just not losing the weight :(

hi i was hoping for some advice. i started fitness pal just under 2 weeks ago and so far i haven't really noticed much difference apart from my clothes feeling a little looser. when i started on the 2nd of jan i was 10 stone and a quarter and today i am 9"12 and a half so i have lost less than 2lb. could somebody maybe take time to look at my food diary and tell me what i might be doing wrong as it's so irritating!! i wanted to get to 9 stone by the 23rd of next month but at the moment it just doesn't seem dooable :( i have drank nothing but water since the 2nd of jan so really hoped for more of a difference than this. i have been told it might be that i have lost inches rather than pounds but when i started to diet i didn't take measurements so it's hard to tell if that's true. i have taken measurements today though so i can keep track from now on. also heard it could be that my fat is turning to muscle as i have been working out a lot but if that's the case how long until i will start seeing a difference on the scales? would really appreciate some help and advice. thanks xx


  • OutsideCreativ
    OutsideCreativ Posts: 143 Member
    You're on track! I think most people tone up before they start really losing weight. The body needs to kickstart its metabolism and in order to do that, it needs to equip itself. In order to equip itself, it builds muscle which in turn burns more calories than fat does. You'll get there!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • BellaFe
    BellaFe Posts: 323
    You're on track! I think most people tone up before they start really losing weight. The body needs to kickstart its metabolism and in order to do that, it needs to equip itself. In order to equip itself, it builds muscle which in turn burns more calories than fat does. You'll get there!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    Um no, just no
  • toffee2013
    toffee2013 Posts: 344 Member
    Like you said your clothes are feeling a bit looser ... So a bit more is happening to your body than before .
    I'm no expert and started 2 weeks ago like you but after reading a lot of posts similiar to this , i have come to the conclusion that as long as your noticing a difference in your clothes then everything else don't matter . Your diary isnt available to view , so you need to set it as public . Maybe change your gym routine /work out plan . Others will give you more tips on exercise . x
  • Open your diary, and some very smart people on here can take a look...
  • BellaFe
    BellaFe Posts: 323
    hi i was hoping for some advice. i started fitness pal just under 2 weeks ago and so far i haven't really noticed much difference apart from my clothes feeling a little looser. when i started on the 2nd of jan i was 10 stone and a quarter and today i am 9"12 and a half so i have lost less than 2lb. could somebody maybe take time to look at my food diary and tell me what i might be doing wrong as it's so irritating!! i wanted to get to 9 stone by the 23rd of next month but at the moment it just doesn't seem dooable :( i have drank nothing but water since the 2nd of jan so really hoped for more of a difference than this. i have been told it might be that i have lost inches rather than pounds but when i started to diet i didn't take measurements so it's hard to tell if that's true. i have taken measurements today though so i can keep track from now on. also heard it could be that my fat is turning to muscle as i have been working out a lot but if that's the case how long until i will start seeing a difference on the scales? would really appreciate some help and advice. thanks xx

    You will not build muscle in 2 weeks. Make sure you are eating a calorie deficit and you should start to move, make sure you are weighing things properly.
  • lealea_2012
    lealea_2012 Posts: 10 Member
    just opened my diary :) sorry im pretty new to this! thanks everyone for your comments xx
  • BellaFe
    BellaFe Posts: 323
    just opened my diary :) sorry im pretty new to this! thanks everyone for your comments xx

    You are not eating nearly enough. Figure out your TDEE, google TDEE calculators and subtract 20% from that and eat!
  • AliceAsya
    AliceAsya Posts: 21 Member
    make sure you are weighing things properly.

    This. Weigh everything. No eyeballing, no estimating. Log everything.
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    Whats with all the quick added calories?
  • lealea_2012
    lealea_2012 Posts: 10 Member
    it says 2220 but that just sounds silly to me.. it would mean just sitting there eating when i am not even hungry as i am pleasantly full after eating what i have been eating and don't feel hungry at all.. just doesn't make sense to me! x
  • lealea_2012
    lealea_2012 Posts: 10 Member
    laziness :) most things i eat have the calorie number on the packaging so can't be bothered searching x
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    A couple of things:

    You are not eating enough, not even close. You need to increase your calorie intake to NO LESS than 1200 cals. Even then, I think that is probably too low, but I don't know enough of your other stats to say otherwise.

    All of those quick added calories - are those from packages of food you are eating? Are they fresh fruits and vegetables and lean meats? There is more to it than just calories - take the time to add in the foods properly (I'd be surprised if you couldn't find whatever it is you eat in the database, it is quite inclusive) and pay attention to the sodium - that can cause water retention.

    Slow down. I know you have a date in mind, and a weight that you want to be by then, but fat loss doesn't work that way. 2 pounds a week weight loss is the max you should be losing, and even then it is often too fast to be sustainable. Try lowering your weight loss goals to 1 pound a week, get more variety of healthy foods in you.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    It's only 2 weeks. 2 lbs loss is right on track - that's the pace you should be aiming for.
  • BellaFe
    BellaFe Posts: 323
    it says 2220 but that just sounds silly to me.. it would mean just sitting there eating when i am not even hungry as i am pleasantly full after eating what i have been eating and don't feel hungry at all.. just doesn't make sense to me! x

    can't tell what you have been eating everything is quick add.

    Well sense or not, you are not eating enough. You weight loss will stall for longer. But do what you want, it's your body
  • marta07
    marta07 Posts: 79 Member
    hi i was hoping for some advice. i started fitness pal just under 2 weeks ago and so far i haven't really noticed much difference apart from my clothes feeling a little looser. when i started on the 2nd of jan i was 10 stone and a quarter and today i am 9"12 and a half so i have lost less than 2lb. could somebody maybe take time to look at my food diary and tell me what i might be doing wrong as it's so irritating!! i wanted to get to 9 stone by the 23rd of next month but at the moment it just doesn't seem dooable :( i have drank nothing but water since the 2nd of jan so really hoped for more of a difference than this. i have been told it might be that i have lost inches rather than pounds but when i started to diet i didn't take measurements so it's hard to tell if that's true. i have taken measurements today though so i can keep track from now on. also heard it could be that my fat is turning to muscle as i have been working out a lot but if that's the case how long until i will start seeing a difference on the scales? would really appreciate some help and advice. thanks xx

    iim on the same boat and my clothes dont fit better so i feel like im working hard for nothing :(
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    1. you have a relatively small amount to lose, but I get the feeling that you set it to the 2lb/week loss. No good.
    2. you aren't eating NEARLY enough.
    It's only 2 weeks. 2 lbs loss is right on track - that's the pace you should be aiming for.
    if she has a ton of weight to lose, sure. She doesn't. It's just my opinion, but it's far too drastic a change.
  • emsicle_o
    emsicle_o Posts: 162 Member
    You're not eating nearly enough! Your body is clinging to everything it can get because it's panicking about when it can get its next meal.

    MFP gives most people a daily target of 1200 calories...bearing in mind the average woman can consume 2000 per day...I know everyone is different but 1200 is the minimum you should be eating, and you're way off that, so you're putting your body into starvation mode. Eat more and eat healthy things and you should see a difference.

    Good luck x
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    If you noticed a difference somwhere that means keep on doing what your doing!
  • lealea_2012
    lealea_2012 Posts: 10 Member
    thanks everyone for your advice. i realise now that i need to take a different approach to this.. i think i need to scrap the weightwatchers meals and snacks as they are so low in calories and start eating proper meals. just find it hard to get my head around the fact that to lose weight i need to be eating more than usual.. i will definitely give it a try from tomorrow though and see how i get on. thanks again x
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    laziness :) most things i eat have the calorie number on the packaging so can't be bothered searching x
    So this means you aren't acccounting for things like sodium...which can hugely impact your loss.

    If you're going to do this..commit to it and do it right. Not to be rude, but if you're going at it half-@ssed, then the results will only be half-@ssed as well.