I suck



  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Like they said. One piece of pizza doesn't kill anyone. Tomorrow's a new day. Hit your calorie goals. You can do it.
  • Ay_Rene
    Ay_Rene Posts: 32 Member
    Dont be so hard on yourself.... It takes a while and few mistakes to get in the swing of things, i was, and still am, battling the same thing. plus, its only failure when you give up... keep up the effort and you'll get where you want to be.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Here's a tip - if you have a Costco membership, the Kirkland brand offers a wonderfully awesome cheese only pizza. It's only 280 calories for a quarter of the pizza (two slices). Of course, we add toppings like salami, olives, banana peppers and such, and coat the pan in olive oil, so it ends up being slightly more than that in the end. Still it's way healthier than going to say, Dominos or Little Caesars, is far cheaper, and tastes better in my opinion.

    My husband and I have this for dinner at least a few times a week.
  • maggiemmorton
    maggiemmorton Posts: 9 Member
    Read a quote somewhere that said: "HALVE IT, and you can HAVE it"
    It's all about poriton control.
  • tomorrow is a new day...begin again...do it for yourself...we r all here to help...
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    My first two weeks were terrible. I set up a mind goal of a change a day. Even by those goals, I was not eating well. Everday, I changed something, whether it was lower calories, more water, more movement. It was all small, daily goals that finally added up.
  • "Why do we fall? So we can learn to get back up"
  • rstage79
    rstage79 Posts: 24 Member
    Nah, Just get up and keep going..
  • riboid
    riboid Posts: 31
    if you buy crap you eat crap. when going grocery shopping make sure you buy healthy stuff and healthy stuff
    that you have to make an effort to prepare. The preparation is the good thing too, it will take your mind off and you know
    that you have spent all that energy and time making something healthy. You can do it!
  • lafilo
    lafilo Posts: 3
    Don't be so hard on yourself...its day one and you should start off slow. Lessen your portions until you get the swing of things.
  • huge2fan2
    huge2fan2 Posts: 62 Member
    The secret to long term success is to change your thinking. Think of calories like money, you get to budget and "spend" them however you like. If you want to spend a larger allotment on say, pizza for lunch, just adjust the rest of your meals and snacks around the remaining calories. I learned years ago in Weight Watches that there are no failures, just feedback. The main thing now is for you to get back up, dust yourself off and keep trying! Good luck!
  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member
    First of all - You do not suck. It's tough starting out like that. One day of pizza does not mean you are a failure. Truly. Tomorrow is a new day, and you have every opportunity to make better food decisions, one that make you feel good about what you're eating. Personally, I would not be full or satiated from a breakfast like that. You probably could have a microwaved egg on whole grain bread with a piece of cheese for the same amount of calories, and incorporate protein and a tiny bit of fat for satiety. It's a process, you have to retrain yourself and how you respond to food. It's slow, it takes work, but it's doable. Good Luck! :)
  • Telling yourself that you suck and are a failure are definitely not ways to motivate yourself and are not going to help! Change the way you think and the way you talk to yourself and good things will follow!
  • Hey you are NOT a failure. As long as you keep trying and don't give up or quit, then you are a WINNER. Make little notes with positive messages/affirmations and put them around your house, stop the negative self talk (I know it's hard, I have been there and working on it myself), but being down on yourself makes you eat even more. Don't worry about bad days, you fall seven times, pick yourself back up eight times. You can do it, believe in yourself and all you are capable of achieving. Feel free to add me.
  • You guys are great support lol
    I'll start fresh tomorrow , the first few days are always the hardest hopefully I can get into the habit of healthy eating soon
  • SToast
    SToast Posts: 255 Member
    You'll never get anywhere with an attitude like that. Buck up and try harder tomorrow.
  • lieselLalor
    lieselLalor Posts: 169 Member
    I started off on MFP just making myself log in everything all day long. Even if I was over by 1000 calories or more (which I was for the first week at least). All I wanted to do was get used to logging everything in and seeing where I was, then as time went on I started eating less and less and making better choices because I knew I didn't want to have that bag of chips in my diary, it wasn't worth it. The biggest thing was I did it everyday. And now I love looking back where I started because I was eating so much EVERY day and slowly without even realizing it I got better. So right now I suggest just starting everyday as a new day, just log and slowly you will start to make better choices because you are learning more about yourself and your food choices.

    Don't aim for perfection just aim for completion! Then you can worry about changing one thing at a time instead of EVERYTHING at One time.
  • VDR928
    VDR928 Posts: 6
    Don't be so hard on yourself! It is only ONE day! It took a while to gain it and it will take a while to lose it. Keep working at it! For me the "have a little" does not work... it is a slippery slope. I gradually cut the junk completely out of my diet (over years). I think the motivation comes AFTER you start seeing the weight drop off. Until that time, you have to just keep yourself inspired with the promise that if you eat right you WILL be losing! Start with ONE thing... do you drink soda? One of the worst offenders.... start there! Or do you eat a lot of processed crackers/cookies, etc? That sort of thing... :) You can do it!
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    1. Pizza isnt always that bad

    2. what counts is your total daily intake over days, weeks months... not a single bloody meal

    3. Stop being a self-indulged cry baby. No-one is going to do this for you, if you want to be thinner, healthier, whatever-er - work for it. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.

    4. Keep on punchin' :wink: :laugh: