Can I mix/match "points" with calorie counting?

Hello all,

I'm new to myfitnesspal and love that I can synch this to my phone. I hate calorie counting, however, so I'd like to hear from you how you like using this site. Is it possible to merge my old Weight Watchers "points" system with calorie counting? Anyone have this experience?

Would love to hear from anyone, thanks!


  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    This site doesn't use the points system. You count calories. All the calories count. You need to consume (or burn) a certain amount off of your daily required energy in order to lose weight.
  • karenhere
    I got that, thanks! I will continue my "points" and see how things match up with calorie counting. I believe I am eating the correct amount of calories but, since I'm a yoga teacher, I may be burning too many calories.

    It's great that you replied. I really appreciate knowing people are out there to reach out to!

  • skwashua
    Hi Karen,

    If you are using the App, you should also input the amount of exercise you are doing. So if you enter 3hrs of Yoga it will automatically adjust your allowed calories for the day. (more calories)

  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    If you are burning a lot through exercise, then you would be able to eat more. I see on your ticker that you are about 11 pounds from goal weight, so a smaller calorie deficit is better for you than a larger one.
  • MommaSand
    MommaSand Posts: 7 Member
    You could mentally keep track of getting in all the GHG's from the WW plan while logging in the food here. This would make sure you are getting the most of your calories while still using the MyFitnessPal site. I did Weight Watchers for years and had really good luck with it. I've switched to the MFP because, for me it does the same basic things and you can't beat the price. So far I'm really enjoying it and having fairly descent luck with it. Hope this helps.