It's been 20 days, not dropped an oz!

Ok, so I'm eating at a 1000 deficit rather than trying to keep it under a certain number. I have a fitbit so if I have a sedentary day then I eat less, if I do more i eat more etc. I'm following fitbits recommended deficit of 1000 depending on exercise.

I'm 167 cm
Weigh: 12st 6

Why am I not losing?


  • Skratchie
    Skratchie Posts: 131 Member
    Quite simply, you are not eating enough. Looking at your diary, I see only one day where you hit about 1200 calories, but every other day you're starving yourself. You seriously aren't eating enough to keep your bodily functions going. You should never eat below 1200 calories, and Fitbit is pretty clear about that. Eat more food.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Well, I can tell you that a 500 calorie diet won't get you no where. Might want to re-look at your numbers and go to:

    I know you are WAY below your BMR, which is a big problem, you aren't even taking in enough calories for your organs to function properly if you are only in taking 500 calories a day.
  • FlippinNora
    FlippinNora Posts: 41 Member
    Just had a quick look at your diary - in short, your diet isn't good and you are eating way under what you should. No wonder your body is misbehaving. I couldn't eat as little as you and not be hungry and/or depressed!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    you have a goal of 732 calories?!

    thats why you are not losing weight.... your body is frantically using your muscle as energy (and your heart is a muscle) so you dont starve....
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Here we go again.

    Under eating = weight gain not weight loss.

    If you properly fuel yourself you will see progress.

    What happens when you're low of gas for your car and you have no money? Do you go joy riding around or do you hold on to the gas until your really need to go somewhere? Your body is the same way. It's holding on to what little fuel you are giving it but it stores it as fat.

    You have 2 choices.

    Eat proper amounts of food and lose weight (add weight training by the way)
    Eat the same and continue the same results and be unhealthy.

    You can do it.
  • clarebigbelly
    clarebigbelly Posts: 21 Member
    Why is my diet not good?

    I'm supporting my husband who has to eat under 50g of carbs per day as he is a celiac and type 1 diabetic, we see a nutritionist eho guides what we eat as a family: we are all vegetarians. Eating this amount of carbs is non negotiable, it's for life. It's quite hard to hit arbitrary calorie goals when you have to eat low carb.

    I'm not depressed by any means and could not go hungry! When I'm hungry I eat lots of nuts and non-carb vegetables.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    You need at least 1200 a day for your organs to even function properly!
  • clarebigbelly
    clarebigbelly Posts: 21 Member
    I'm not tracking my resistance training but I do it, each time I go to the gym. Perhaps I'm not doing enough though? Is there anyone who has to eat low carb that can advise what I can eat that could boost the calorie intake. I eat high protein which is very filling but low in calories so find I can't eat much of it at a time.
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    Well, I can tell you that a 500 calorie diet won't get you no where. Might want to re-look at your numbers and go to:

    I know you are WAY below your BMR, which is a big problem, you aren't even taking in enough calories for your organs to function properly if you are only in taking 500 calories a day.

    ^^^^^ This. The Roadmap post is great
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Why is my diet not good?

    I'm supporting my husband who has to eat under 50g of carbs per day as he is a celiac and type 1 diabetic, we see a nutritionist eho guides what we eat as a family: we are all vegetarians. Eating this amount of carbs is non negotiable, it's for life. It's quite hard to hit arbitrary calorie goals when you have to eat low carb.

    I'm not depressed by any means and could not go hungry! When I'm hungry I eat lots of nuts and non-carb vegetables.

    Not true, there are tons and tons of vegetarians on here who in take 3x as much calories as you and are losing weight.
  • clarebigbelly
    clarebigbelly Posts: 21 Member
    I don't have a goal of 732 calories?? That alters throughout the day according to my fitbit.
  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    Why is my diet not good?

    I'm supporting my husband who has to eat under 50g of carbs per day as he is a celiac and type 1 diabetic, we see a nutritionist eho guides what we eat as a family: we are all vegetarians. Eating this amount of carbs is non negotiable, it's for life. It's quite hard to hit arbitrary calorie goals when you have to eat low carb.

    I'm not depressed by any means and could not go hungry! When I'm hungry I eat lots of nuts and non-carb vegetables.

    I eat at a HUGE deficit, never eating back my exercise calories and I steadily lose ( I only eat 600-800 calories per day and am closely monitored by my physician) Im down 70 lbs since Labor Day.... I havent looked at your diary but it COULD be that you are losing inches instead of pounds... For December I didnt meet my goal in pounds but I EXCEEDED my goal in inches...
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I'm not tracking my resistance training but I do it, each time I go to the gym. Perhaps I'm not doing enough though? Is there anyone who has to eat low carb that can advise what I can eat that could boost the calorie intake. I eat high protein which is very filling but low in calories so find I can't eat much of it at a time.

    52g of protein on saturday and 86g on sunday is NOT 'high protein'.
  • clarebigbelly
    clarebigbelly Posts: 21 Member
    I expect they eat a lot of carbs though.... My body s adjusting to this. I think this may be the reason. According to my doctor, my body will start getting energy that I would normal,y get from carbs from protein instead. Perhaps when I have got used to it I will start losing
  • clarebigbelly
    clarebigbelly Posts: 21 Member
    Hmmm what would you say is high protein in grams then?
  • Hazel2005
    Hazel2005 Posts: 175 Member
    Why is my diet not good?

    I'm supporting my husband who has to eat under 50g of carbs per day as he is a celiac and type 1 diabetic, we see a nutritionist eho guides what we eat as a family: we are all vegetarians. Eating this amount of carbs is non negotiable, it's for life. It's quite hard to hit arbitrary calorie goals when you have to eat low carb.

    I'm not depressed by any means and could not go hungry! When I'm hungry I eat lots of nuts and non-carb vegetables.

    Well then, sounds like you have it under control - good luck!
  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    Hmmm what would you say is high protein in grams then?

    over 100 gms of protein is high IMO... However you must also drink a LOT Of water since the more protein, the more work your kidneys will need to do..
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Hmmm what would you say is high protein in grams then?

    well i aim for 125g per day, and i dont think that is particularly high as it is only 25% of my macros.... 40-50% might be considered high.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    This is a 'I'm coming with every excuse in the book' type of thread.

    Good luck. You'll drop something, fat, muscle, bodily fluids, your head - to the floor when you pass out...
  • FlippinNora
    FlippinNora Posts: 41 Member
    You eat a lot pf processed quorn, I would be interested to see what your sodium intake really is. You also eat a lot of sugar in fruit and snacks.
    You are not fueling your body to work at optimum.

    But the bottom line aren't eating enough, you just aren't.