Home workouts - Wasting my time?

I have been either doing a 5-mile walking video, level 1 of 30-day shred, or a 20 min cardio video, but I am not getting the results I want.

Is 100-lb weight loss possible by working out just at home?

Which do you feel is more important - cardio or strength training? Is the answer determined by where you are in your weight loss journey?


  • I know what you mean!! I think sometimes we need to remember how long it took to put the weight on. It can take up to FOUR week for results to show, how long have you been doing these videos? Do you feel like your challenged? Are you eating the right foods? There are other factors to getting result you want! Hang in there!! Be patience!!

    I believe Cardio and Diet are the big main factors in losing weight, oh course, willingness!!

    Anything is possible if you put your mind to it!
  • vickidiane13
    vickidiane13 Posts: 22 Member
    I have previously lost 50 lbs through both tracking calories, walking exercise video 3-5 days a week, and also additional walking in my neighborhood or school track when the weather is not freezing. I am following the same path this year to get an additional 50 lbs off. The exercise is great for feeling stronger and more tone, but for me what I eat and how much is the biggest factor in weight loss.
  • DebraYvonne
    DebraYvonne Posts: 632 Member
    I have been either doing a 5-mile walking video, level 1 of 30-day shred, or a 20 min cardio video, but I am not getting the results I want.

    Is 100-lb weight loss possible by working out just at home?

    Which do you feel is more important - cardio or strength training? Is the answer determined by where you are in your weight loss journey?

    I am quite where you are now. Sore and working my butt off and seeing absolutely no results. I only have 30 to lose but I have been trying to lose them for almost five years. I am doing 30 Day Shred & walking/jogging at least 5 mi per day. I am going to try to do something different ths week. Let me know if you find something that works!!
  • Cinflo58
    Cinflo58 Posts: 326 Member
    You sure can do it working out at home! just be sure to watch your diet too. Start by cutting out drinks with added sugar and juice, fried foods and increase fruits, vegeables, lean protein and water.
    Cardio will help more with weight loss but strengthening will increase your metabloism
    Good luck!

  • BellaFe
    BellaFe Posts: 323
    Losing weight is all about maintaining a calorie deficit, you can lose weight with diet alone. So the answer is yes, yes you can lose weight at home.

    It's about neither. If you want to look good and maintain lean body mass while losing weight then strength training is where its at.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    What are the results you're getting and how aren't they meeting the goals you thought you'd have met by now?
  • livityliv
    livityliv Posts: 110 Member
    100 pounds will take a long time regardless of whether you work out at home or at the gym (I actually just hit the -100lb mark today!). I have a gym membership, but while I was away for the holidays I did 30DS at home and still got a great workout.

    If you aren't getting the results you want try pumping up the intensity or time spent. For me, Level 2 of 30DS burns less than 300 cals; walk away the pounds probably even less than that, so keep that in mind too. Exercise will help, but the process is slow. Personally, I've had success mixing cardio and strength and prefer workouts like 30DS-I feel like I get more bang for my workout buck, can blast calories but am using/maintaining muscle at the same time.

    I say keep at it. Anything you do is better than nothing!
  • tami101
    tami101 Posts: 617 Member
    I work out at home with the walking dvd's mostly. I have an exercise bike and a treadmill also, but I didn't get the treadmill until recently and I didn't have enough stamina to do more than 10 minutes on the bike until I had lost 20lbs. The first 20lbs I definitely attribute to improving my diet and Leslie Sansone. So, no you are not wasting your time! Try to have patience and keep going, the results will eventually come. =)
  • I too am sick of the plateau. Read my blogg (Fastdiet 2:5) and see what you think. It might be the answer to all our dreams.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    It will take 100 weeks, give or take a few. So, it's not a fast process by any means.

    You certainly can lose weight at home doing what you are doing. Creating a calorie deficit is the most important thing.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I have been either doing a 5-mile walking video, level 1 of 30-day shred, or a 20 min cardio video, but I am not getting the results I want.

    Is 100-lb weight loss possible by working out just at home?

    Which do you feel is more important - cardio or strength training? Is the answer determined by where you are in your weight loss journey?

    First question: how long ago did you start exercising and eating better?

    Second question: what are the results you want? Are they realistic?

    Remember that weight loss often happens in spurts. You'll be the same weight for a week and then all of a sudden a couple pounds come off. One theory is that fat cells get initially filled with water when the fat is burned off, and then the water gets flushed out later.
  • kooltray87
    kooltray87 Posts: 501 Member
    Burning calories happens whether you're at a gym or at home. What you eat plays a big part in whether or not you will lose the weight. I've you continue to eat right and exercise the weight will come off EVENTUALLY.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    If you are hitting a plateau doing gentle exercise (walking etc), then try and increase the intensity of your workout - basically, you have mastered the 20 mins walk (for example) - it is now time to try and do 20 minutes intervals.

    I like this set - you can use whatever cardio you like - I do the quicker ones on a static bike and the longer ones on a rower, but you could do it all running or all on your bike or do sit ups, star jumps, skipping whatever. The thing to remember is that apart from the 1min sets they are all sprints and you should sprint.

    1) 30 secs effort, 30 secs rest x 5
    2) 20 secs effort, 10 secs rest x 10
    3) 1min effort, 1min rest x 5
    4) 20 secs effort, 10 secs rest x 10

    I could do these when I was 17st - and I still do them now, I just sprint harder.
  • Bodyweight exercises can be done anywhere anytime. Try "You Are Your Own Gym"...it's a great book of body weight exercise.
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    It will take 100 weeks, give or take a few. So, it's not a fast process by any means.

    You certainly can lose weight at home doing what you are doing. Creating a calorie deficit is the most important thing.

    Ditto. I lost 50 pounds doing DVDs at home - low impact. (The Shred and Insanity weren't around back back then!) Losing that weight helped me to do higher impact exercise, which I now mix up with the low impact and strength training. (Result, 10 more pounds lost and lots of new muscle.)

    It IS a process, even when you get to goal weight. Stay strong!!!
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    The food you consume is going to make the biggest change...exercise alone is not going to lose fat...I guess you know this...is your diet where it should be?
  • Staceyp76
    Staceyp76 Posts: 83 Member
    Coming from experience of both working out at the gym and working out at home. For a year I worked out a gym and yes I lost weight but then I got complacent. I was tired of going to the gym and doing the same thing over and over. I cancelled my gym membership and started using jillian michaels videos. Then I found insanity. I'm almost done it and I think I have experience the best results in the last 60 days then 1 year at the gym has given me. I think it is 100% possible to workout from home and experience great weight loss.

    I will never again get a gym membership. I have purchased quite a few beachbody videos and have planned out my whole 2013 of just working out at home. Plus the nice thing is I can just work out in my underwear :)

    No I am not a beachbody coach or anything I just think if you can find the right video series that YOU enjoy doing you will find success at home
  • l3ugjuice
    l3ugjuice Posts: 233

    All you really need to lose weight is a smaller plate. All you really need to do cardio is a pair of properly fitted shoes. All you really need to strength train is a spot of floor big enough lay down on, and a towel.

    But not everyone is going to enjoy workouts like that. Some people enjoy going to the gym, or that the routine of actually GOING to the gym after work (or before, whenever) helps them stick with their plan. Some people like working out at home.

    I like working out at home myself. As for which is better, cardio or strength...well, neither. It's like asking which is better: shoes or pants. Personally I prefer cardio (because I figured out I really enjoy jogging), but if I do it 7 days a week I get fatigued so I run 4 days a week, and cross 3 days a week.

    On my cross days, I do cycles of dumbbells, rebounder, elliptical, recumbent bike, heavy bag then stretches/core. The reason I do those isnt because it's the most efficient workout, it's because I enjoy doing them (except for the stretching and core exercises, those I hate but I havent had any back pain since I started doing them religiously...so I deal).

    My opinion on dieting and exercising is: the best diet for you is the one you will stick with, and the best exercise plan is the one you can stick with.

    BTW, I highly recommend rebounding. Once you get over the fact that you probably look like a complete moron doing it, you will be shocked at how good of a cardio workout you can get on one.
  • BrawlerBella
    BrawlerBella Posts: 400 Member
    Home workouts are totally worth it. Look at my ticker. I've done LS, JM RI30, JM Body Revolution and now Insanity. When I get the chance I run outdoors. You must be honest with yourself in your goals. Are they attainable? How bad do you really want it? Are you logging everything you eat? Remember you can out eat any workout. Buy a food scale this helps keep an accurate account.

    I wish you the best of luck!
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    Losing weight is all about maintaining a calorie deficit, you can lose weight with diet alone. So the answer is yes, yes you can lose weight at home.

    It's about neither. If you want to look good and maintain lean body mass while losing weight then strength training is where its at.

    dat right dere