Pole dancing for fitness

karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
I started to do pole dancing classes, I got a course of 6 90 minute lessons for Christmas, and I enjoy it, its really hard work, much harder than I imagined even, but I have a question for anyone who does this, I am sore for a LONG time after and I had some impressive bruising to my inner thighs and butt, I just wonder if this gets better? I did wonder if my age may be an issue, but I went with my 24 year old daughter and she is the same.

Any tips?


  • RAF_Guy
    RAF_Guy Posts: 230 Member
    Lubrication :laugh:
  • michellelister83
    I have done some pole dancing over the past year and really want to get back into it. It's a great workout and fab for toning. As to your questions, I used to ache for a long time too, but this gets better after a while. Well, until you start a new to learn a new move and then back to square one. Just remember you are lifting you whole body weight with your arm/s & thighs. Do proper stretches before and after your work out and if you start to get stiff later on stretch again. The bruises are part of the game I'm afraid, some people are just more prone to them.

    Having said all that there is no better feeling than when you master a new move!

    If you enjoy it keep with it :smile:
  • lydiarice
    Like michelleliste said, pole bruises are just part of the experience. You'll get used to it over time. I highly recommend you set up an account at studioveena.com. It's a FREE online community for pole dancers of all skill levels. You can get answers to any questions, watch user videos, and watch lessons (those cost money tho).
  • IronKitty
    IronKitty Posts: 121 Member
    Yep you'll always get bruising and feel sore, but it will get less with time and certain parts of the body that consistently get used will get used to it and not become as sore or bruise as much. Been doing pole for over a year now and I'm still covered with them. To prevent bruising or at least make it not last as long use arnica gel as soon as possible after training, it heals bruises much fast. Pole is such a great workout, but you do have to give your muscles time to rest, I go about 2-3 times a week (along with short daliy workouts), and on the 3rd time in a week I need to take a day off of exercise all together. GIve your body time to heal, you'll be amazed at how much stronger you feel coming back!
  • S_U_M_M_E_R
    S_U_M_M_E_R Posts: 220 Member
    This sounds sooooooooooo fun!
  • Neveone
    I can agree, it is so much fun and the pain is getting less and less.
    But the bruises won't unfortunately or at least did not for me. I had to stop, as my female doc suspected my BF to beat me up and do even worse things to me...
  • firemanfive0
    firemanfive0 Posts: 228 Member
    I don't feel I can give you an accurate response without reviewing video footage first...but seriously, I would guess with all exercise programs...there needs to be some rest days in between the workouts. Good job on finding something that keeps your interest and wanting more exercise!!
  • carissar7
    carissar7 Posts: 183 Member
    Ahh yes, pole dancing and bruises are like peanut butter and jelly. They just go hand in hand. I've been pole dancing for 2 years and I still get the occasional spotted bruises around my feet. Unfortunately when you are learning you will bruise ANYWHERE your skin is being pushed and pulled into the pole. You are defying gravity after all. If your bruises are small, spotted but all over, that is usually from friction/attempting a move too fast or falling out of it. I remember the first 6-8 months into my pole "journey" I was like a spotted dalmatian! I even had women from work ask me if I was being abused.....lol. And being sore is customary as well...it will get less and less over time the more you advance. I can remember my first pole dancing class ever. The next day or 2 after, I don't think I've ever been so sore in my entire life. I'm serious. My arms and abdomen hurt so bad it was painful to move. Then after 3 days or so it went away and I just knew I was hooked for life!
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,498 Member
    The bruising lessens as your body adapts to the moves. I used to get horrible bruises even from spinning tricks, but now I have to do something fairly athletic and usually inverted (upside down) to get bruises of any significance. To combat the soreness, I down a Designer Whey protein shake in the car immediately after a lesson. It's 18 grams of protein in a 100 calorie shake and seems to prevent all but the worst achy muscles.

    It's worth every ache and pain, though. I'm so much stronger than I ever was and I burn around 800 calories a class! :D