Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / ME and weightloss

I suffer from CFS/ ME and have piled on 2 st in the last 6 months, so i am on a mission to loose the weight as it should lead to an increase in energy for me.

Therefore due to the nature of the condition, exercise proves very hard and causes me to suffer extreme pains for days after.

Is there anyone else that suffers CFS/ ME and is cracking this weight loss thing successfully


  • MarkHard1ng
    MarkHard1ng Posts: 4 Member

    When exercise is a problem the only alternative is to cut the amount of calories you consume, ie diet. I'm using a calorie tracking app on my iPhone and have dropped 12 pounds since November. Note however, that a diet will leave you likely more tired initially as you're denying your body energy, and energy is already is problem with CFS.

    When I first was diagnosed I went through a period of comfort eating, which added unwanted weight. Now that I've come to grips with the illness I am more concerned about the long term problems associated with excess weight, so it's time to get things under control again.

    Good luck!
  • Hi,

    I am changing my eating habits in an effort to loose the weight without, well trying to, compromise energy intake. Swapping sugar filled foods for slow release foods etc. Its the habits i need to break, just hoping this can be accomplished without the exercise
  • wheniwas20
    wheniwas20 Posts: 11 Member
    How severe is your CFS at the moment?
    Also, are there meds you've started in the last 6 months that have contributed to the weight gain?
  • Having a relapse at the minute which has contributed to me eating the wrong things, sugary, fatty stuff to get that boost i needed. Like i say, i'm trying to change it up for slow release foods instead of going for it at the gym which non suffers would be able to do. And i only walk up the rd to school and it kills me for the rest of the day, so its food that needs changing