Starting fresh

My name is Katelyn, I am 21 years old and over the past 2 and a half years I have gained 100 pounds. I weighed 140 when I started college, now I weigh 240 pounds. I am terrified of what I have become and the health risks that come with my rapid weight gain. I have been dieting on and off but I can never really stick to anything. So today I am starting fresh, I will no longer look back and get depressed about my weight gain now I will look forward to my weight loss journey. I know now that I have to do this for my health. I do not want to keep gaining weight and suffer any more. I must admit I am scared of failing again but I know that I must overcome that and think positively. If anyone has some tips or motivation for my journey I would love to hear them.


  • thisishowIdoit
    thisishowIdoit Posts: 5 Member
    We all deserve the chance to fall down and get back up. So I will start over and over again to get where I need to be. Thank you Katelyn for your introduction. I am startign over again with a smile. I am 37 and the single mother of 4. I started a weight loss journey at the begining on 2012 where I lost 32 lbs. I was hitting the gym 5 to 7 times a week. I was so impressed with my progress. Then the gym was costing more and I was loking for a free way to maintain my weight. So I started running or walking up to 5 miles everyday. I took my dogs out and with the unusual weather we had this past year it all work out. I have struggled with the dredded 200+. I knew once I hit 200 it would take longer to get off and more work. I did get under 200 and kept it off till ... The winter came and now i'm back over 200 and very upset that I allowed this to happen. So i'm back on this horse again. Itn is tough to get motivated and stay motivated but when you have drive you got this.
    So Katelyn let me share with you a few things that did help me when I was loosing that i'm still doing.
    1. Salt it is a no,no. I moved to Ms. Dash and started just watching my sodium intake.
    2. No eating after 9: p.m. it is tough in the begining but once you start it is smooth sailing
    3. Alive muti vitamins they have 26 different fruits and vegtables that your not giving your body right now.
    4. Water if your not a big water lover Crystal Lite pick a flavor
    5. No fried or deep fried foods.. This one is tough so if you have to fry drain or catch. I have kids so for my food it sits on the colinder with a papertowel allow the grease to drain off then eat.
    6. Fiber your body will love you.
    I will not guarantee what works for me will work for everyone but if it helps then I am happy. Also a stroll around the block does wonders for your mood. Have a great day and smile..