bed rest, which foods to eat??

missbikini Posts: 5
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
So, Im ill in bed after surgery and wont be able to excercise...
any helpful tips on what foods to eat and tricks for not gaining weight in the period i wont be able to excercise??
im so bored in bed!!! cant wait to get up and about!! xx


  • vaimaru
    vaimaru Posts: 10
    hey try smooties? or celery and 100 percent natural peanut butter they are healthy and shouldnt make u gain any weigh. eat lots of fruits and vegies. keep plenty of water on hand and drink at least two cups prior to eating that way it will make u feel more satisfied and more full which prevents over eating. and u can always make ur self fall asleep that way u avoid eating unhealthy foods and a few hours of ur day will go by without u thinking about food. keep ur hands buys like take up knitting or play a game online that u may enjoy like chess, or scrabble, or a fantasy role playing game whatever u like there are tons online. anyways good luck rosieoff!

  • lol, just changed my screen name...
    thanks very much vaimaru!!! :-) big help

    Got quite alot of water retention following the surgery, but i think thats pretty normal and will go down.
    would be so easy just to eat comfort food whilst in bed, but making a conscious effort not to..... going to send someone out for celery later!!! :-) x
  • vaimaru
    vaimaru Posts: 10
    lol no problem, but if thats really u in ur profile pic u do not need to lose any weight at all ur beautiful!
  • i really hope you feel better sooon :) just eat a lot of veggie, and if you really want to eat meat... get only lean but watch the proteins. keep away from sodium as much as you can :) or at least keep it low. drink a lot of water, and if you wish to drink something else other than water, put lemon. :) or have a fresh lemonade :) strawberries would be the best choice of fruits :) and avoid dairy if you cant try to keep it low. Oh and another thing... when i was in bed rest myself and couldnt eat anything all i ate was this healthy frozen sorbet and i actually lost 10 lbs. :)

    hope those helps,
    and nuts would do good :) try to get the one with nooo salt added :)

    keep well <3
  • bless ya, thanks so much! yeah it is me.. i was always slim growing up, then last year i gained some going on the pill, i came off it and the weight was harder to shift than i expected! i think the hormone changes made it harder to lose. Im back to my normal size now, but have to work to stay at this weight...

  • sorbet.. good plan..
    tastes good. that one should be easy!! x
  • lol you are funny xD

    just remember not to over eat it :D keep within your calories :)
    but other then that enjoy.

    and make sure you find one that is healthier... :)
  • bambam32
    bambam32 Posts: 20
    Grapefruit and Pickles, neither carry heavy calories and curb the appetite (Not together, as a snack. In case you were wondering)
  • vaimaru
    vaimaru Posts: 10
    hahah pickles reminds me snookie on jersey shore- oh man i love to hate her lol
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