Vegan Anyone?

I've watched Forks Over Knives and FoodMatters. It's quite interesting and because of the information given, I would like to add 2 days of vegan to my week. What do y'all think?


  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Um. Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't vegans typically have an ethical view, not a dietary (ex:for weight loss) one, and therefore are vegan 100% of the time?
  • angelicasmommy
    angelicasmommy Posts: 303 Member
    Um. Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't vegans typically have an ethical view, not a dietary (ex:for weight loss) one, and therefore are vegan 100% of the time?

    I watched Forks over Knives and Earthlings as well as Food Inc, Fat, Sick, Nearly Dead and Supersize me and I havn't touched meat since. I have been mostly vegan but have slipped here and there until the new year and I have been 100% vegan since. You don't have to be 100% vegan right away, it's very hard. Adding vegan days and working up to 100% vegan is completely fine if that's what works for you. Vegans also have many reasons for being vegan, not just ethical, even though that is usually the main reason.
  • sz8soon
    sz8soon Posts: 816 Member
    I read this thread post like she was offering it up on a dish. "I've prepare this nice vegan, Vegan anyone?
  • Gianna5587
    Gianna5587 Posts: 59 Member
    Doing what you can is better than doing nothing at all. If 2 vegan days a weeks is what you can manage for the time being then good for you!
  • consider it more unprocessed, whole grains, plant based and you can see the health value of it. we do fish 1-2x/week but then are almost exclusively vegan for health reasons. our big issue is with dairy. take that away and you already increase the nutritional value and ease of being within normal calories. you can totally do it but find recipes beforehand so you arent scrambling for food last minute and then find crap foods that are vegan versus healthy foods
  • Chewster001
    Chewster001 Posts: 201 Member
    I was a vegan for 2 years. It's the healthiest option, with far less cruelty as a bonus... You can live quite unhealthfully, though, if you eat a lot of processed fake-meats and potato chips, though, so pay attention and try to maximize the fresh fruits and veggies.
  • Um. Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't vegans typically have an ethical view, not a dietary (ex:for weight loss) one, and therefore are vegan 100% of the time?

    Nope, I eat mostly vegan (I say mostly because I'll eat dairy/eggs when I'm in a pinch like a dinner party ect) for health reasons.

    And two days is great! Check out for some meal ideas.
  • Anclote
    Anclote Posts: 43 Member
    Hey guys! I just started eating about 90% vegan as of the new year.

    I think a lot of people are afraid to commit to trying out the diet/lifestyle of no animal products precisely because of judgement about it, some of which I saw in comments previously... Of course there are some vegans who are extremely political about their beliefs and do not eat animals for ethical reasons, but they're not all like that!

    Furthermore, I think it's important to understand that everyone is different, and being 100% vegan may not be ideal for someone, but that doesn't mean he/she wouldn't benefit by consciously eating vegan 2 or three times a week! I say, go for it. And don't listen to the people who judge you about not going 100% vegan. Every little bit helps, and at times the best way to stick with some things, especially a diet overhaul, is by easing into them and figuring out what works for you.

    Being 2/7ths vegan is a lovely goal and I commend you for your actions!

    An x
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    not eating any animal products is great to me, even if its 2 meals, 2 days, or permanently. been vegan 8 years now. if you are doing veganism for health reasons, its called be a strict vegetarian. as long as people dont shove their you have to be a carnivore beliefs down my throat im good, as i would never do it to anybody, no matter how hard they try. if you need any help, advice, or anything else, feel free to friend me. great luck to you.

    plus eating as natural as possible is great as well.
  • freckles_cmj
    freckles_cmj Posts: 205 Member
    Um. Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't vegans typically have an ethical view, not a dietary (ex:for weight loss) one, and therefore are vegan 100% of the time?

    Well you are both correct and incorrect as I see it. I personally went vegan for both health and ethical reasons...they are both equally important to me.
    for people who embrace a vegan lifestyle from a purely ethical standpoint, SOME may take issue with the use of the word vegan in this context, because it is a lifestyle, and encompasses more than just ones diet. The term "plant based" would be more accurate to describe if you are choosing to eat "vegan" just a few days or part of the time.
    I personally have no issue with it only because I know it is so much easier to get people to understand you using the word vegan. However it does irk me a little when people who still consume animal products call themselves vegan when they are not. :happy:

    now to the OP : Good for you! I watched those movies and they really helped me transition to vegan from ovo-lacto vegetarian.
    A great place to start for recipes is She has some delicious recipes on her site!
    My diet is based on whole grains, beans and vegetables. My diary is open, and I am more than happy to help with questions :)
    I hope you love it enough you choose to join us full time...I feel SO SO much better without the dairy in my diet..its literally amazing!
  • freckles_cmj
    freckles_cmj Posts: 205 Member
    Hey guys! I just started eating about 90% vegan as of the new year.

    I think a lot of people are afraid to commit to trying out the diet/lifestyle of no animal products precisely because of judgement about it, some of which I saw in comments previously... Of course there are some vegans who are extremely political about their beliefs and do not eat animals for ethical reasons, but they're not all like that!

    Furthermore, I think it's important to understand that everyone is different, and being 100% vegan may not be ideal for someone, but that doesn't mean he/she wouldn't benefit by consciously eating vegan 2 or three times a week! I say, go for it. And don't listen to the people who judge you about not going 100% vegan. Every little bit helps, and at times the best way to stick with some things, especially a diet overhaul, is by easing into them and figuring out what works for you.

    Being 2/7ths vegan is a lovely goal and I commend you for your actions!

    An x

    the judgmental people is by far the HARDEST part about being a vegan. The food part...that was easy!! :)
  • thevegangladiator
    thevegangladiator Posts: 33 Member
    lowfat vegan is the best thing ever done for my health. keeps you learn no matter how many calories you eat or how much exercise you do. diary is open.
  • Miz_Anthropy
    Miz_Anthropy Posts: 6 Member
    This is a good thread. Thanks everyone! I have been transitioning to vegan, but I don't like the label. Mostly because I do not intend to completely give up animal products forever. I may occasionally eat dairy or fish, and I still eat honey with my Apple Cider Vinegar. I like "Plant Based" term better.

    The most exciting thing has been exploring new recipes and keeping my weekend menu delicious and interesting.
  • demelza123
    demelza123 Posts: 66 Member
    Dr. Joel Fuhrman who is a very big advocate for Plant Based diet - for many reasons, but mostly for your long term health (check out his PBS tv show, also on Doctor Oz last week) - but I say if you want try it, do it. Just don't make your diet 'carb' heavy or as they call it "carbatarian" - that may slow down your weight loss. Good luck !
  • freckles_cmj
    freckles_cmj Posts: 205 Member
    Dr. Joel Fuhrman who is a very big advocate for Plant Based diet - for many reasons, but mostly for your long term health (check out his PBS tv show, also on Doctor Oz last week) - but I say if you want try it, do it. Just don't make your diet 'carb' heavy or as they call it "carbatarian" - that may slow down your weight loss. Good luck !

    Well considering plants are largely carbs it is pretty hard not to consume a lot of them on a plant based diet. It is possible however to be a "junk food vegan" which is never good...french fries and oreos are vegan and that would be bad, but a potato and plate of fruit would not.
  • mynika0524
    mynika0524 Posts: 51 Member
    Thank you much. Reason why I want to do this is for my health. I want to be healthy and have as much natural food intake as I can.

    2x a week will be a beginning for me.

    Again, thank you. I don't pay any mind to those with rude sarcastic comments :)
  • mynika0524
    mynika0524 Posts: 51 Member
    Hey guys! I just started eating about 90% vegan as of the new year.

    I think a lot of people are afraid to commit to trying out the diet/lifestyle of no animal products precisely because of judgement about it, some of which I saw in comments previously... Of course there are some vegans who are extremely political about their beliefs and do not eat animals for ethical reasons, but they're not all like that!

    Furthermore, I think it's important to understand that everyone is different, and being 100% vegan may not be ideal for someone, but that doesn't mean he/she wouldn't benefit by consciously eating vegan 2 or three times a week! I say, go for it. And don't listen to the people who judge you about not going 100% vegan. Every little bit helps, and at times the best way to stick with some things, especially a diet overhaul, is by easing into them and figuring out what works for you.

    Being 2/7ths vegan is a lovely goal and I commend you for your actions!

    An x

    Thank you much. Reason why I want to do this is for my health. I want to be healthy and have as much natural food intake as I can.

    2x a week will be a beginning for me.

    Again, thank you. I don't pay any mind to those with rude sarcastic comments :)
  • mynika0524
    mynika0524 Posts: 51 Member