Being part of a community....

The message boards that I have been reading this morning are very timely and motivating. I look forward to getting to know some of you and I am looking forward to hearing your stories.

I've been counting calories and exercising for about a week. I haven't lost a pound. I woke up this morning frustrated. In my heart I know that if I stick with this, the pounds will start to come off. My head however is filling up with all kinds of negative stuff.....

My story-

I didn't have a weight problem growing up. I thought I had a weight problem, but looking back at pictures, I didn't. I am 5'7" and until the 1990's always weighed between 135 and 145 pounds. Then I had a baby. I stopped looking at my weight gain in the doctor's office after the scale hit 200 pounds. I have been on one diet after another for 15 years. I have lost and gained 50 pounds at least 3 times. This year that stops. I want to lose weight and keep it off forever.

I just turned 51. If I don't get in shape now, then when. It is time. As a teenager I loved to run. Over the last couple of years, I had convinced myself that running was something that I used to do.... pffff. No more of this negative talk. I am healthy and I CAN run if I set my mind to it.

I want to get involved in this community. I've never participated in online forums or blogged (they seem so personal....) but, here it goes.


  • GCanha
    GCanha Posts: 66 Member
    It's never to late to start- welcome to MFP.

    I had a similar experience- when I look back at pictures I never realized how thin I was, but after getting and two kids, I didn't recognize myself anymore.

    So I decided to stop making excuses- everything I put in my mouth was in my control- being healthy was up to me. And now, making the right choices (which used to be so hard) has become second nature

    And you can do it too!

    Best of Luck!
  • mrsjas2000
    mrsjas2000 Posts: 908 Member
    welcome to you, I am losing slower than I want but I know this time it won't come back on, you can add me if you like we can support eachother
  • hoosierlad
    hoosierlad Posts: 69 Member
    Stick with it and give it time. Depending on what type of exercise you are doing, you might see temporary weight gain (muscle vs. fat). You might see positive results in how clothes fit ..ala skinny jeans :-) ..before you see significant weight loss. Don't make it a burden...make it a lifestyle and fun.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,131 Member
    Keep busy! Those negative thoughts won't have anywhere to take hold.

    I would just say (about forums and blogging) that any online forum can be a great mirror into yourself. There are all kinds of people on them - just like a slice of real life. You have to learn to take what you want and leave the rest. There are a lot of nice people on this site, and everyone can use it the way they want.

    Also, anything you say here and any pictures you post can be read by anyone with internet access, and your pictures can be taken and used in other places, just a little head's up. People seem to think that this is somehow a private site and only members can read this. Not true. You can make your blog here "Private" and you can make your profile page private...but your posts in the forums are open to the world.
  • murphyannette
    Hi my name is Annette and I will be 51 this year also. I started to lose weight not because of what I use to do...i.e. use to dance, play softball, etc., I am losing weight because I don't want to die because I chose to continue an unhealthy lifestyle with food. I want to live to see my grandchildren get married, etc., and having so many immediate family members die of heart diease, strokes, heart attacks, etc., has made me start to think differently about how I live my life with food and NO exercise. I have high blood pressure, I'm overweight, and I smoke...I am killing myself slowly, so I decided to change. I am learning to live and eat more healthy, and pray for me because I can't smoke and I might not be a great person to live for a couple of weeks...but the end result will be worth smoking, slimer, and healther!

    Today I do not say I'm on a diet, I eat healthier and smaller portions. Is is hard..yes, but I have a husband, kids, and grandkids who love me dearly...who supports me in my healthier lifestyle...more importantly I believe you can do anything you put your mind to do...why beacuse you are a woman and WOMEN RULE! Good luck! I'll pray fo ryou and I pray you pray for me...
  • TeBar
    TeBar Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you for the heads up! Didn't know that...