are supoplements safe?

Ive always used whey protein before and after workouts but i recently started using creatine. are there any long term effects that i should be alarmed by? ive researched it extensively and every article i find on it is very unclear about whetther its safe or not


  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    if you aren't noticing any ill effects, then it is fine. a lot of people seem to have problems trying to use creatine, like stomach pain or dehydration or some such.
  • cpagano68
    cpagano68 Posts: 9 Member
    and yes im aware of the typo
  • cpagano68
    cpagano68 Posts: 9 Member
    i havent had any pain or hydration problems (although that is credited to the fact that i drink at least a gallon of water per day) but some people cringe when i tell them becuse they say its bad for you but others say its good. so like i said, noone has a clear cut answer as to whether or not its safe
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    it is safe. it is already in food (mostly red meat)
  • cpagano68
    cpagano68 Posts: 9 Member
    thats what i wanted to be told lol. thanks
  • notthatthis
    Sports science, science and basically scientists seem to think it is very safe. Some people do not respond to creatine. Some people get upset stomachs and the runs but that is usually due to not dissolving the product properlybefore ingesting.

    Where are you getting the "no way" information from?
  • Troublemonster
    Troublemonster Posts: 223 Member
    Creatine is one of the most often studied supplements and to my knowledge has been proven safe over and over again. 1 word of caution, when you first start creatine you are likely to pick up some water weight. Keep drinking as much water as you do and it should not be a problem for you as your body will continue to process water at hyper speed but some people get freaked out by it.

    There are a million different kinds out there, I am currently using creatine monohydrate from GNC and have no complaints whatsoever. I am taking about 5g per day and usually just mix it into my protein shake post workout.

    If you really want to get an argument going ask about whether or not you have to do a loading phase and whether or not you need to cycle it.
  • Sycoholic
    Sycoholic Posts: 282 Member
    I was reading Muscle & Fitness and remember them saying Creatine is one of the most studied supplements. Now with that, you'll need to drink more water and your body will be storing more water. You can also expect it to give your muscles a more smoothed over look due to this. However, it is the number one supplement to increase strength gains. Protein (particularly whey) is great for recovery as your body needs it to repair damaged muscle fibers. I take whey protein and N.O.Fury. The whey for recovery and meal replacement and the N.O.Fury because I like the way it makes me feel. There's no evidence that it will increase muscle gains but since it dilates your blood vessels which could speed recovery, lower blood pressure, and hey, I haven't had a migraine in months now!!! It's two amino acids which are a precursor to nitric oxide. It basically fuels your body to create more nitric oxide.

    I am actually going to start creatine next week. I've taken it before and liked the results.
  • moustache_flavored_lube
    This is a good synopsis

    My take Creatine is reasonably safe, it does make a small but noticeable difference