Actual calories burned using myftnesspal

I would like to ask a question regarding exercise calories.

I just did 23 minutes of jogging on the spot and it says I earned 302 calories however many years ago using exercise machine in Gym if you did about 30 mins of running it said you only lost about 100 clas, can myfitness pal be believed?


  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    I think the calories given by MFP are way over estimated... I wear a HRM and it is always much less than MFP calories.
  • psaunders1964
    By how much do you think they overestimate?
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    MFP is just an estimate like anything else. For some people, it will be an overestimate, for some an underestimate, and for some, pretty much spot on. When I was less fit (and more overweight than I am now) MFP was grossly UNDERestimating my calorie burns, according to my HRM. Now that I'm more fit and less overweight (though still certainly overweight), it's much, much closer. It would be a fairly good approximation to my actual calorie burn (though a very slight overestimate). For fit people, I think it does overestimate by a fair amount most of the time. Cycling seems to overestimate things a lot too - but every online calculator gives me a much higher burn for my cycling then my HRM does.

    I'm speaking mostly to running and walking as those are the ones I use the most. Swimming and elliptical seem to be pretty high for everyone.

    For ME, if I were running for 30 minutes, it would probably burn about 280 calories. In general, the max burn for a high intensity cardio workout would be about 10 calories per minute - though when just starting an exercise routine it might be higher.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    Please don't tell me! As long as I keep losing using this I'm not going to shoot anyone over accuracy!
  • spidey11186
    spidey11186 Posts: 141 Member
    Well, when I go to the gym and go on the treadmills, the calories burned is usually higher than the MFP... then again, I set the machine to fluctuate the incline, so there are times I'm running the same pace at higher inclines... which technically would burn more calories... It may all be relative!
  • Louisex3
    I have noticed the same. I have been cycling in the gym and noticed that the calorie count is much lower than MFP indicates. Actually about 3 times less. I have decided not to include the additional calories in my diet.
  • jonnie7053
    jonnie7053 Posts: 48 Member
    I recently started using a HRM and found that the calories calculated where almost the same when MFP guessed. The only way to know for sure is by experimenting, if you continue to lose weight while eating back your exercise calories then that's OK in my book
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    I use a Garmin Edge 800 & chest strap which will give me a cals burnt figure of around 1200 on my daily commute. MFP comes in around 1900. It is good as a guide, esp if you are still losing weight, but will become less and less accurate as your fitness increases
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    By how much do you think they overestimate?

    It really depends on the exercise I do. Also, don't go by the cardio machines calorie burn either... If you are having success and eating back your exercise calories, don't sweat it.
  • BobOki
    BobOki Posts: 245 Member
    Honestly, as a person that uses and LOVES his fitbit, I think MFP not just a little, but GREATLY overestimates its cals. I see people post on here all the time walking for like 34 minutes slow pace 2.0mph burning like 960 cals. To this I call a big bull.

    I would love to see MFP and fitocracy join forces for great justice.
  • bighouse51
    bighouse51 Posts: 30 Member
    If a machine you are using does not allow for weight adjustment, it is most likely displaying the calorie burn for a 180 pound individual. I have a Horizon EX-57 elliptical in my home gym and it does not allow for me to enter my body weight. The calories displayed at the end of my workouts are UNDER those that MFP offer when I enter my time. That being said, I travel for work and once a month I stay at a hotel that offers the use of a local gym with your stay. I have used two different pieces of equipment that do allow for weight adjustment and my calorie burn comes within 10 to 15 calories of what MFP says based on my current weight. There is no way to determine exactly how "off" MFP may be due to different levels of exertion; however, its probably safe to "trust" MFP's number as long as your are working out with above average to moderate intensity.
  • psaunders1964
    Thanks to all those who have replied, I did think that MFP would calculate based on your weight/height etc where an exercise bike or running machine doesnt usually know who is using it.

    I have lost 5LB in just over a week allowing for 1320 cals per day and with no exercise done and felt I would try to start doing some exercise at the start of a new week, I feel as though it's win/win at the momnent but do understand as weight comes off calculations may vary.

    Again thank you for being kind to reply.