i need a bit of support heres my story

hi! i have hypothyroidism and managed to shed almost all the weight i gained from it by the physical job i have, taking dance classes and eating properly. then i met the guy of my dreams and fell into that new relationship bliss im so happy i gained weight thing. i kind of fell off the healthy wagon a few months ago and managed to gain like 10 pounds in a month which is scary. the yoyoing isnt cool. my dance studio closed last year and i need to go to another one which i plan on doing this week. i need more exercise than the average person and my body type does the best on high protein lots of fruit and vegetables and little to no wheat or dairy. trying to take it one thing at a time and not be too hard on myself. ive done it before im sure i can do it again. i really hate fanatical stuff or making drastic changes all at once because it never lasts long. lifestyle habits and changes is what im after, so im not really in a rush but i need support.
i found my fitness pal very helpful a few years back and really thrived on the support. so im just here to say im here!! add me as a friend! share your story with me. i love cooking and reading and dancing, writing, being with family friends and loved ones and hanging out with my cat. im almost 30 years old and live in vancouver bc. look forward to meeting you!


  • Danni1585
    Danni1585 Posts: 250 Member
    feel free to add me if you want loads of support in a non judgemental way x
  • huggableme117
    you can do it. im struggling myself and hate the whole YOYO thing. it sucks. this is the biggest ive ever gotten, but i just joined the gym this morning and ate oatmeal which makes me gag.. literally. but hang in there. we all need support.
  • elliev30
    elliev30 Posts: 20 Member
    Great attitude ! Feel free to add me !
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    do you take thyroid meds ?
  • veggiesandkate
    veggiesandkate Posts: 21 Member
    Hey, feel free to add me!
    Yoyoing is so easy to do and hard to stop. I have been for the past few weeks as well.
  • mariposa808
    mariposa808 Posts: 16 Member
    i do take thyroid meds, its been a lifesaver. just got bloodwork done recently and had the dosage bumped 12 mcg. i was on the lower end of normal. in 5 wks i should be back where i need to be,
  • whimsy38
    whimsy38 Posts: 158 Member
    Excellent attitude! I came here to be healthier. I let it slide a bit and now I'm getting focused again too:) Add me as friend if you need any more support.
  • thingal12
    thingal12 Posts: 302 Member
    I've been gaining and losing 20-30-40 pounds most of my post High School years. Feel free to add me.. :glasses:
  • pili90
    pili90 Posts: 302 Member
    I have the same condition, and I too like to read, cook and dance! =)
    I recently discovered that I had it, and it explains a lot of things! Friends?