New here, trying to lose baby weight

Hi all!! I am new here. I recently had a baby boy March 15th. I gained about 45 pounds. I was over weight when I got pregnant..I have lost most of the baby weight but I still need to drop about 40 pounds. I have tried many of these kinds of websites, but I just never stuck with it. I will be returning back to work in a few weeks so I know it is going to be hard to find time to get work outs in and eating healthy working full time and being a mommy, but I know many moms do it and so can I. I am anxious to get this started and challening myself to get back on track to a healthy life style.


  • sangrea
    sangrea Posts: 26 Member
    Congrats on the your baby boy!! And welcome to the site, it is very helpful in keeping track of everything you eat and do. I found it very helpful if i plan out what im going to eat for the whole day so i don't come to the end of the day and end up going over in calories.
    Hope you like it here. Feel free to add me if you like as a friend. and good luck with your goals.
  • squoozyq
    squoozyq Posts: 305
    I find that logging EVERYTHING that I eat holds me accountable. I see what I'm eating and learn to choose alternatives that are lower in calories or fat and sugar. I eat more protein when I'm walking/running/lifting weights and drinking more than 8 glasses of water per day. It takes a while to get into the swing of it, but it is very helpful and the people are really supportive.
    I have 5 kids, so I share your pain girl! My last was born on April 14th last year, she just turned one and I still have a very long way to go.
    Good luck!
  • perrim
    perrim Posts: 117
    congrats and welcome! I just had a baby boy in September (my second...and last!) and like you, I was overweight when I got pregnant too. I had lost all but ten of what I gained when I started and am already down another 25 since joining this site in February. It takes lots of hard work and dedication, but this site is an amazing tool to help you meet your goals. I work full time and have a three year old girl too and I manage to get 60 minutes of cardio in a day (30 minutes during my lunch break at work and 30 minutes after work) and I try to eat super healthy. If I can do it, so can you!!

    One stat that I've shared before that always keeps me going is that people that journal what they eat lose twice as much as those that dont!

    Good Luck!!
  • rybrth
    rybrth Posts: 1
    Hey I just joined the site today for the same reason. My son was born on February 2nd and I still have about 15 lbs to get back down to my pre-pregnancy weight. I'm hoping that this site will force me to really look at what I am eating to help me understand why I wasn't losing the weight otherwise. Good luck to you :)
  • AllisonMS
    AllisonMS Posts: 104
    Hey ladies,
    You can do this!
    I'm 1/2 of a pound away from my pre-pregnancy weight. I've been here since January and am diligent about logging every bite, even when I'm horrified at what I ate. I had a hip injury from an elliptical machine for about 3 weeks recently, and those times when I couldn't exercise A LOT were the toughest for me, food-wise.
    So, my advice: lots of salads, lots of exercise and lots of logging in. It works!
  • mommamills
    mommamills Posts: 437
    welcome......I just had my second son in Jan and am trying to get rid of baby weight too. I'm still not quite back to prepreg weight but I'll still an additional 35-40 to go once I do. So just remember...YOU'RE NOT ALONE! :flowerforyou: