Anyone join a branch of the military AFTER they had kids?

mjoslin1990 Posts: 142 Member
I've always wanted to join either the Navy or the Army. My son is now 2 and I can't seem to part with him. I still want to join and my husband is FINALLY (after 3 years) supporting me in this decision. We are perfectly fine with moving and everything the that will come with me joining. I just don't know how I will get past me leaving my son.

I HAVE NOT joined yet, I'm still looking into the Navy (and working on my weight goal). I would do a delayed entry (I'd like my son to be at least 3 before I join). Has anyone else dealt with this? How did you cope with not seeing your child(ren)?


  • 2precious4u
    2precious4u Posts: 10 Member
    I was in the National Guard and got out 3 months before I gave birth to my son. Its a huge commitment and your family has to be highly supportie of this decision. Would you go full time military or part time. Are you ready to part from your child 2 weeks to 6 months at at time. Don't get me wrong its a wonderful experience and perhaps I did make a wrong mistake. but for me, i felt i did what was right. My sons father is also in the service, so I didn't lose out on any military services. What I do miss is going oversees for weeks at a time. those 9 years where fun, but I was single. What I can tell you, you need to weigh out your pros and cons and stick to your decision. There are tons of married, single and co-military families out there that could prople provide you a more brighter look. When you do sign up, go for the limited amount and if you like it extend after that...

    PS dont' believe everything your recuriter says. Take the info then do research.
  • mjoslin1990
    mjoslin1990 Posts: 142 Member
    I was in the National Guard and got out 3 months before I gave birth to my son. Its a huge commitment and your family has to be highly supportie of this decision. Would you go full time military or part time. Are you ready to part from your child 2 weeks to 6 months at at time. Don't get me wrong its a wonderful experience and perhaps I did make a wrong mistake. but for me, i felt i did what was right. My sons father is also in the service, so I didn't lose out on any military services. What I do miss is going oversees for weeks at a time. those 9 years where fun, but I was single. What I can tell you, you need to weigh out your pros and cons and stick to your decision. There are tons of married, single and co-military families out there that could prople provide you a more brighter look. When you do sign up, go for the limited amount and if you like it extend after that...

    PS dont' believe everything your recuriter says. Take the info then do research.

    thanks for your response. I would want to go active duty. I want to travel, I like to move around. Being in the military is one way to do that. My husband is currently in the national guard reserves. We weren't together when he was active duty, so I missed out on that. My husband also misses being active duty, but due to an injury he sustained while deployed they wont take him back active.
  • mjoslin1990
    mjoslin1990 Posts: 142 Member
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    My dad did... the Air Force... which in my opinion is the most family friendly of the branches (except maybe Cost Guard or National Guard), but I will admit a bias... as there aren't the long deployments that last more than 6 months and family is more likely able to move with you to the various duty stations.
  • leejusd
    leejusd Posts: 81
    I am currently deployed. I was already in the Air Force before my wife had our first. My daughter will be turning 1 in two days, :frown: while I'm deployed. Slightly different from a dads perspective, but be prepared to miss birthdays, anniversaries, holidays. Little kids don't always understand.