Need Motivation!!

Hey y'all, ive been on here for awhile was doing so good, and then i moved back home, new job, then the holidays hit and so did the cold weather.. I have got to get my butt in gear..need friends on here to help motivate me cause i have a bad habit of making up excuses on to not work out and then get so mad at myself a few hours later when i dont have the time to do it.please help!!


  • olsondre
    olsondre Posts: 198 Member
    Welcome back!
  • atrebor18
    atrebor18 Posts: 235 Member
    I'm the same way! I'm pretty good at getting myself to make good food choices but exercising? No way, I can talk myself out of it super easily or more commonly I'll get started but then talk myself into less time or whatever. I find that I do better in group settings or with a friend because I feel obligated to keep up lol I need to learn to motivate myself
  • thisisit40
    Hey there, My story is alot like yours, did great last year, then went back to work after Mat leave and completely lost motivation. I'm back and would love to be friends:) we can do it ....again! lol
  • fourpairs
    Do I know what you are talking about. I have just starting working out and could sure use the motivation to keep me going as well. I have discovered that if I turn on the IPOD first time in the morning and try moving to the beep it helps get me started. I do fairly well most days if I get started on the right foot and don't get caught it a massive traffic backup on the way home.
  • XDiet_SlayerX
    Hello there. Coming from someone who is using myfitnesspal to gain muscle weight and who has lost weight in the past (150lbs) I am a bodybuilder who is trying to count his calories in order to bulk up or cut. I can tell you the taste of meeting our goals in life is a lot sweeter than regretting skipping out on our choices or options that will help us pursue towards our goals.
    This is what I use to keep me motivated:
    Videos: Watching Nike videos such as this
    Also buying pants that are a goal size for you in which you currently don't fit in is also motivational.
    Apps like gym pact for your phone (android and iphone compatible) will reward you with money for working out. On the other hand it will take money out of your account if you skip a workout. The payout is not that much you may make around 15 dollars max a month although it is better than you started with.
    I hope this helps.
  • johnnygoodlife
    welcome back
  • southerngirl89
    southerngirl89 Posts: 97 Member
    Thank yall... Yall are awesome!!!! Lets do this!!!
  • hoosierlad
    hoosierlad Posts: 69 Member
    The good news is're normal , and there is no bad news. We all slip and just need to start again. Life doesn't make it easy, but worthwhile to keep trying and do best we can. I'll help kick your butt when needed :0) .
  • southerngirl89
    southerngirl89 Posts: 97 Member
    Haha awesome..i will need it with lazy self
  • autumnsnow786
    autumnsnow786 Posts: 279 Member
    Hey! totally hear you. I've used this site for a couple of months, but i honestly didn't lose as much weight as I did when I started getting active in the mfp community. adding friends definitely helps with the accountability factor. feel free to add me =)
  • sshone1
    sshone1 Posts: 28 Member
    Same boat myself! Was on here and did ok but never took part in the support groups. I am doing this again but with support this time. Feel free to add me.
  • southerngirl89
    southerngirl89 Posts: 97 Member
    Sent yall a friend request :) thank you
  • wisconsinboogie
    wisconsinboogie Posts: 127 Member
    I know how it is....starting to climb back up the slippry slope that I fell offf of, works, you can add me!!
  • smallmuscleathelete
    smallmuscleathelete Posts: 186 Member
    For the last few years, I thought I can lose my "pregnancy weight" anytime if I want to... oh well, here I am :-p
    Welcome back and we'll support each other in this fun life changing journey!
    Feel free to add me
    From another Southern girl :-p
  • peachesplease
    peachesplease Posts: 14 Member
    This Northern girl is with you! Go ahead and add me, we can help each other :-)
  • southerngirl89
    southerngirl89 Posts: 97 Member
    Yay!! Yall are awesome!! So excited to start off my journey (again) with all yall
  • djames92
    djames92 Posts: 990 Member
    just like most people on here im happy to support anyone who needs it but honestly you have to motivate yourself. no one else can make you want to do this find something to do this for and use that as motivation
  • laceybrobie
    laceybrobie Posts: 495 Member
    My world is expanding as my butt is shrinking!

    haha.. this is my fav quote right now..

    just keep your goals small for now til you get moving.. 5 LB loss. check out my profile.... Alot of my new friends have taken some of my ideas and made them work them themselves...

    5 lbs to lose is much easier said and done then 25 or 100....