


  • susanwair
    susanwair Posts: 78 Member
    OMG - I would say DON'T use it- ugghhhh
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I tried it probably about 6 years ago when it was fairly new. I bought it at either Costco or Sam's, so I got a good price per pill, but unfortunately buying it at a warehouse club means I got a LOT of it!

    I was already eating a pretty low-calorie diet, and said diet was rather low in fats, too. Thus I (thankfully) didn't have the oily leakage or anything like that. I didn't lose any more weight... It finally hit me that Alli is really a deterrent from eating a lot of fat. In other words, if you eat too much fat, you'll nearly crap your pants. If you already don't eat a lot of fat, Alli is pointless.

    I also agree that there are good fats out there that Alli would prevent you from digesting.

    Just log your food. There's really no pill that is going to help you lose weight *and* keep it off over the long-term.

    Or, you can buy Alli, continue to eat fat, and end up like this:

  • Erica262
    Erica262 Posts: 226 Member
    1) Take Alli.
    2) Eat fried chicken or a dozen chicken wings with hot sauce.
    3) Do P90X Ab Ripper X.
    4) Clean up after yourself.

    LOL! I shouldn't read comments like this at work.

    But it's true. Don't do it unless you want to poop your pants.

    There is a diet pill that works. It's called Adipex and you have to get a prescription for it from your doctor. It's basically an amphetamine. I did for a month a few years ago. I lost weight, but it made me CRAZY.

    Drugs are bad, mmkay?
  • bcmlam1001
    bcmlam1001 Posts: 118 Member
    I have a friend that took it while doing Weight Watchers and it did amp her weight loss up an extra couple pounds a week but she almost had to eat her meals right by the bathroom door and she would talk about it being aggravating but she liked the weight loss benifits. Along with her Weight Watchers program she learned to eat right but I would say the lesson on eating right did come from Weight Watchers not Alli :-) She took it everytime she wanted to lose a little extra weight until she finally got smart and just followed Weight Watchers ans she has maintained for about a year and half now without Alli
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    I used it for 1 month. Yes it's expensive and the side effects of eating properly are aweful...
    Fixed it for you. Fats are essential for proper hormonal function (among other things) and dietary fat =/= body fat.
  • Dark_Horse
    Do not waste your money on such crap.

    Diet and exercise is the key to weight loss, plain and simple. Burn more calories than you consume.

    Every year a new magic bullet comes out saying how it will destroy fat, while raking in millions and millions of dollars from people who want a quick fix.
  • Squeeks70
    Squeeks70 Posts: 157 Member
    This is a discussion between you and your underwear......
  • devinclink
    devinclink Posts: 6 Member
    I took Alli some years ago to amp up my weight loss for surgery. I ate very clean (chicken breast, fish, green veggies, etc,) I NEVER had a problem with leakage, oily spots or anything, however, once I ate a piece of oily food there was oil in my bowels I still never leaked though. When taking Alli it tells you to eat low-fat meals and workout so it's definitely not a substitute only an enhancement. I just started back taking Alli and I'm eating clean and again I DO NOT LEAK or SPOT. The thing is if you still want to eat fatty foods then don't take it.
  • Telecide
    Telecide Posts: 19 Member
    I tried it probably about 6 years ago when it was fairly new. I bought it at either Costco or Sam's, so I got a good price per pill, but unfortunately buying it at a warehouse club means I got a LOT of it!

    I was already eating a pretty low-calorie diet, and said diet was rather low in fats, too. Thus I (thankfully) didn't have the oily leakage or anything like that. I didn't lose any more weight... It finally hit me that Alli is really a deterrent from eating a lot of fat. In other words, if you eat too much fat, you'll nearly crap your pants. If you already don't eat a lot of fat, Alli is pointless.

    I also agree that there are good fats out there that Alli would prevent you from digesting.

    Just log your food. There's really no pill that is going to help you lose weight *and* keep it off over the long-term.

    Or, you can buy Alli, continue to eat fat, and end up like this:


    Yeah, some time ago I started formulating the idea in my head that an Alli cheat day would be the perfect crime. I tend to be an all-or-nothing guy so, while my daily diet is very disciplined, my cheat days can be cataclysmic. I figured just load up on alli and let all that pizza and ice cream just go through me. But after reading all the stuff about anal this and anal that, I lost my nerve. Probably a good thing. Sounds like it would have gotten pretty ugly.

    A lot of these weight loss shortcuts seem to me to be like recipes for stone soup. Sure, take Alli and lose weight. All you gotta do is take the pill and eat a low fat diet and exercise. Um... ok, so why am I taking the pill again? Same with bariatric surgery. Just get a piece of your digestive tract cut out and then all you gotta do is (you guessed it) eat right and exercise. Like, couldn't I have done that without mutilating myself?

    I guess there's always bulimia, but even aside from the deleterious health effects, I figure that's gotta result in a net decrease in pleasure, which of course defeats the whole point of cheat day. :mad:
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    The warnings about "oily anal discharge" is enough to turn me off it for good.

    THIS!!! :laugh: