21yr old female, looking for friends!

Hey everyone!
So I had an account ages ago but gave it up because I was just too busy to be on every day. But I really would love to lose this last 15-20 pounds that's been bugging me and I definitely need a group of supportive people to help me out.

I'm a busy uni student but I really want to get back on track!

Your goals are important to me, too, and I'd love to help you reach yours.:smile:

I haven't updated my profile completely, yet, but I will when I think of how to describe myself in a way that makes me sound super-duper-slick-and-cool (because then I'll totally attract the right sorta crowd. Just kidding:laugh: )

extra info;
I'm 5"11, about 165 pounds :sick: , pescatarian, cardio bunny, just got back into circuit training.



  • PoshDinosaur
    PoshDinosaur Posts: 49 Member
    Welcome back!
  • Catlady87
    Catlady87 Posts: 302 Member
    Hello! I'm new on here too, been here for a week.
    5ft 2" 147 lbs starting weight, lost 2lbs goal weight is 119. Not much of an exercise person but can do it, just don't do it regularly or intensely.
    I'm really supportive and like to comment on status updates etc.
    Looking forward to reading your super duper cool profile :-)
  • GabrielleGreen33
    GabrielleGreen33 Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you!
    Great start :) Hoping to keep my circle on the smaller side so I can keep track of everyone. *Which is great atm, since I've got *1* friend*
  • Catlady87
    Catlady87 Posts: 302 Member
    I know what you mean. I've now got 13 friends but don't want loads otherwise they're just names not people. Thanks for accepting my request :-)
  • GabrielleGreen33
    GabrielleGreen33 Posts: 21 Member
    No one else wants to be my friend? :-(
  • piste9
    piste9 Posts: 8
    I'm gonna add both of youuuu!!! I just posted a blog on MFP outlining my goals. Lets do this.
  • djames92
    djames92 Posts: 990 Member
    add me up! im 20
  • Turtlesallthewaydown
    You can add me, I'm on every day.
  • DaisyAliceB
    DaisyAliceB Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Gabrielle,
    I'm also a uni student, struggling to eat right on the go and on a budget blah blah blah, you know the rest! I started at 5'5 and 152lbs, currently 145lbs, would like to be sub-140lbs but not certain of my goals yet. I think after that, it's mostly toning for me. Minimum I want to get to is 132lbs, under that and I won't really feel like me anymore! I'm not meant to be super skinny!
    I'll def be your friend!
  • kaylagetsfit8
    I'm 20! I turn 21 this year.

    I have a bit more to lose than you, but I'd like to lose 20 pounds within this semester. I go to college too and I have two semesters left. And I agree with you, I'm not ment to be super skinny either.

    Feel free to add me everyone :)
  • aspireforfitness
    I'm a uni student as well. Busy, busy, busy! Also trying to eat well on a budget and learning how to cook! I'm new, feel free to add me!