Food Horror Stories

When I first was dating my ex-husband, he was living with 2 roommates. One day, I was at their house and I was having some tacos. I was looking for some hot sauce to top them off with and came across Dave's Insanity Sauce. I read the label but said to myself "Pfffft, there's no way this is THAT hot! I have an iron stomach! I'll be fine!" So I doused my taco with tons of it. I took one bite and instantly regretted my decision. The tears started coming and the pain wouldn't stop. I had no idea this stuff was as hot as it claimed and there was nothing that would take the sting away. Tons of milk and time later, it finally stopped. I learned that lesson hard.

When I moved into my apartment last year, the kitchen (and bathroom) were carpeted. Totally old school and gross. I was down to my last few dollars so I went to the store and got my favorite brand of frozen pizza and went home to cook it. I was super excited about my pizza and when the timer went off, I was ready! I grabbed the empty pizza box to put the pizza on to slice. I pulled the pizza out of the oven but the box went lopsided and the pizza tumbled cheese-side-down right into the carpet. There was no saving it. It was a nasty, greasy, hairy mess. I was so very upset that I couldn't even scream out profanities. I just dropped to my knees and began to weep a little bit.


  • AMYJK7110
    AMYJK7110 Posts: 126 Member
    Awwww. The visual of you on your knees weeping (mourning) the loss of your pizza makes me sad.
    My story, but not directly food .....We always cook pizza on the rack of our oven, and inevitably, cheese will drip off into the stove. So anytime I use the stove, our smoke alarms go off. Anyways, my son had a friend over, they were upstairs playing video games. I turned the oven on, and BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! The friend comes running down the stairs with a terrified look on his face, followed by my son telling him "Don't worry! It just means dinners done!"
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Awwww. The visual of you on your knees weeping (mourning) the loss of your pizza makes me sad.
    My story, but not directly food .....We always cook pizza on the rack of our oven, and inevitably, cheese will drip off into the stove. So anytime I use the stove, our smoke alarms go off. Anyways, my son had a friend over, they were upstairs playing video games. I turned the oven on, and BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! The friend comes running down the stairs with a terrified look on his face, followed by my son telling him "Don't worry! It just means dinners done!"

    Lol love the pizza stories.

    Last time I cooked a pizza in the over the middle of the pizza collapsed and fell through the rack onto the burners below and started a small fire in my oven lol. I was shocked when I looked in the oven and saw the entire center of the pizza sagging and dripping down onto the bottom of my newly cleaned oven!! ugh!! And it was a mess to get that pizza out!

    Have to add that this was a frozen digiorno pizza. First time that ever happened. Now I put a pan on the bottom rack just in case!!
  • liittlesparrow
    liittlesparrow Posts: 209 Member
    When I was younger I went to a catfish resteraunt with my family and I ordered a burger. After every one else getting their food, and a pretty long wait, I got my burger. Took the top bun off to squirt some mustard on it and what do I see? A roach cooked into the bun.

    ..... Yum.
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    LOL. That's too funny! I love the alarm story.

    I tried making swordfish when I first came out of college on a George Foreman grill. Um...let's just say I thought it was fresh and I really had no idea it would smoke that much and I had rolling clouds of some sort of green smoke through the whole apartment. Basically, my boyfriend at the time, and my lovely self opened every door and window. The place smelled like a fish cannery. Needless to say, we left everything open and headed to the movies because we couldn't take it and we figured that no one would dare rob me blind with that smell going on. While at the movies, I suddenly realized we both smelled like we'd spent a month on one of those Alaskan fishing boats. I think it took like three days to sanitize EVERY surface in my apartment. Needless to say, I'm a little scared of cooking any sort of fish on a grill unless I'm in the great outdoors where I can run for my life. Granted, at least I didn't blow up a microwave like a former boyfriend who decided to cook a whole chicken in it in foil so I guess I'm at least in the salvageable range of disasters...mine could be cleaned and didn't involve blowing up an apartment.

  • thatsillyshana
    I love these stories! I was once eating my beloved canned spaghetti and I stirred it only to find what looked like a small eyeball! I was told it might have been something else like a joint, but really, I just wanted to puke! I think I still have a photo of it.

    Another story is when I ordered a salad an a cute little inch worm was on my plate. I saved it before the waiter took it...I was young and had already named him.
  • demonlullaby
    demonlullaby Posts: 499 Member
    worst food experiences ever:

    at work we got take out from a little diner next door.. I ordered a grilled cheese and for some reason they put bacon in it (I don't eat bacon). so I had to take the grilled cheese apart to get the bacon out of it... but there it was... a fly...
    in a way i guess i'm lucky there was bacon on it or else i never would have opened it up to see that there was a cooked fly in my sandwich.

    my other story is ordering a roasted veggie wrap at a little sandwich shop.. i bit into it and there was a BONE in it.. not a little bone either like it was a 2 inch bone..
