 8:30 Snack

    I also exercise no less that 450 calories a day and I eat most of those.
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Every minute that I'm not productive, doing a little something... I get hungry.

    Esp. if I'm bored, lonely, lazy, down....I get hungry.

    So I keep this laptop on for most of the evening...I hate the keys to be sticky or even smudged...ha ha it really helps me stop the snacking.

    Drink water all the live long day....
  • freakincampers
    Inability to feel satiated could be acoria.
  • angela75022
    angela75022 Posts: 100 Member
    You're trying to change your eating habits... your body isn't going to like that for a while. I still crave the foods I love, and I eat them, just in moderation... just having the taste satisfies the craving (in most cases).

    It takes some time to adjust, some of us longer than others (like me lol)

    It will happen... you just have to believe in yourself... WE DO!!
  • CinthiaF
    CinthiaF Posts: 324 Member
    Well my food diary is now public and well really i don't eat breakfast back i wake up around 12- 3pm in the afternoon. I don't go to bed til about 12- 2am and well i feel that i don't get enough sleep at night so i sleep more into the day until i feel like i have got the sleep i need. I live in a house of night owl so it is kinda hard to go to bed at descent hour at night.
  • lilkitties
    Sometimes your stomach can confuse you. It can be digesting or simply the food settling in your stomach right after you ate, and it feels a lot like being hungry. Other times you just really liked what you ate, and want some more. BUT...if you wait about a half hour (you can always sip on something healthy while you wait if you find waiting difficult), your craving or feeling of hunger will usually go away. This is especially true if you get busy doing something, which helps to get your mind focused on something else. I speak from personal experience, and I hope this helps. :)
  • emilyfh
    emilyfh Posts: 291 Member
    you really need more protein in your program, and have a big relish tray ready for those munchies you maybe having. I think cooked veggies are more filling. Not sure what your eating but hang in there and remember why your doing this, also drink 8 to 12 glasses of water, it helps fill you up!
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    Water consumption is a big thing too. I don't drink anything besides water until I have all my cups of water in. Then I allow myself to have something different to drink. This includes coffee/tea. One of the hardest things for me to do is get rid of that morning cup. But I feel great now :smile:

    I also noticed that your snack section is quite big. My snacks are generally not over 200 calories. The only time they are higher is at night when I have leftover calories to eat.

    I made my diary public to my friends if you would like to look at mine. It may not work for you but it works for me. I like to snack at night but I don't eat past 9pm
  • emilyfh
    emilyfh Posts: 291 Member
    wow I just peeked at what your eating, leave the little debbies and ranch dressing alone! Those 2 little things added up to over 600 calories for 600 calories you could have have chicken, 6-10 cups of veggies, a cup or rice or potatoes. You really need to enter your food in the day before, It will really help you know what your eating tomorrow and this way you will know how many calories everything is, try to stay under so at the end of the day you have some leeway for the evening snack. Let me know If I can help more, not sure if your new to this, but it sure looks that way. Make better choices! Also remember why your doing this, set goals and rewards (not food) for your achievements. Also start eating breakfast, its the most important meal of the day. Some egg beaters and low calorie bread, make a large omelet with lots of veggies, that alone is way under 250 calories. Good Luck to you!
  • waymethb
    waymethb Posts: 21 Member
    I agree with the above posters...more water...less calories in snacks. Also it has helped me out a bunch to start eating breakfast...and that can be whenever you wake up...just don't go too long before you eat your first meal because your body has been fasting all night (or early morning) and you will tend to eat more if you wait.
    I try and follow this formula for my day...around 300 calories for breakfast and lunch...about 150 calories per snack and i usually have two or three depending on what I eat during the day and then I usually have about 400 dinner unless i have a big snack during the day..that usually curbs the cravings...(sometimes I don't even want to eat my left over calories but make myself)

    Also I agree with everyone else that you should have some of what you crave...just pay attention to serving sizes and stuff.
  • tkrall
    tkrall Posts: 109
    Well, I took a look at your food diary. Try eating more filling things. Instead of the oatmeal cream pie, try a Special K meal bar with a glass of milk. They are really great and about 120 calories and the milk with it really fills you up. In the morning, say with your coffee, try adding in some yogurt. It's only 100 calories but it filling and helps keep you fuller until you are ready for lunch. At lunch time add a salad with your meal. If you like a creamier dressing, try Hidden Valley Ranch light. It takes exactly like ranch but a lot less fat, carbs, and calories. Try and keep each meal the same amount of calories. Rather then having one big meal that consumes most of your calories, try eating a little at at time. This way your body stays full pretty much all day long. I wish you luck on your journey. Remember - you can do it. And we are here to help you do it!!
  • CinthiaF
    CinthiaF Posts: 324 Member
    I know what you mean do that snack section today has been a bad day for snacking. Until i get some food for lunch that fulls me for a bit it will be that way but i will be getting some food tomorrow that will do that Yay!!. But i think it is kinda high in Carbs. But hey its only meal a day of that. That is good right?
  • CinthiaF
    CinthiaF Posts: 324 Member
    Thank you Everyone for the advice i will have to keep this on mind for my meals and snacks Thank you
  • CinthiaF
    CinthiaF Posts: 324 Member
    can anyone tell me if my times for meals are good?? I really can not do anything about the 12am on because that is when everyone eat dinner around here. It is useally around 11pm to 12am we all eat at once. but i might need to fix that once i get in to the grove of getting up earlier in the morning not to earlier though i will work my way up there
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    can anyone tell me if my times for meals are good?? I really can not do anything about the 12am on because that is when everyone eat dinner around here. It is useally around 11pm to 12am we all eat at once. but i might need to fix that once i get in to the grove of getting up earlier in the morning not to earlier though i will work my way up there

    Your breakfast, lunch, dinner can be any time that fits you. But breakfast is shortly after you wake up, then have a snack, then lunch, then snack, etc etc. Just because I am stupid enough to be up before 6am does not mean you have to be lol Go with what works with your "awake" time
  • CinthiaF
    CinthiaF Posts: 324 Member
    can anyone tell me if my times for meals are good?? I really can not do anything about the 12am on because that is when everyone eat dinner around here. It is useally around 11pm to 12am we all eat at once. but i might need to fix that once i get in to the grove of getting up earlier in the morning not to earlier though i will work my way up there

    Your breakfast, lunch, dinner can be any time that fits you. But breakfast is shortly after you wake up, then have a snack, then lunch, then snack, etc etc. Just because I am stupid enough to be up before 6am does not mean you have to be lol Go with what works with your "awake" time

    No no i want to be up earlier than i am now. I really don't like sleeping almost all day. i want to have a more healthy day from now on
  • AnnieeR
    AnnieeR Posts: 229
    Every minute that I'm not productive, doing a little something... I get hungry.

    Esp. if I'm bored, lonely, lazy, down....I get hungry.

    So I keep this laptop on for most of the evening...I hate the keys to be sticky or even smudged...ha ha it really helps me stop the snacking.

    Drink water all the live long day....

    I think there is something to the emotional aspect of hunger. I've been a disordered eater for so long that my hunger mechanisms are... faulty. So often I think I'm hungry, but when I really sit down and think about it I'm actually bored or frustrated or something like that. It's like when I was little and I'd tell my mom that I was hungry, she'd offer me a banana or something and I'd say no I want ice cream or whatever, her response was inevitably "well you must not be that hungry then" - and as irritating as it was... she was right.

    Also absolutely agree with water - I've read time and time again that thirst signals can be mistaken for hunger.

    And finally... don't keep anything in the house that could send you off the rails. It's not a rule that my husband likes, but he's used to it now and if he wants a treat he has it while he's at work or, every now and then, I might bring home a very limited quantity of something for us to share. That way if I am really and truly hungry, my choice is only to have something healthy and low cal. Having said that I only keep healthy things that I actually love - it's pointless to keep cardboard tasting snacks around 'cause then you'll just wish you had had something "bad". So red peppers and hummus, oatcakes and light cream cheese, cherry tomatoes - things that I personally really enjoy but are nutritious too. It takes some work to figure out what satisfies you, but it's worth it!

    And last... I'd say stay away from processed foods as much as possible. The more unidentifiable ingredients, the more likely it is to damage your health in some way - be it through excessive sodium, hidden sugars, etc.
  • forestdancers
    forestdancers Posts: 146 Member
    Hi Cinthia

    I find that adding a teaspoon of baking soda (I got used to the taste) to each liter of water helped me to really curb my hunger. Also try to drink at least 4 liters or more of soda water a day. I found that even stronger soda water (2+tsp per liter) worked better than hoodia.
    For snacks you would be better to pick vegetables or fruit than granola bars or all other processed snack food. Granola is high is simple carbs that will make you hungry very soon after you eat it. If like me you can eat more than one bar at a time or during the day you can eat a half a box you will have consumed almost enough calories for an entire meal or more though out the day. I find that I got a vegetable saver bowl in the fridge filled with carrots, broccoflower, broccoli, and other vegetables that I enjoy and when I am hungry I snack on that instead. I have totally eliminated the majority of processed foods from my diet with the exception of Rice pasta and veggie burgers and ancient grain pitas.
    I have been loosing weight at around a pound every two to three days on a pH diet. If your interested the book I am following is The pH Miracle for weight loss. This diet has left me with the least cravings of any diet I have ever been on and I will confess I was a total carnivore but I don’t even crave meat or my used to be worst downfall, ice cream.

    Stay strong.
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    If you push through the first few weeks it gets easier. The snacking is not so bad most of the time. I think I have a hungry day once a month or so. Those days are hardest but we all manage to get through them. I guess all I am saying is that it does get easier. You can do it if you put your mind to it