Cutting out Soft Drinks

Last year I cut out drinks for 4 months completely, but then I let myself slowly go back to it...and it caused my fall back into them. I think I use them as a source of energy and a possible quick comfort-thing, and I really need this to stop.

I enjoy Green Tea, do you think if I switch it for Cola that it might help?


  • Since I posted this very late last night, I thought I would just bump this to see if I receive any advice on this matter.
  • Switching to Green Tea is what helped me cut soda out of my diet. I got the flavor, and the caffiene that I needed. When I am at work, I generally drink Diet Lipton Green Tea with Citrus. Its refreshing and I don't get soda cravings :)
  • You need to try Advocare has as much caffeine as a cup of coffee and packed full of vitamins and nutrients. It will kick your sodas to the curb!
  • dawningr
    dawningr Posts: 387 Member
    Nada.. There's nothing that takes the place of soda. I stopped cold turkey on the 2nd. I still have coffee in the AM so no caffeine withdrawls. And honestly, I miss it every day. But reading up on how detrimental to my health it is, I couldn't continue drinking it, even diet.
  • Razbet
    Razbet Posts: 14 Member
    Wish I liked coffee or teas. But I LOVE soda! that said I am pretty sure it is playing havoc with my body. So I have decided to get rid of it. Kinda like stopping smoking. :) Crystal Light here I come!
  • schicksa
    schicksa Posts: 123 Member
    Sparkling H20 is my go-to soda replacement.
  • So I used todrink sparkling water, with a packed of stevia and fresh lemon wedges, seriously taste like sprite. My husband was actually drinking it with me.
  • Luvmesumkenny
    Luvmesumkenny Posts: 779 Member
    Im a CHERRY COKE ZERO *kitten*!!!!
    Instead of drinking a 6pk which I very easily could... I now drink 2-3 MAX!
    It's called Enjoying what you Love In Moderation. :happy:
  • zmoreno10
    zmoreno10 Posts: 69 Member
    Club soda with a wedge of lime is my drink of choice... I will drink that all day
  • aetna12
    aetna12 Posts: 2 Member
    I just cut out sodas completely two weeks ago. I have since gone to mainly just water, with a coffee in the morning. I drink the occasionally cranberry juice, or sometimes fresh squeezed juice if I am craving the sweet stuff. It actually has bothered me less than what I thought it would.
  • notreallytrillian
    notreallytrillian Posts: 77 Member
    I switched from soda to green tea. It definitely helped. Just be careful not to drink too much green tea, as I have heard that overconsumption can make it more difficult for your body to process iron properly.
  • LadyBeryl
    LadyBeryl Posts: 344 Member
    So I used todrink sparkling water, with a packed of stevia and fresh lemon wedges, seriously taste like sprite. My husband was actually drinking it with me.
    This but I use SodaStream to put the fizzy in my water. I also use some of the SodaStream flavors. They use Splenda now but they say they will offer Stevia flavors in the spring. :drinker:
  • rocket_ace
    rocket_ace Posts: 380 Member
    I don't think even club soda is good for you - but certainly can help as you are weaning off, and also ok on occasion - but then a nice full sugar coke is ok once in a blue moon. just most days it should be water.
  • Dimples1975
    Dimples1975 Posts: 65 Member
    Me too...I love Cherry Coke Zero. I know it's not the best choice but as you said...all is good in moderation.
  • Generally, all soda is bad, even diet soda. There are so many chemicals in them, and the artificial sweeteners in the diet soda seems to make me crave things more. The BEST beverage you can choose is water, I know that it is boring, but you can spice it up a little by adding lemon or lime, Ice cold water is very satisfying and also seems to keep your appetite at bay between meals.

    Skszalai :flowerforyou:

    Good Luck
  • CharliesInCharge
    CharliesInCharge Posts: 278 Member
    no soda for me since 8/4/12. wont say ive quit because i dont want to lie to myself. But coming here and watching calories made a point to me.. i dont drink coffee but would have a mountain dew like every morning on the way in to work and then maybe 1-2 more.. It was so many "empty calories" against my calorie allowance .. besides the fact of all the carbs and sugar

    i still at random times have the cravings

    but basically i am down to water, and 1% milk and the occasional green tea now for drinks

    considering switching for some things to almond milk as i had that in a protein drink fixed for me and didnt mind it as much as id thought i would.

    for a soda holic its a daily battle but it does get easier.. but never goes away entirely
  • sz8soon
    sz8soon Posts: 816 Member
    I'm a Dr. Pepper addict. For me it's not about cutting it out completely, I don't want to and don't feel I need to. But I do drink it in moderation. Instead of multiple times a day- it's one or two a week. I've tried the cold turkey elimination dand was successful, but realized I can be just as successful without giving up something I truly like.

    I do give myself a rule that I am not to drink any soda unless I've fulfilled my water needs though. Just incentive to drink my water is all :o)
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    I am a green tea freak, although I make my own blends. I use loose green tea, and add things like mint, cinnamon, chamomile, etc.

    I try to brew a pot every night and then bring it to work with me to drink.

    I don't really miss my diet soda, but then, I only had one Pepsi Max per day...but how I loved them. :)
  • Speaking as someone that goes through this at least twice a year..... you will always miss your pop, at least i do.... no matter what i drink i always think about having a coke, but at the end of the day its not good for us and we need to cut it out or at least limit it and to replace it with a green tea is a great idea.... i drink pomegrante white tea from Tim Hortons or tetley has anice asian plum wite tea!!!! Good Luck!!!! I need to tackle my pop intake again.... its so hard tho because the caffeine withdrawls kicks my butt!!!!!
  • operator646
    operator646 Posts: 155 Member
    I have loved soda my entire life, but since having VGS surgery have not had a drop. I am surprised how I hardly ever miss it. Now I stick to alot of crystal light, decaf tea and coffee (also so unlike the old me). I feel alot better and think this is part of the reason. My dietician says never go back to drinking those things and I hope I don't fall back into the habit.