Zumba Wii Game

Does anyone have experience with the zumba wii game? I am considering purchasing it, but want to hear what you all have to say first:) is it a good workout, in place of running or elliptical, or is it more for fun?


  • ScubaAmyMN
    ScubaAmyMN Posts: 1,726 Member
    It's definitely a great workout if you get into it, about equal to elliptical or running in my mind. But you can't just stand there watching, or giving up if you don't get the moves right away (goes without saying, but I'm preemptively defending myself from people who disagree). There are three different speed songs, so you can choose more of the high intensity ones for a better burn.
    I also think it helps to do a "class" instead of selecting individual songs because then you can keep going, and don't slow down between songs like you might if you stop to pick out a new song each time.

    I think it's REALLY fun, but I definitely like dance type workouts. I initially got Zumba 3, then got Zumba 2 so I could have more songs, and just received Zumba 4 as a gift for Christmas. The time passes quickly and I like the challenge of trying to earn all the stars and master the footwork.
  • cass678910
    cass678910 Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks for the info! I will definitely look into it more now! How would you compare it to the just dance games (if you've played any of those) workout wise and fun wise? Thanks!
  • ScubaAmyMN
    ScubaAmyMN Posts: 1,726 Member
    Thanks for the info! I will definitely look into it more now! How would you compare it to the just dance games (if you've played any of those) workout wise and fun wise? Thanks!

    I actually like it better than Just Dance (I have two of those). Just Dance is cool because the songs are familiar, but I like not having to hold the control for Zumba (it comes with a belt, and the controller goes in a pocket on the belt), so it records your hip movements instead of just the right arm movements.
  • netteswift
    I have Zumba Fitness for the Wii... is this as effective as the class. It is just easier for me to do it from home. Also, does the calories that they show you at the end reflect what I have done or is that just what is possible from the particular song? Please let me know. I LOVE ZUMBA... I am so motivated EACH day... I have another 125 to lose... I have already lost 100 plus... so let me know...
  • carolynhoyte
    carolynhoyte Posts: 5 Member
    That would only be accurate if your were doing it with the same intensity and indurance as the video...I have it also but I recently joined a dance studio off I 20 in conyers and I love their zumba classes...it is way more motivating and they have a great support group of ladies. They also offer other classes like bootcamp, and chickboxing etc. good luck and keep up the great work!!!