The deal with oatmeal



  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    the problem with oatmeal (to me) is that there's all those carbs, and no protein to balance it and keep you satisfied longer..... whenever I have oatmeal, I add protein powder to it. works like a charm
  • Tw1zzler
    Tw1zzler Posts: 583
    I used to eat oatmeal daily until I got sick of it... If you feel good eating it and it fits into your diet plan there is no reason to cut it out. Maybe cut back on the honey gradually. I used to love old fashioned oats with raisins, diced apples and cinnamon, no sugar needed. But in addition to that I'd eat an egg & egg whites. If I don't get a decent amount of protein and healthy fat I'll be hungry later.
  • Yaya1976
    Yaya1976 Posts: 357 Member
    I ate oatmeal 5 days a week, but I only eat the instant.
    It only has 130 calories.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I eat oatmeal every morning. I eat steel cut oats or coach's oats (when I don't have time)...according to the packaging, there are 0 grams of sugar and high in fiber. For me, fiber is important in trying to get my cholesterol down through diet. If you're having natural oats, then there really shouldn't be any sugar. To boot, carbs aren't the devil and eating carbs has personally had zero impact on my weight loss, thoiugh I do manage my macros to be 40/30/30.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Nope, I don't eat oatmeal or any other grains. Personally, my experience has proven to me that it is not healthy. However, if you enjoy it, then eat it and don't worry about what your boss, or anyone else has to say. Perhaps if you experiment with your own body and put in thousands of hours of research beyond the generally-accepted health advice, like I have, maybe you'll make your own discoveries.

    So this is your passive aggressive way of stating that you don't believe oatmeal is healthy? Nice that you sneaked a pat on your back in there too!
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I ate oatmeal 5 days a week, but I only eat the instant.
    It only has 130 calories.

    instant - ew! eat the old fashioned or steel cut. less processed!
  • carliekitty
    carliekitty Posts: 303 Member
    I eat oatmeal almost everyday. I love it. I actually put brown sugar in it and alot of times a banana and walnuts. I do eat oatmeal from starbucks and mcdonalds as well. I have been loosing weight at a normal rate and find carbs in the morning helpful for my workouts. Why stop eating something you love just cause someone has an opinion on it?
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Love it, eat it all the time. My goal isn't anti carb though. (there are some people that are also anti banana for this reason) Moderation in all things is my motto and if a piece of fruit or a bowl of oatmeal is off limits, I fail to see the moderation in that.

    This is a recurring MFP comment theme: moderation. Unfortunately, for some of us whose health has been compromised by years of low fat, high carb, calorie restricted dieting, moderation is impossible. So is "willpower". Riddle me this: if binging is a "mental" disorder and it's just lack of willpower and commitment, why does a low carb, healthy high fat diet STOP the binging?

    Well, I have one possible answer: When the body is malnourished, it doesn't matter how much nutrient poor food we keep shoveling in, our body will tell us to keep eating. That's just one angle; how carbs affect our metabolism is another.

    Yes, moderation does work for many people; not everyone.

    OP: Nevermind just the oatmeal, but you are adding a whole whack more sugar to it. If it's working for you, keep doing it, but if you have trouble later on, considering decreasing the carbs and adding some fat and protein.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    I eat oatmeal almost everyday. I love it. I actually put brown sugar in it and alot of times a banana and walnuts. I do eat oatmeal from starbucks and mcdonalds as well. I have been loosing weight at a normal rate and find carbs in the morning helpful for my workouts. Why stop eating something you love just cause someone has an opinion on it?

    I say if you love it keep eating it, but some people eat oatmeal because they think its healthy or they want to lose weight,. Then they turn it into a carb bomb by adding so much to it to make it edible. I used to do this, and then I realized foods I really do like for breakfast like cream of wheat, pancakes and french toast have less carbs. So if carb counting is important to you, then eating oatmeal on a regular basis may not be the wisest choice.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    I eat at least two bowls of oatmeal a day. I buy a big container of plain quick oats. I use 1/4 cup of oats, a scoop of protein powder, a bit of cinnamon and splenda and occasionally I'll add some almond milk. I've successfully lost weight too.
  • mdh185
    mdh185 Posts: 49 Member
    I am using a nutritionist who advocates oatmeal but suggest putting a tablespoon of peanut butter in it to up the protein content
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Nope, I don't eat oatmeal or any other grains. Personally, my experience has proven to me that it is not healthy. However, if you enjoy it, then eat it and don't worry about what your boss, or anyone else has to say. Perhaps if you experiment with your own body and put in thousands of hours of research beyond the generally-accepted health advice, like I have, maybe you'll make your own discoveries.

    So this is your passive aggressive way of stating that you don't believe oatmeal is healthy? Nice that you sneaked a pat on your back in there too!

    I wasn't trying to be passive aggressive. Obviously I can give my opinion but people will do what they want. And yes, I do state that it is my opinion that it isn't healthy. It's "patting my back" to mention that I have invested LOTS of energy into exploring what kinds of food eliminate illness? Really? I'm actually driven to share my experiences, which the medical community considers miraculous, but people like you are always quick to attack. Just keep doing what you are doing, ignore me, but RESPECT my right to share my experience.
  • I mix my breakfasts up. It usually consists of honey nut cheerios with soy milk, egg whites with toast and yogurt, or oatmeal. I have one instant pck of oatmeal, and 1 piece of grain bread with peanutbutter. Is doing me good so far!
  • jesindc
    jesindc Posts: 724 Member
    It sounds like you already have a pretty good head on your shoulders. Moderation is the key to just about everything. But as far as oatmeal goes... in it's basic form, it's actually very good for you. It has all kind of health benefits ranging from lowering your cholesterol:
    to helping nursing moms:
  • smbkrn
    smbkrn Posts: 30 Member
    Oatmeal is a wonderful way to start your day but you must be careful and look at what you are buying. ALOT of instant oatmeals have sugar as the second ingredient. If this is your oatmeal, then just look around and try to find a better option. The inclusion of oatmeal into your diet is a benefit.
  • mbreed75
    mbreed75 Posts: 125 Member
    5 days a week. Quick oats, add dates walnuts and truvia. Delicious.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    If you want to up the protein content of porridge, make it with skimmed milk.

    Its a good breakfast, I find and keeps you full for a long time, but not quite as full as eggs - which is important in my job - dont wanna be ravenous by 10am.

    I am not familiar with packaged stuff, rolled oats are pretty damn instant as they come.
  • I have lost 25 pounds before eating oatmeal every morning ,maybe I should have stuck with it and I would'nt have gained the 25 pounds back :angry: I find it to be veryu filling
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I eat oatmeal at least three days a week, usually on days that I run. Like the OP, I use 1/2 cup oats, fruit (usually blueberries, but depends on what's in season - peaches in summer were awesome!), 1 tbs honey, then 1/4 to 1/2 cup plain greek yogurt for protein, a handful of walnuts, and sprinkle it all with cinnamon. It is delicious!
  • NataBost
    NataBost Posts: 418 Member
    I am a plain oatmeal junkie. I make mine with Almond milk a tablespoon of Peanut Butter and a few sprinkles of cinnamon. If i have berries around, I'll toss a few in. Unfortunately, I just realized that the brand I purchased although Organic contains a bit of sugar. No wonder it's so tasty! I'll switch back to regular old oatmeal when I'm done.