How can I improve my diary?

Could someone take a look at my diary and let me know what I could improve on? I’m not seeing results anymore (pounds or inches) and figure my diet could use a little tweaking. I know I can improve on eating more protein, but I’m not a big meat person and find it hard. Any advice on that? Could it be my sugar intake is too high? I'm always over their recommended amount. My BMR is 1400 and I currently net 1500. Maybe it’s time to up my calories again? I read the “in place of a road map 2.0” thread and I think I might need to start netting 1600, which seems like a ton! There have been some days where I have gone over and ate that much but I gained! I’m 5’4” 121 lbs and my goal is 113 or 19% bf, whichever comes first. I’ve never had my BF% tested, but most online calculators have been giving me 21- 23%. (Not sure how accurate that really is) Today’s diary entry is planned out btw, I have only eaten breakfast so far. I want to know your opinions on how to tweak it. I know I need to add some more calories somewhere, but I'm already over on sugar and almost for fat. Also, I feel like MFP is too generous with exercise calories. I do eat most of them back since my activity level is sedentary, but I am looking into getting a HRM. I wanted to reach my goal by spring break, but I'm only down a pound overall (lots of fluctuations) since November!


  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    I didn't look at your diary, but wanted to point out that the "In place of a roadmap" gives you GROSS calories not NET calories... You should not be recording/eating exercise calories.
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Honestly at your height and weight you'd most likely have already gone lower than 19% BF. I am pretty well the same height and when I was about 120lbs I had 17% BF. You are at the low end of the weight spectrum so I'd say if you wanted to tone that is a good thing but to lose might start to become unhealthy for you. But that is just my opinion.

    Good luck!
  • UsaJewels05
    UsaJewels05 Posts: 229 Member
    You might want to try upping your exercise and burn more calories and I generally do not eat my Exercise Calories back unless it is a special occasion and I absolutely need them.
  • ArwenP
    ArwenP Posts: 53 Member
    Your diaries look pretty good, so if you've hit a plateau you may just need to shake up your routine for a bit to get your body guessing again. Maybe swap out your fruits for veggies for a few days so you still get your vitamins but with less sugar, or maybe drop your calories down some for a week or so. Try to focus hard on low fat and low sodium for a week or two. If you want to add calories without fat/sugar, I like to use low-fat cheese to get my calcium up. Just try out some different combinations to wake up your metabolism. If you want to add me as a friend, I always look at diaries and comment regularly. Glad to help you keep an eye on it.
  • kprep
    kprep Posts: 11
    try adding more protein(:
  • I woudl make sure you re doing strength training to tone up and build muscle, which will up your metabolism.

    I did take a look at your diary, and you seem a bit low on fiber - could you add in more fruits and veggies? I think you are right that you are a bit low on protein. Peanut butter is a good source, but also loaded with fat. What about eggs or beans? Perhaps you coudl replace one of your chip and salsa snacks with some almonds? They may be higher in fat/calories but they have a lot of protein and fiber.
  • rocket_ace
    rocket_ace Posts: 380 Member
    some quick thoughts:

    (1) Add protein in the morning (a nice protein shake is simple and tasty).
    (2) try eliminating processed foods like brownies. granola, chips, and opt for whole food choices like almonds, oats, tuna, yogurt, cottage cheese.
    (3) add more veggies for lunch and dinner. lettuce is pretty low nutrient - try broccoli and the other veggies like spinach, peppers, squash, cauliflower etc. and even instead of lettuce, try spinach or at least a spring mix (not much more expensive - and worth it).
    (4) Try subbing something healthier for "deserts" - like greek yogurt, fruit, a small portion of 74% dark chocolate.
    .....just my modest thoughts - overall your diet looks good though!
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    There are a lot of quick added calories in your diary, hopefully you aren't under-estimating the calories that you are consuming.
  • qballjr13
    qballjr13 Posts: 174 Member
    Your diary seems really good. I would agree with Majorgal, add some strength training. You do a lot of cardio so maybe your body is getting comfortable doing that. Mix it up, shock your system. Cut down on the cardio (you dont have to get rid of it all together) but start lifting weights too.
  • HotAshMess
    HotAshMess Posts: 382 Member
    I notice you tend to go over on the sugar. I'm seeing lots of peanut butter in your diary. Maybe you should consider PB2 or a handful of whole'll still be getting protein (and fat) but I think the hand to mouth factor is much more satisfying, and I don't think you'll have all the sugar of PB.

    On eating back your exercise calories.....opinions vary here. I tend to over estimate my food when I have to, and underestimate my exercise and then I only eat back half of the calories)
  • qballjr13
    qballjr13 Posts: 174 Member
    There are a lot of quick added calories in your diary, hopefully you aren't under-estimating the calories that you are consuming.

    Very good point!
  • ellipse1
    ellipse1 Posts: 30 Member
    One thing I have done in the past to jump start my weight loss after a long plateau is a reduction in my carb & sugar intake. Personally, I think your carbs/sugar is too high. I know MFP gives you a daily max but sometimes it's good to be on the low end for these 2 things. Upping your protein is good :)

    Again, just my thoughts!
  • em3120
    em3120 Posts: 154 Member
    There are a lot of quick added calories in your diary, hopefully you aren't under-estimating the calories that you are consuming.

    Sometimes I can't find the exact food so I just do quick add, but it is off of the food's box.
  • em3120
    em3120 Posts: 154 Member
    try adding more protein(:

    Any ideas on how to do this for someone who doesn't really like meat?
  • em3120
    em3120 Posts: 154 Member
    some quick thoughts:

    (1) Add protein in the morning (a nice protein shake is simple and tasty).
    (2) try eliminating processed foods like brownies. granola, chips, and opt for whole food choices like almonds, oats, tuna, yogurt, cottage cheese.
    (3) add more veggies for lunch and dinner. lettuce is pretty low nutrient - try broccoli and the other veggies like spinach, peppers, squash, cauliflower etc. and even instead of lettuce, try spinach or at least a spring mix (not much more expensive - and worth it).
    (4) Try subbing something healthier for "deserts" - like greek yogurt, fruit, a small portion of 74% dark chocolate.
    .....just my modest thoughts - overall your diet looks good though!

    Thanks, this is great advice!
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    try adding more protein(:

    Any ideas on how to do this for someone who doesn't really like meat?

    She don't eatta no meat?... That's okay, I make lamb.... LOL sorry first thing that popped into my head LOL

    What about eggs? Hardboiled eggs are a great snack. Or Cheese sticks.... Protein shakes are pretty awesome too! And Cottage Cheese, greek yogurt....
  • em3120
    em3120 Posts: 154 Member
    I notice you tend to go over on the sugar. I'm seeing lots of peanut butter in your diary. Maybe you should consider PB2 or a handful of whole'll still be getting protein (and fat) but I think the hand to mouth factor is much more satisfying, and I don't think you'll have all the sugar of PB.

    On eating back your exercise calories.....opinions vary here. I tend to over estimate my food when I have to, and underestimate my exercise and then I only eat back half of the calories)

    I am a peanut butter addict, I must admit. Plus, it's been helpful in reaching my calorie goals for the day. Where do you buy PB2? I have never heard of it.
  • eyeshuh
    eyeshuh Posts: 333
    I didn't look at your diary, but wanted to point out that the "In place of a roadmap" gives you GROSS calories not NET calories... You should not be recording/eating exercise calories.

    That's only true if you use your real fitness level. I used the road map and set my TDEE to lightly active so that I could record my exercise calories. I found that to be much easier, especially since my exercise level varies from day to day.
  • em3120
    em3120 Posts: 154 Member
    I didn't look at your diary, but wanted to point out that the "In place of a roadmap" gives you GROSS calories not NET calories... You should not be recording/eating exercise calories.

    That's only true if you use your real fitness level. I used the road map and set my TDEE to lightly active so that I could record my exercise calories. I found that to be much easier, especially since my exercise level varies from day to day.

    I set my level as sedentary so I could add in my excercise calories for a more precise number as well.
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    I didn't look at your diary, but wanted to point out that the "In place of a roadmap" gives you GROSS calories not NET calories... You should not be recording/eating exercise calories.

    That's only true if you use your real fitness level. I used the road map and set my TDEE to lightly active so that I could record my exercise calories. I found that to be much easier, especially since my exercise level varies from day to day.

    I set my level as sedentary so I could add in my excercise calories for a more precise number as well.

    How precise can your number be without a HRM at this time?