Foot cramps when doing 30 day shred????

Hi everyone, I am looking to you all for some advice! I have been doing 30 day shred every other day for about 2 weeks. I do a leslie samson 4 fast miles walking workout in between. I am very new to working out or even moving as I have been very low active for that past 2 years. Anyhow, when doing the jumping jacks then the jumprope on 30 day shred, my feet hurt SO bad, like they both get those foot cramps in the arches the whole way across my foot and I have to stop and walk them out. I thought it was my shoes so I went out and bought a nice cross-trainer for more support, that didn't help. I am drinking all my water so it can't be that... Any ideas? Do I just have to stick it out and it will get better? I don't want to quit 30 day shred, I love it! (I started at 208 and this morning the scale said 203! What a great feeling!) Thank you all for your help!


  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    I outweigh you by 45 lbs and do the shred video barefoot. I haven't had any problems with my feet.
  • Cassaaaaandra
    Cassaaaaandra Posts: 184 Member
    Sounds like an electrolyte imbalance. Maybe bump up your potassium and magnesium rich foods a bit.
  • lindslove115
    May I ask how you all log the exercise for the 30 day shred? I have just been imputing "circuit training, general" but it feels like i'm doing more than "general" circuit training lol
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Sounds like an electrolyte imbalance. Maybe bump up your potassium and magnesium rich foods a bit.
    Agreed; when I get cramps this is usually why. Try a banana about 30 mins before you start and see if that helps.
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    When you do the movements, pay attention to your foot position. Is your whole body tight? You could be trying to keep your balance by tensing up - creating cramps! I was a dancer for 15+ years and the biggest thing for balance is 1) hold everything in your core. No matter what you do, use your inner ab muscles to control your body. and 2) don't try to 'grip' the floor or your shoes with your feet. Spread your toes and elongate your foot keeping your weight in the center. Visualize your weight spreading evenly across your foot. If you do this with every exercise it will help you gain control, maintain posture, and balance.
  • kristenheet
    kristenheet Posts: 16 Member
    all really good answers! Thank you all so much! I thought about doing it barefoot but then thought that wouldn't be good for my feet! However, I don't get out much as I have 2 yr old twins so I don't wear shoes all that much anyhow! I am gonna try all the suggestions though. Thank you all!