Remember! Ugh, really?

I found out that I am pregnant this week. My first prenatal appointment is Thursday. After talking with my husband and after a lot of self-reflection, I decided to take a break from counting calories until my first prenatal appointment. This way, they can recommend a good calorie goal that will allow me to gain weight the right way. I do not want to develop a full-blown eating disorder. I am prone to very disordered thinking and eating.

I posted something along those lines on my feed. Someone posted back, "Remember, you are NOT eating for two". :noway:

Well, duh. I know this, and I know my extra calories will add up to about 300 extra or so. What is so wrong with waiting to make sure I'm doing it right? Am I so wrong for wanting to reduce the risk of me developing some serious disordered thinking this pregnancy?

Ugh, am I being overly sensitive or was this person a bit out of line?


  • mrseelmerfudd
    mrseelmerfudd Posts: 506 Member
    i think they were just trying to be helpful tbh. when i was pregnant with my daughter, i ate for about 5 people lol!! congrats :)
  • terilou87
    terilou87 Posts: 328 Member
    just eat healthily, iv just had a little boy 8 weeks old now and by just eating healthily, i only put on 17 lbs i was 225lbs pre pregnancy now 231 post pregnancy dont worry youll be fine
  • fatjavotte
    fatjavotte Posts: 96 Member
    First of all, congratulations!
    I think this person might have though you were about to use your pregnancy as an excuse to stop watching what you eat - many women do! I don't think it was meant to be rude (but you are probably hormonal and it is not your fault if you are extra-sensitive).
    You don't need any extra calories for a least a trimester. But make sure to have your folic acid.
    I was horribly sick and lost about 20lbs in the first trimester for my 3 pregnancies. My babies were perfect.
  • harrisonsmum
    harrisonsmum Posts: 34 Member
    I too would say that person was just trying to be helpful. If I didn't eat for two ppl during my pregnancy, I probably wouldn't have gained 30+lbs.

    I would say you are doing the right thing by speaking to someone at ur appt to work out what is a good calorie goal for YOU while you ate pregnant. Just so you know what to work with. You've done well to have lost the weight you have. So why wouldn't you want to not develop a disorder with food again? I think you're on the right lines.

    And congratulations to you and ur hubby on ur pregnancy. X
  • flamehairedone
    It irked me a bit to read it to be honest, but then again it's the first day of my period so maybe I'm sensitive too? I got utterly sick of being told by friends, family and strangers what I should and shouldn't be eating, usually said in a very condescending way. :/
  • photognurse
    photognurse Posts: 27 Member
  • brit_ks_89
    brit_ks_89 Posts: 433 Member
  • Lifting_Knitter
    First off congrats! Being pregnant is wonderful! And i agree with some of the others, the person was not tactful while trying to help you out. Truth is, nobody is going to be with you now that you are pregnant. As long as you talk to your doctor about calorie intake and do as they instruct, i wouldn't worry. People are going to be saying all sorts of things to you now that you are pregnant. They are going to be telling you how to raise your child and what shoes to wear. It drives you nuts but as long as you do you, i wouldn't worry

    Edited: didn't know you were already a mom. I hope your daughter is excited.
  • mominwi419
    Yeah, I guess I could be a bit overly sensitive. I am genuinely scared of the weight gain. Also, I haven't been able to get a good workout in lately. I get 30 minutes into a workout and feel dizzy and sick to my stomach.

  • brit_ks_89
    brit_ks_89 Posts: 433 Member
    First off congrats! Being pregnant is wonderful! And i agree with some of the others, the person was not tactful while trying to help you out. Truth is, nobody is going to be with you now that you are pregnant. As long as you talk to your doctor about calorie intake and do as they instruct, i wouldn't worry. People are going to be saying all sorts of things to you now that you are pregnant. They are going to be telling you how to raise your child and what shoes to wear. It drives you nuts but as long as you do you, i wouldn't worry

    Edited: didn't know you were already a mom. I hope your daughter is excited.

  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    Aw, I dont think they meant it the way you took it. It is super important to remember.. I ate for two.. and three.. (and four? lol) with my second baby and was in a world of hurt body-wise afterwards.

    Congrats on your pregnancy!
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    Congrats hun!

    I think that they were just trying to be helpful too. So many people take being pregnant as a free pass to eat like crazy and crazy stuff. Most people also don't realize how little food 300 calories actually is as well. If you are active, try to remain active even if it is just walking. Being in shape for delivery will help! And if you are hungry, you do need to eat. Listen to your body and if your tummy is growling and you already are at your max calories so what. There are tons of books and advice out there, but you will need to tune in to your own body and do what is right for you and your baby.

    Best of luck! It's one hell of a ride!
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    Congratulations on the pregnancy and your weight loss!

    Judging by your ticker I would say you have the calorie thing down to a science so it's not like you're going to go into crazy over eating while waiting to get to your appointment. So I tend to think it was a little out of line (but perhaps the person didn't mean it the way it came out).

    If it were me, I would probably flip into maintenance (if you aren't already) and continue logging but allow yourself a little "wiggle" room while waiting. Getting a recommendation from your prenatal appointment is an extremely smart decision. They are the ones who will know what's best for you and your baby. If you do gain a little during the pregnancy, you already know exactly how to take it off afterward so I wouldn't stress too much about it.

    Congrats again!
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I wouldn't want anyone except my doctor telling me how to eat, especially unasked. Congratulations and good luck!