Gaining Weight..not Losing help!!



  • evdenapoli
    evdenapoli Posts: 164 Member
    1 week is not long enough to judge your progress or lack there of


    Keep at it.

    I agree! I gain upto 3lbs the week before my period alone! lol
  • bethspin
    bethspin Posts: 2 Member
    Your doing everything right....weight flucuation is inevitable especially when yuo first start. Keep it up in 2 weeks time you'll feel awesome.
  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member
    Haven't read the other replies but if you went over, it is likely you consumed a lot of sodium as well. This could cause you to retain water weight. Also, you are only one week in, your body may need more time to adjust, especially if your deficit is not a big one from working out AND eating at a deficit. Take it slow, don't get discouraged
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I've only been doing this for about a week. I had two bad where I went about 300 over and one where I went 500 over. I knew I messed up and regret it but i didn't think it'd make me gain 3.5lbs. I've also been working out. Not a lot but I'm doing what I can. I figured some is better than none. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? :frown:

    One week minus 2 bad days = 5 days. And 5 days is not long enough to see results. Stay consistently in your calorie goal, log everything, weigh yourself only once a week and give it some time!
  • rosiereally2
    rosiereally2 Posts: 539 Member
    Stick with it, but you really have to be diligent about your tracking. I see a few days where you didn't track for the entire day. Set your diary to private if there are bad choices that you don't care to publicly admit too, but without an honest assessment of your intake, you will have an unnecessarily difficult time finding the right combination of foods/calories that work best for you.
  • mamawoz
    mamawoz Posts: 31 Member
    The only thing you're doing wrong is setting yourself up to quit by having unrealistic expectations. It's work and patience honey. My advice is just do what you do, and forget the rest. One day you'll wake up to scratch your *kitten* and reach a little higher than you remember. Lol just don't give up.

    I LOVE THIS!!!
  • cnelson1974
    cnelson1974 Posts: 235 Member
    I'm in agreement that you're probably retaining water. Drink more water during the day. I LOT of water. I use a plastic water bottle (with volume markers on the side) with a straw smack in the middle of my desk as I work. I drink out of it all day without thinking and take in 6 to 10 cups a day.

    When looking at your diary, I noticed there was a high amount of sodium one day (I forget which day). Turn on your tracker to see sodium for your diary. I think it might shock you (my diary sure did shock me!). A lot of preprocessed food has sodium hidden in it. If you mess up, don't freak out. Just choose something different next meal.

    Try not to panic, just being here is a great step for a better you. I would recommend spreading your food out more during the day. Instead of 2 large meals and a tiny (or non-existant) breakfast, eat 4 or 5 times a day. Your body expends energy all day so you need to fuel it all day. The hardest thing for me to realize was that I really did have to eat MORE often but LESS food.

    I had a REALLY tough time with learning that I will never be 'full' again. I don't eat until I'm full. I eat until I'm not hungry. So lunch is about 3 cups of salad and protein. It's not meant to make me full. I eat a snack in about 2 hours (a cup of cereal, an apple, a handful of almonds, etc.). If I were a car, my stomach would be on a half tank of fuel all day long. This way I don't get so hungry I overfil. I admit it took me about a month to get used to it. Now if I eat a 7 oz. chunk of meat, I can only fit about a cup of veggies and I'm done. No cravings, 'cause my tummy is happy and I save my veggies in a plastic container. Hungry in an hour? I eat the rest of my veggies and my tummy is happy again.

    I use a nutritionist for weight loss help -- he's shown me what I should eat as better choices and MFP has been a lifesaver for me. I can see where I'm spending my energy and it helped guide me to distributing my food through the day better.

    Good luck! We're rooting for you! :D
  • mrslehan2013
    Thanks! I'll stop weighing myself as much and try to watch my sodium...I'm really bad at this losing weight stuff!
  • Rum_Runner
    Rum_Runner Posts: 617 Member
    One week is not long enough.

    You may very well be retaiing water from excess sodium and/or the extra exercise. Your muscles will hold water to aid in recover/repair after a workout. Drink lots of water. Old rule take yoru weight and divide by 2 - that should be the minimum number of oz you get per day!!

    Don't stress after a week. Watch the food intake and you'll see rusults in a few weeks.
  • crazy4fids
    Don't weigh yourself more than once a week. Consume at least eight glasses of water per day (your body needs to be hydrated to burn fat and remove toxins from your body). Make sure you are tracking everyting you eat (don't forget the condiments). Don't rely on just the scale, your clothes can sometimes be a better judge as to what your body is doing (especially if you are weight training).

    Don't panic, it's only been two weeks, give it some time and concentrate on establishing new healthy eating and exercising habits.
  • ChrisRiches
    ChrisRiches Posts: 45 Member
    I also started a program last year, boot camp 3 mornings/week, counting calories, etc. And I gained 6 pounds in the first few weeks. Don't forget also that muscle weighs more than fat, you could be gaining some muscle. Keep at it, and make sure you are totally honest with yourself about how much you are eating. I was amazed at the true calories in what I was eating once I started using this website. Best of luck, and remember - Rome wasn't built in a day. :wink:
  • nachodman
    nachodman Posts: 29 Member
    It's only been a week. It will take some time to adjust and create new 'habits' (eating and physical activity). So, track what you eat, and your activity with MFP. You can also start looking at when you eat. Are you snacking while surfing the net? Watching the tele? etc. Be cognizant of the timing of your eating and you may be able to predict and prevent the breaking of your plan. It takes at least 21 days of doing something before it starts to or actually becomes a habit. To successfully lose and keep the weight off, what is needed is not a temporary fix, but a change in lifestyle. That is why I counsel my patients and encourage them to adopt some TLC. Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes are small changes you can live with for the rest of your life. The changes are slow as the results are, but the benefits can last a lifetime if you stick it out. Hang in there. You have lots of people on your cheering squad.
    Keep up the good work, don't lose faith and reward yourself from time to time, just be sure to get active and 'pay it back'.
  • Chibea
    Chibea Posts: 363 Member
    I am so glad for all these responses because I just had the same experience after losing for two weeks...I was really discouraged and was starting to lose interest...silly, I know, after only a few weeks. Anyway, so much great support here, I am so grateful.
  • jrzyfan01
    jrzyfan01 Posts: 2 Member
    I have been at it now for 2 weeks and my weight is in a yo-yo effect. I can weigh one day and be at my starting weight and then the next and be up 3 lbs and the next back down. I drink about 84 oz of water everyday and started a gym last week, still no results. I get discouraged so easily because I have so much to lose. I know it won't come off overnight but when will I see results. I am working harder at this time than ever before. I just want to see a lb come off to show me that I am doing something right. Last year I did the Atkins diet and lost almost 40 lbs but quit and have gained every bit of it back. I am trying this time for a low calorie/low carb combo. Somethings gotta give!