
Hi everyone! I need desperately to find some friends on here who are faithful to posting and logging calories/exercise. I had several, but am now down to one friend on here who actually logs in :(. I do sooooo much better if I have someone to be accountable to. Thanks in advance to anyone who responds!


  • hi, i am a daily user. feel free to add me :)
  • joniannbrooks
    joniannbrooks Posts: 14 Member
    Just gettting back into it. I'll do it daily please add me.

  • TheKidd2013
    TheKidd2013 Posts: 60 Member
    I log daily and have quite a bit to lose so I'll be be here!! feel free to add me !
  • Gina1955
    Gina1955 Posts: 3 Member
    Me too! I need accountabilty as well. Just finished my first week.
  • LuckyStarrGal
    LuckyStarrGal Posts: 66 Member
    I just joined today so I will need some motivation too! I plan to get on here several times a day to log! I'm off to the gym, have a healthy day!
  • Just started 5 days ago and plan on logging in everyday ,I will be here a while I have 50 pounds to lose
  • Angeleyes05
    Angeleyes05 Posts: 263 Member
    I would be glad to help I am on daily. Feel free to add me
  • Accountability would help me out a lot too! I tried this last January and didn't keep up with it very long. I am now back at my starting weight from last year and would like to keep with it this time.
  • feel free to add me too :) i'll be on here daily as well
  • hi, I joined last year, then fell off. Started again last Tuesday and lost 6 lbs. Got to do it this time. Do or die!!!!!! We'll be in this together, add me
  • Hello, My name is Thea. Im 42 yrs old with 5 sons. I have Multiple Sclerosis. Last yr I lost 85 lbs dieting alone. However, In Sept. I had my right knee replaced for the 2 nd time in a year. During the healing process I gained 15 back. I am dedicated to losing another 40 lbs..The more friends to help keep me motivated and held accountable the better. Please feel free to add me as a friend:-)
  • wdkirk
    wdkirk Posts: 12 Member
    I too log daily. Feel free to add me tool:smile:
  • sis83
    sis83 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey I just signed up today! I'd love to have a community of support. I don't really know how to use this thing yet and I don't have a scale, but let's do it! Truthfully, I know I want to lose about 80lbs and be a size 12, but I'm not married to numbers. I want to feel better. I want my knees to not hurt. I want to be able to run 20min and not pass out. That's how I'm tracking things really. I signed up for this mainly as a daily food journal because what you take in matters. Calories and fat are numbers that matter. So yay! WE GOT THIS Y'LL! I'm starting Insanity for the 3rd time today (I've done month 1 2.5 times) so if anyone wants to join me in that I'd love it!

    Also, is there some way for us to make a group or something on here. So we can stay in touch easier without always having to post on this message?
  • Hi, I would be happy to be your friend. I agree, I also do better when I have friends to hold me accountable.:happy:
  • bellagirl125
    bellagirl125 Posts: 4 Member
    I also started a week ago and log daily...please feel free to add me...this is a very encouraging heps to have many to turn to for advice:)
  • :0 I am overwhelmed by the quick responses!! Thanks so much to everyone!! I am excited already about getting back into it! I started back in August and did really well up until around November....then the holidays kicked in and at my workplace we celebrate everything by eating for my healthy eating went down the drain :(. For Christmas I got new workout clothes, an exercise mat, and new running shoes, so I am READY now lol! So excited about getting to know yall and going through this journey with new friends! :)
  • risaroo83
    risaroo83 Posts: 7 Member
    I just started back up and hope to be on here faithfully :) I have got to do it this time!!! I am here for you too!
  • jamie610811
    jamie610811 Posts: 1,735 Member
    Can add me no worries
  • ylacombe
    ylacombe Posts: 2 Member
    Feel free to add me. I had two friends that were doing this with me but gave up. I am in need of some accountability.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    You can add me if you'd like. I come on here every day, but I'm taking a break from my weight loss due to pregnancy. Here to make sure I don't gain too much and still log all that I eat =)