time for new scales - recommendations?

hi all. i posted this a few minutes ago on another thread, so sorry if you get a bit of deja vu, but i wasn't sure quite where to post it to get the best chance of a good answer :)
it's time i got come new scales, so i'm looking for recommendations.
i'd like a scale that will do my weight, body fat, hydration, bone mass and muscle mass. i love data, so if it does more, all the better!
i'd like to be able to scroll back through my data after i weigh in, but don't need to be able to look back at previous weigh-ins.
i DO NOT want a model that syncs with other technology in my house!! i don't want my phone or MFP account picking up that i weighed myself, had a wee, weighed myself again, undressed for the shower, weighed myself again, managed to muster a bit more wee, weighed myself again...
only models available in Australia need apply - it's no use making me lust over some lovely gadget that's only available in Europe!
so.. any suggestions?
also, any recommendations of what NOT to buy are welcome!


  • MissSusieQ
    MissSusieQ Posts: 533 Member
  • stonel94
    stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
    Can't help you with that cause I live in America, but just google like best scales that measure ____, _____, and ____
    but be careful especially with BF% because it's usually WAY off on scales
  • Heather4275
    Heather4275 Posts: 26 Member
    The scales that have been recommended to me the most are the Fitbit Aria scales. They do some of the things that you don't want but you could always just not switch on these bits of functionality. I plan to order them when I get back to the UK.