My Fitness Pal Verses Weight Watch on the go Program



  • lexielexie40
    I cancelled my WW membership today spent over $400 dollars in fees .
  • srm1960
    srm1960 Posts: 281 Member
    Pay them so you can count to 20 or count to 2,000 for free.

    LOL! I am a 2 times WW life-timer-I wish I knew how to use the quote thing better????-but someone said" Its all black & white here-so easy to log in food-great support here-people see your diary & you get instant feedback, good or bad-
    I'm OBSESSED with this site!!!!-I don't do facebook or twitter or have a smartphone-I have strangers as friends and its very conforting to me that these strangers care what I put into my mouth or how good I burn it off!-
    This is such a great site & I'm so happy that I discovered it-I lost 2lbs in my 1st week-I feel very competitive here & that makes me want to do good-I like helping people with my WW knowledge-& giving advice on smart choices-I'm not alone here-It's alot more fun to log on my laptop, then to jot points down on a notebook!!!!-
    MFP ROCKS!!!