Anyone Want to Start 30 Day Shred With Me?



  • sromboug
    sromboug Posts: 4
    I'm totally in!
    I completed Day 1 yesterday and am looking forward to Day 2 today!
  • tash313
    tash313 Posts: 11 Member
    Just finished day 1. I really think Jillian is trying to kill me.
  • Shrimpy
    Shrimpy Posts: 14
    Day 2 today and my poor legs are sore :( I don't know how I'm going to manage tomorrow but I WILL somehow :)
  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    Day three completed. I have to admit, I didn't feel at all motivated to do it today. I usually get it done with before taking my 3 year old to Kindergarten. Today I decided not to do it, maybe at nap time, and took him in. Then when I got home, I was like, NO, you need to get it done cause you will just put it off again at nap time. So, I did. Yeah me! And of course, I felt good after... as always. Knowing that I would have to post here that I didn't do it today was a lot of motivation, so thanks everyone for being here! Happy shredding.
  • Tanya761
    Tanya761 Posts: 146
    How on earth do you guys do this on Day 2??? Lol. I had to take a break from it yesterday, I could hardly move. I just thought it is better to take a one day break and get back to it on day 3 instead of hurting myself and having to take more than 1 day off. So, I just finished it and feel great again! I love the flushed pink cheeks a person gets after working out. Makes me think.....hmmmm my body likes this! I should be good to go now to do this everyday in a row now. I usually have one very sore day the second day after doing a major workout for the first time in awhile, than am usually good after that. Good for all of you for keeping up with this!

    Does anyone have a heart rate monitor that you use? How many calories do you burn? I am burning 225 or so.....mind you I am working hard, but not my hardest because I just had a baby by c-section 4 months ago, and all the jumping jacks, butt kicks, etc make my tummy hurt my muscles are not 100% healed yet inside from being I'm taking it easier than I normally would during cardio. I need to use my hands to support my belly where my incision was.
  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    Day four done. I had to push myself to get it done again this morning, but am glad I did. I was able to do the push-ups on my feet rather than knees. I didn't do quite as many as the girls but did rather well. I will be ready in a week to move on to Level 2.
  • How do you know how many calories you are burning doing 30 day shred? I didn't find it in the exercise data base. Thanks!
  • Shrimpy
    Shrimpy Posts: 14
    I had a rest day today (day 4) as my legs were agony!!! I couldn't even sit on the toilet without wincing. Back to it tomorrow though before taking my eldest to Nursery as I feel muuuch better after having a rest :) Have my period too (evil witch) so I'm hoping it will help me feel less bloated and better within myself.
  • sromboug
    sromboug Posts: 4
    I finished Day 2: Revisited today. I tried to do Day 2 on Tuesday but I was so exhausted from walking home from work that I only made it half way. I took a day off and now I feel awesome. Day 3 should be interesting!

    Quick question for those of you who do the Shred in the morning... do you do it before going to work? and if so, do you eat breakfast before or after?

    Thanks guys!
  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    How do you know how many calories you are burning doing 30 day shred? I didn't find it in the exercise data base. Thanks!

    This is going to vary for everyone depending on your heart rate, you normal activity level, your weight, and your age. Best bet is to get a HRM for accuracy. You don't want to over- or under-estimate what you burn. I burned more when I first started doing the DVD last year than I do now since it isn't as difficult for me. And I burn more when I use my heavier set of weights.

    As for me.... grrr. Weighed in this morning with a .1 lbs change. I suppose this is better than gaining 5 lbs, but still. I am really frustrated. Having trouble not going off on hiatus today. Will have to force myself to do Jillian today. Hope you all are doing better.
  • elainemc
    elainemc Posts: 7
    Hey does anyone mind if i join you. I just got my DVD today and want to start this evening. What way are you doing it are you putting in measurements? I know i'm 4 days behind but think if i have to answer to someone there is a lot less chance of me slacking off :blushing:
  • elainemc
    elainemc Posts: 7
    Hey does anyone mind if i join you. I just got my DVD today and want to start this evening. What way are you doing it are you putting in measurements? I know i'm 4 days behind but think if i have to answer to someone there is a lot less chance of me slacking off :blushing:
  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    Hey does anyone mind if i join you. I just got my DVD today and want to start this evening. What way are you doing it are you putting in measurements? I know i'm 4 days behind but think if i have to answer to someone there is a lot less chance of me slacking off :blushing:

    I don't see any reason you cannot join up. More support is always good. I am on day 6 today... I just need to get out of bed and go do it!

    Happy shredding!
  • I found a website that will assist you in figuring out how many calories you have burned. The website is|11093|calories||S|b|4802960810

    The total workout is 27 minutes long. You enter your current weight, choose circuit training and the formula will figure it for you. I weigh 144 lbs and it advised me that I burned 236 calories. I hope you found this interesting...Good luck to all.
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