Heel spurs and Excercise (?)

Does anyone know what I could do to burn calories that would not swell and cause pain :sad: in my feet/ankles until I can either get some weight off or through different stretches, gel inserts, etc. get this to calm down? I know that if I fast walk, which is what I like to do at a 4.4 pace, that just causes the pain to be almost intolerable AND it is very difficult to get my shoes off afterwards. If anyone has any ideas (besides swimming lol) that would be great and I would appreciate it a bunch!
Thank you so much! :smile:


  • Beyond_Value
    Beyond_Value Posts: 46 Member
    My son has heel spurts and went to the doctor and the doctor said he was over weight but gave him some solutions.

    Purchase the Nike 900's and up tennis shoes, and they build a shoe to fix your foot.

    But the doctor is the best bet so you won't damage anything else.

    Good Luck!:smile:
  • SpecialKitty7
    SpecialKitty7 Posts: 678 Member
    i have heel spurs and plantar facsitis, i know the exact pain you mention. at first, streching out my feet (stand on a step with just your toes and press up, and then strech down) helped, but eventually the dr gave me some orthotics. after a few weeks, i have no more pain or swelling. the insurance even covered the whole thing.

    As for the exercises, i never really found any that didn't make my foot hurt. i love fast walking and yoga, and unfortunately, they both hurt.
  • Thank you, I will look into that shoe!

    I have been to the doctor a few different times and an Orthopedic. They gave me an injection of cortizone that lasted 6 months of complete relief but they don't like doing that particular one they did for me very often. The other cortizone injections they typically give did nothing for me, so I do have an option of going in one more time for the 6 month one and that may be what I end up doing just so I can exercise and get some of this weight off but again the Orthopedic discourages those.

    I'll try that shoe first and see if anyone comes up with some exercise options too. Is your son better? I hope so because that pain can be debilitating at times.
  • What are Orthotics? I'm excited that something out there might work!
  • SpecialKitty7
    SpecialKitty7 Posts: 678 Member
    orthotics are basically shoe inserts. it's hard plastic with a fuzzy top so my foot doesn't slide. the dr scanned my foot with a laser and the company made an insert just for me. It comes up around my heel a bit and comes down about halfway on my foot. it corrects my gait so i don't put the excess pressure where it shouldn't be. so i still have the bone spurs, but i don't feel them anymore, since the correction has stopped making the tendon rub on it.